Michelle Wolf is a **** and her skit shows why our democracy is failing

The inherent flaw with a democracy is that it's reliant upon a largely ignorant and stupid populace to choose their leaders.

And their mods. :lol:

BTW, the American public has been dumbed down by the government schools...it wasn't always like this. The charter schools are making good progress in saving this generation of children from the Stalinist left, who's every intention is to produce voters who know anything or believe in anything but the state.

Like the welfare food stamps capital of the U.S.A called Kiryas Joel, where almost everybody's in private school Yeshivas?
Sad Trump wouldn't come and participate in good fun. .
Sad that the participants had no intention of good fun, only pure hate
She was ringing all the familiar bells we hear here and on the cable news and in op ed articles. I don't know that it was hate; I suppose it would seem that way to you as a hater of liberals, but the only participant who felt that way -- if she did -- was Wolf.
There are few things worse than a selectively self-righteous prig.
Since I don't like you, I will report you if you continue to troll. So shut the fuck up.
Listen sister, I have a decidedly low opinion you as well, but I have never used profanity personally, and never reported anyone for any reason. Besides, are you really saying you're not an annoying self-righteous prig?
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2
I never heard of her. Thanks for pointing this out; much of her act was pretty funny.

Well it certainly isn't the America i remember growing up in, civility is at a premium , our liberties and freedoms are circling the drain, our Congress is bought, our media lacks depth ,our military occupies countries we don't even read about, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer...and every fool occupying the offal office dangling some lame creedo like 'hope & change' 'or MAGA' assumes a gaggle of followers like the pied piper.

good luck kiddies!


You are confused.

Actually MAGA means to drain the swamp and correct the things listed in your post.

I really don't see him doing anything noteworthy ,other than his twitter lip service

He's no different than Obama in many respects

Not B.E.C. AM?

Since the US has only been around since oh let's say 1790.......And then there was no democracy then, on the federal level....England was a democracy for a couple of years after the execution of the King and the takeover by the Puritans during the Civil War in the 16th century..

There was clearly a lot of brutality under this British Capitalist Democracy, they pushed on massive famine genocides in India, and Ireland, many millions perished.

Oh, and did I mention Hitler was elected in by Democracy?
Like Trump.

I don't particularly like Trump, perhaps only a bit more than Hillary.

However, what did Trump do that's so bad, thus far?

I will admit Trump runs his mouth off way too much, but when it comes to foreign policy, thus far nothing too tragic has happened.
Wait until October, a few weeks before November.
Trump and the GOP ended healthcare subsidies. In October, we find out how many more than the 20 millions who are losing healthcare that we know about so far. With that many people losing their healthcare, who knows how much that cost will go up on everyone else. Most of those losing are Trump voters. Is that justice?

He hasn't helped the 100,000 in Flint whose water is dirty.

Millions in Puerto Rico still have no electricity.

He has made enemies of our friends.

The US is no longer the leader of the free world.

He has lied to the American people.

He called Nazi's "good people".

He slandered women he assaulted.

The list is endless.

Puerto Rico being a U.S.A territory is a great mistake.

Flint started in 2014, what was Obama doing all those years, eh?

So, if Trump's not the leader of the free World, who is, exactly?

I certainly don't like Trump as a "Character" for the most part, except sometimes he's funny like when he called Kim the rocket man.
The inherent flaw with a democracy is that it's reliant upon a largely ignorant and stupid populace to choose their leaders.
And the reason it is used, is that even ignorant and dumb people (which is only some of them) choosing their own leaders, though they sometimes make mistakes (see "Obama", "Clinton" etc.) do it better on average than any other method of choosing leaders. This has been historically true for millennia.

Didn't expanding voting rights to Women, and Blacks only speed up Liberalism for the U.S.A, significantly?
I thought her act sucked and was inappropriate for the press dinner

She demonstrated why Trump won’t come. Those dinners used to take jabs at the president all in fun
This was just nasty
That isn't why Trump wouldn't come, though, is it? No one expected her to perform the way she did. CNN even let her "fucks" on the air without bleeping.
This is like some of the more stellar bombs during Superbowl halftime performances--it will be corrected next year.
Sad Trump wouldn't come and participate in good fun. During the Obama years, it used to have some pretty funny moments.

I'm shocked and disappointed to read you refer to it as "good fun". I guess your taste is all in your mouth.
It would have (hopefully) been different if he had been there. No, I didn't think Wolf's bit was in good fun, which I've already said about three gazillion times.
Um. No you didn't. You said Sarah needs to get a funny bone. You, who hang out in the basement and participates in the same kind of disgusting behavior. Just stfu and go back to the sewer.
I see. So "Sarah needs to get a funny bone" is far and away more disgusting than when I called Wolf's schtick a "stellar bomb," "Wolf failed to be funny," "No, I don't think Wolf's bit was in good fun," etc., etc.? Whatever, Gracie. I didn't like Wolf's comedy routine; I just don't know that it was quite as bad as some folks here are claiming. I always like to piss off as many people as possible in any given thread, so don't be surprised that I try to moderate what seems like overreactions.
I thought her act sucked and was inappropriate for the press dinner

She demonstrated why Trump won’t come. Those dinners used to take jabs at the president all in fun
This was just nasty
That isn't why Trump wouldn't come, though, is it? No one expected her to perform the way she did. CNN even let her "fucks" on the air without bleeping.
This is like some of the more stellar bombs during Superbowl halftime performances--it will be corrected next year.
Sad Trump wouldn't come and participate in good fun. During the Obama years, it used to have some pretty funny moments.

I'm shocked and disappointed to read you refer to it as "good fun". I guess your taste is all in your mouth.
It would have (hopefully) been different if he had been there. No, I didn't think Wolf's bit was in good fun, which I've already said about three gazillion times.
Um. No you didn't. You said Sarah needs to get a funny bone. You, who hang out in the basement and participates in the same kind of disgusting behavior. Just stfu and go back to the sewer.
I see. So "Sarah needs to get a funny bone" is far and away more disgusting than when I called Wolf's schtick a "stellar bomb," "Wolf failed to be funny," "No, I don't think Wolf's bit was in good fun," etc., etc.? Whatever, Gracie. I didn't like Wolf's comedy routine; I just don't know that it was quite as bad as some folks here are claiming. I always like to piss off as many people as possible in any given thread, so don't be surprised that I try to moderate what seems like overreactions.

Of course you do.

Meanwhile, bugger off.
Well it certainly isn't the America i remember growing up in, civility is at a premium , our liberties and freedoms are circling the drain, our Congress is bought, our media lacks depth ,our military occupies countries we don't even read about, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer...and every fool occupying the offal office dangling some lame creedo like 'hope & change' 'or MAGA' assumes a gaggle of followers like the pied piper.

good luck kiddies!


You are confused.

Actually MAGA means to drain the swamp and correct the things listed in your post.

I really don't see him doing anything noteworthy ,other than his twitter lip service

He's no different than Obama in many respects


Your idea of "noteworthy" and the rest of America may be a little different.

Sealing the border, denuclearizing the Korean Penesulua, rebuilding the US military, significant deregulation, reduction in welfare and tax cuts are all pretty damn noteworthy to a lot of people.

After eight years of that Obama failure it is good to have somebody actually doing the right thing. Thank god he was elected rather than that Crooked Hillary piece of shit.
Well it certainly isn't the America i remember growing up in, civility is at a premium , our liberties and freedoms are circling the drain, our Congress is bought, our media lacks depth ,our military occupies countries we don't even read about, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer...and every fool occupying the offal office dangling some lame creedo like 'hope & change' 'or MAGA' assumes a gaggle of followers like the pied piper.

good luck kiddies!


You are confused.

Actually MAGA means to drain the swamp and correct the things listed in your post.

I really don't see him doing anything noteworthy ,other than his twitter lip service

He's no different than Obama in many respects


Your idea of "noteworthy" and the rest of America may be a little different.

Sealing the border, denuclearizing the Korean Penesulua, rebuilding the US military, significant deregulation, reduction in welfare and tax cuts are all pretty damn noteworthy to a lot of people.

After eight years of that Obama failure it is good to have somebody actually doing the right thing. Thank god he was elected rather than that Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

Well, I'd agree with some things here.

But, I don't know how you'd figure there's a "Rebuilding of a US military"

The U.S.A spends nearly 1/2 of the World's military budget.

LOL, are we trying to takeover the World, or what?

(Looking at U.S.A military being scattered in bases all over the World)

Yeah, it's a little nerve-wracking.
I thought her act sucked and was inappropriate for the press dinner

She demonstrated why Trump won’t come. Those dinners used to take jabs at the president all in fun
This was just nasty
That isn't why Trump wouldn't come, though, is it? No one expected her to perform the way she did. CNN even let her "fucks" on the air without bleeping.
This is like some of the more stellar bombs during Superbowl halftime performances--it will be corrected next year.
Sad Trump wouldn't come and participate in good fun. During the Obama years, it used to have some pretty funny moments.
Trump wins

He claimed the press correspondents dinner was a partisan attack event. It used to be all in fun with the President getting his own barbs
Last night was crude and personal

Now Trump gets to say he was right
Well, it was unfortunate, but even if it hadn't been, Trump would have found a way to make it so.
It is well known that Trump has no sense of humor.
He makes awkward jokes about others but acts like a child when he is the butt of jokes

Past Presidents who attended this event made self depreciating jokes. Something Trump is incapable of
Past presidents were capable of being president, Trump isn't.
I thought her act sucked and was inappropriate for the press dinner

She demonstrated why Trump won’t come. Those dinners used to take jabs at the president all in fun
This was just nasty
That isn't why Trump wouldn't come, though, is it? No one expected her to perform the way she did. CNN even let her "fucks" on the air without bleeping.
This is like some of the more stellar bombs during Superbowl halftime performances--it will be corrected next year.
Sad Trump wouldn't come and participate in good fun. During the Obama years, it used to have some pretty funny moments.

I'm shocked and disappointed to read you refer to it as "good fun". I guess your taste is all in your mouth.
It would have (hopefully) been different if he had been there. No, I didn't think Wolf's bit was in good fun, which I've already said about three gazillion times.
Um. No you didn't. You said Sarah needs to get a funny bone. You, who hang out in the basement and participates in the same kind of disgusting behavior. Just stfu and go back to the sewer.
Sarah could do her job much better if she had a sense of humor

The angry school marm look gets tiresome
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2
I never heard of her. Thanks for pointing this out; much of her act was pretty funny.

Wapo.com has the entire transcript. It’s much funnier when you read it. Her voice detracts from the jokes.
I thought her act sucked and was inappropriate for the press dinner

She demonstrated why Trump won’t come. Those dinners used to take jabs at the president all in fun
This was just nasty
That isn't why Trump wouldn't come, though, is it? No one expected her to perform the way she did. CNN even let her "fucks" on the air without bleeping.
This is like some of the more stellar bombs during Superbowl halftime performances--it will be corrected next year.
Sad Trump wouldn't come and participate in good fun. During the Obama years, it used to have some pretty funny moments.
Trump wins

He claimed the press correspondents dinner was a partisan attack event. It used to be all in fun with the President getting his own barbs
Last night was crude and personal

Now Trump gets to say he was right
Well, it was unfortunate, but even if it hadn't been, Trump would have found a way to make it so.
It is well known that Trump has no sense of humor.
He makes awkward jokes about others but acts like a child when he is the butt of jokes

Past Presidents who attended this event made self depreciating jokes. Something Trump is incapable of
Past presidents were capable of being president, Trump isn't.
Trump is a different type of American

He does not interact well with other people. He considers himself and his family superior to others and bristles at any close, personal contact
His difficulties with women are well documented and reflect in his choice of girlfriends and marriage partners
Flint started in 2014, what was Obama doing all those years, eh?
Respecting States Rights?

Well, I don't know?

Dean spoke of Trump ignoring Flint too much.

But, why would there be a Flint disaster post Obama, if Obama was the first to have the Flint disaster under him?

Maybe you should go have a talk with Dean?
Did my post go over your head? It’s not a Federal issue, it’s a Michigan issue. "Conservatives" constantly bitch about the Feds interfering in State business. That is until Obama leaves it to Michigan to fix the mess that they, all by themselves, made. Then it’s his fault for not superseding State authority.
Flint started in 2014, what was Obama doing all those years, eh?
Respecting States Rights?

Well, I don't know?

Dean spoke of Trump ignoring Flint too much.

But, why would there be a Flint disaster post Obama, if Obama was the first to have the Flint disaster under him?

Maybe you should go have a talk with Dean?
Did my post go over your head? It’s not a Federal issue, it’s a Michigan issue. "Conservatives" constantly bitch about the Feds interfering in State business. That is until Obama leaves it to Michigan to fix the mess that they, all by themselves, made. Then it’s his fault for not superseding State authority.

1.) Well, if it's a Michigan issue, why did Dean make a big deal of Trump not supporting Flint?

2.) I'm not really a Conservative, and don't support small government, In fact I'm more of a Fascist, did that one go over your head?

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