Michelle Wolf is a **** and her skit shows why our democracy is failing

Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.

The farmer of Obamacare said the successful passsage of the landmark legislation was dependent on people being dumb; stupid to be exact.
That farmer was just sowing seeds of discontent...

So is the framer, and the architect..... they are all one in the same who believed the underlying success of Obamacare was rooted in the stupidity of those that supported it.
On the one hand, the jokes weren't funny.

On the other hand, she is basically just talking the same way Trump talks about people. He attacks them personally, attacks their looks, and says outrageous, shocking things for publicity. The only difference is, Trump lies more.

So can you really criticize her for doing the same thing that Trump does, as a Trump supporter? She is just following the president's example.
The Ironic thing is democrats always claim to be better...and they never are.
She has no business trashing another woman's appearance since she clearly doesn't own a mirror.
Not B.E.C. AM?

Since the US has only been around since oh let's say 1790.......And then there was no democracy then, on the federal level....England was a democracy for a couple of years after the execution of the King and the takeover by the Puritans during the Civil War in the 16th century..

There was clearly a lot of brutality under this British Capitalist Democracy, they pushed on massive famine genocides in India, and Ireland, many millions perished.

Oh, and did I mention Hitler was elected in by Democracy?
Oh, and did I mention Hitler was elected in by Democracy?

Like Trump.

Using constitutional means to promote racism. Interesting.
This is a really weird thread consolidation. I'm not getting how the two relate.
You’re right. It should be about right-wing snowflakes having hissy-fits over comedians.

No Moon Bat, it should be about the mindless hate of the filthy Liberals. This was not a Party of Moon Bats convention where it is expected to be hateful, stupid and vicious. It suppose to have been a dinner of unbiased reporters. Do you understand the difference?

Those assholes used the guise of comedy to mask their hate against a President that is making their worthless affirmative action Negro look incompetent and they don't get to hide behind it.

Every person in that audiences should have either booed or got up and walked out when the kunt started her vicious attack.

Of course since the audience was made up of mostly assholes Libtards then they didn't have the class to do the right thing.

Shame on them!
This is a really weird thread consolidation. I'm not getting how the two relate.
You’re right. It should be about right-wing snowflakes having hissy-fits over comedians.

No Moon Bat, it should be about the mindless hate of the filthy Liberals. This was not a Party of Moon Bats convention where it is expected to be hateful, stupid and vicious. It suppose to have been a dinner of unbiased reporters. Do you understand the difference?

Those assholes used the guise of comedy to mask their hate against a President that is making their worthless affirmative action Negro look incompetent and they don't get to hide behind it.

Every person in that audiences should have either booed or got up and walked out when the kunt started her vicious attack.

Of course since the audience was made up of mostly assholes Libtards then they didn't have the class to do the right thing.

Shame on them!
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2

Have you not been reading what's on this forum?

People insult each other all the time. And Trump INSULTED her. And has insulted people for years.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 8m8 minutes ago

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it. This was a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for. FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented on Saturday night!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 19m19 minutes ago

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it. This was a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for. FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented on Saturday night!
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2

No, it shows our Democracy is actually succeeding. One of the principles of our democracy is the Freedom of speech. The left is showing their true colors because of that freedom, and they are UGLY and HYPOCRITICAL, even when the camera's are on them.

I personally love it. Especially when the comic made fun of a dead women who endured and agonizing death. Can you get any more heartless than that. AND THE CROWD CHEERED!

Keep it up Dem's, you are insuring your own demise.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 8m8 minutes ago

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it. This was a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for. FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented on Saturday night!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 19m19 minutes ago

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it. This was a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for. FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented on Saturday night!
Conservatives are such Snowflakes
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 8m8 minutes ago

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it. This was a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for. FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented on Saturday night!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 19m19 minutes ago

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it. This was a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for. FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented on Saturday night!
Conservatives are such Snowflakes

Thanks for the comment Petunia
Well it certainly isn't the America i remember growing up in, civility is at a premium , our liberties and freedoms are circling the drain, our Congress is bought, our media lacks depth ,our military occupies countries we don't even read about, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer...and every fool occupying the offal office dangling some lame creedo like 'hope & change' 'or MAGA' assumes a gaggle of followers like the pied piper.

good luck kiddies!


You are confused.

Actually MAGA means to drain the swamp and correct the things listed in your post.

Trump IS the swamp

Is that the best you got? It's Bottom Feeders like you who have make this country the way it is today!
Well it certainly isn't the America i remember growing up in, civility is at a premium , our liberties and freedoms are circling the drain, our Congress is bought, our media lacks depth ,our military occupies countries we don't even read about, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer...and every fool occupying the offal office dangling some lame creedo like 'hope & change' 'or MAGA' assumes a gaggle of followers like the pied piper.

good luck kiddies!


You are confused.

Actually MAGA means to drain the swamp and correct the things listed in your post.

Trump IS the swamp

Is that the best you got? It's Bottom Feeders like you who have make this country the way it is today!

Fat Donnie claimed he would clean the swamp

Trump cleans the swamp he appointed on a weekly basis
Liberals are always hateful assholes.

The WHCA hatefest was just another example of the Moon Bats being assholes.

The same assholes that sat their ucking up the vile hate are the same Liberal assholes that brings us the fake news.
Liberals are always hateful assholes.

The WHCA hatefest was just another example of the Moon Bats being assholes.

The same assholes that sat their ucking up the vile hate are the same Liberal assholes that brings us the fake news.

Bush 43 was man enough to attend
Fat Donnie has to schedule a pep rally to stroke his injured ego

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