Michelle Wolf is a **** and her skit shows why our democracy is failing

This is a really weird thread consolidation. I'm not getting how the two relate.
You’re right. It should be about right-wing snowflakes having hissy-fits over comedians.

No Moon Bat, it should be about the mindless hate of the filthy Liberals. This was not a Party of Moon Bats convention where it is expected to be hateful, stupid and vicious. It suppose to have been a dinner of unbiased reporters. Do you understand the difference?

Those assholes used the guise of comedy to mask their hate against a President that is making their worthless affirmative action Negro look incompetent and they don't get to hide behind it.

Every person in that audiences should have either booed or got up and walked out when the kunt started her vicious attack.

Of course since the audience was made up of mostly assholes Libtards then they didn't have the class to do the right thing.

Shame on them!
Imus did it to the Clintons. Everyone lived. It's not just libtards that cross the line at times. Take a deep breath and get over it.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner


When the Radio-Television Correspondents Association invited Don Imus, the WFAN radio morning man in New York, to be the after-dinner speaker at its annual gala on Thursday night in Washington, members knew how uninhibited his barbs could be. And how well informed; Mr. Imus is as well known for being obsessed with politics as for being a so-called shock jock.

But the correspondents apparently got more than they bargained for when Mr. Imus made fun of President Clinton's supposed extramarital affairs and Hillary Clinton's legal problems -- with both the President and the First Lady sitting on the dais as he spoke.

The remarks were deemed so insulting that the association sent a letter of apology to the Clintons yesterday, and Michael D. McCurry, the President's press secretary, asked C-Span, the cable network that routinely rebroadcasts Washington events, to refrain from retransmitting this one.

At C-Span, the vice president for programming, Terry Murphy, said the dinner speech would be rebroadcast, tonight at 8, as scheduled. Then, Mr. Murphy -- who is also the chairman of the correspondents association -- signed the letter apologizing to the Clintons.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner

Here's his routine. CSPAN vids won't copy, but it's at this link.
3-21-96 Don Imus clip | User Clip | C-SPAN.org
This is a really weird thread consolidation. I'm not getting how the two relate.
You’re right. It should be about right-wing snowflakes having hissy-fits over comedians.

No Moon Bat, it should be about the mindless hate of the filthy Liberals. This was not a Party of Moon Bats convention where it is expected to be hateful, stupid and vicious. It suppose to have been a dinner of unbiased reporters. Do you understand the difference?

Those assholes used the guise of comedy to mask their hate against a President that is making their worthless affirmative action Negro look incompetent and they don't get to hide behind it.

Every person in that audiences should have either booed or got up and walked out when the kunt started her vicious attack.

Of course since the audience was made up of mostly assholes Libtards then they didn't have the class to do the right thing.

Shame on them!
Imus did it to the Clintons. Everyone lived. It's not just libtards that cross the line at times. Take a deep breath and get over it.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner


When the Radio-Television Correspondents Association invited Don Imus, the WFAN radio morning man in New York, to be the after-dinner speaker at its annual gala on Thursday night in Washington, members knew how uninhibited his barbs could be. And how well informed; Mr. Imus is as well known for being obsessed with politics as for being a so-called shock jock.

But the correspondents apparently got more than they bargained for when Mr. Imus made fun of President Clinton's supposed extramarital affairs and Hillary Clinton's legal problems -- with both the President and the First Lady sitting on the dais as he spoke.

The remarks were deemed so insulting that the association sent a letter of apology to the Clintons yesterday, and Michael D. McCurry, the President's press secretary, asked C-Span, the cable network that routinely rebroadcasts Washington events, to refrain from retransmitting this one.

At C-Span, the vice president for programming, Terry Murphy, said the dinner speech would be rebroadcast, tonight at 8, as scheduled. Then, Mr. Murphy -- who is also the chairman of the correspondents association -- signed the letter apologizing to the Clintons.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner

Here's his routine. CSPAN vids won't copy, but it's at this link.
3-21-96 Don Imus clip | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

If it was wrong for Don Imus to do it then it was wrong for those Libtard WHCA assholes to do it, wasn't it?

The sad thing is that hardly any of those Libtard Fake News assholes that were in the audience Saturday night did anything other than laugh at the bitch's sick jokes. They should have walked or or booed her.

The sad thing is that those assholes did more than just roast Donald Trump. They viciously attacked his family and women that worked for him. Ivanka, Kellyyanne, Melania and Sarah. That shrill ugly hateful Liberal hag attacked the looks of these women and that was pretty despicable.

If somebody had said anything like that about Obama's Wookie Transvestite "wife" you Libtards would be screaming to high heaven, wouldn't you?

All that dinner did was expose the hate of the Left and how they are assholes. They actually gave a great campaign speaking point to the Republicans to point out how much the Liberals are full of hate. The Moon Bats thought they were being smug and cute with their pink pussy hat nastiness but it is and will continue to backfire on them.
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.

Then perhaps you should go back to Russia.

Democracy is kind of a BS, I mean it might give people a little power, and at the same time a little too much sense of security.

I'm not anti-Democracy, but I'd say it's pretty much a bullshit.

The inherent flaw with a democracy is that it's reliant upon a largely ignorant and stupid populace to choose their leaders.
What kind of people put Mao/Stalin/Pol Pot/Mussolini/Hitler etc etc in power?
You ought to read some history books before you run your mouth.
This is a really weird thread consolidation. I'm not getting how the two relate.
You’re right. It should be about right-wing snowflakes having hissy-fits over comedians.

No Moon Bat, it should be about the mindless hate of the filthy Liberals. This was not a Party of Moon Bats convention where it is expected to be hateful, stupid and vicious. It suppose to have been a dinner of unbiased reporters. Do you understand the difference?

Those assholes used the guise of comedy to mask their hate against a President that is making their worthless affirmative action Negro look incompetent and they don't get to hide behind it.

Every person in that audiences should have either booed or got up and walked out when the kunt started her vicious attack.

Of course since the audience was made up of mostly assholes Libtards then they didn't have the class to do the right thing.

Shame on them!
Imus did it to the Clintons. Everyone lived. It's not just libtards that cross the line at times. Take a deep breath and get over it.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner


When the Radio-Television Correspondents Association invited Don Imus, the WFAN radio morning man in New York, to be the after-dinner speaker at its annual gala on Thursday night in Washington, members knew how uninhibited his barbs could be. And how well informed; Mr. Imus is as well known for being obsessed with politics as for being a so-called shock jock.

But the correspondents apparently got more than they bargained for when Mr. Imus made fun of President Clinton's supposed extramarital affairs and Hillary Clinton's legal problems -- with both the President and the First Lady sitting on the dais as he spoke.

The remarks were deemed so insulting that the association sent a letter of apology to the Clintons yesterday, and Michael D. McCurry, the President's press secretary, asked C-Span, the cable network that routinely rebroadcasts Washington events, to refrain from retransmitting this one.

At C-Span, the vice president for programming, Terry Murphy, said the dinner speech would be rebroadcast, tonight at 8, as scheduled. Then, Mr. Murphy -- who is also the chairman of the correspondents association -- signed the letter apologizing to the Clintons.

Unexpectedly, the Clintons Are Skewered at a Dinner

Here's his routine. CSPAN vids won't copy, but it's at this link.
3-21-96 Don Imus clip | User Clip | C-SPAN.org

If it was wrong for Don Imus to do it then it was wrong for those Libtard WHCA assholes to do it, wasn't it?

The sad thing is that hardly any of those Libtard Fake News assholes that were in the audience Saturday night did anything other than laugh at the bitch's sick jokes. They should have walked or or booed her.

The sad thing is that those assholes did more than just roast Donald Trump. They viciously attacked his family and women that worked for him. Ivanka, Kellyyanne, Melania and Sarah. That shrill ugly hateful Liberal hag attacked the looks of these women and that was pretty despicable.

If somebody had said anything like that about Obama's Wookie Transvestite "wife" you Libtards would be screaming to high heaven, wouldn't you?

All that dinner did was expose the hate of the Left and how they are assholes. They actually gave a great campaign speaking point to the Republicans to point out how much the Liberals are full of hate. The Moon Bats thought they were being smug and cute with their pink pussy hat nastiness but it is and will continue to backfire on them.
Flash, I watched it and the audience's lack of response was painful. They should have gotten Colbert.
Immigrants continue to be cruelly deported.
PR still struggles w/o power.
Americans continue to be murdered by high-powered assault rifles.
Public education is under attack.
So is the health of our air, water & people.

But what they’re really angry about is a mean comedian.
How is it legally possible to "deport a immigrant"? A immigrant is someone who has entered the US legally and been granted US citizenship.
All 'assault rifles" are high powered.
The teacher's unions are responsible for the failed education system.
Half the 'teachers' can't read or write at a grade five level.
Immigrants continue to be cruelly deported.
PR still struggles w/o power.
Americans continue to be murdered by high-powered assault rifles.
Public education is under attack.
So is the health of our air, water & people.

But what they’re really angry about is a mean comedian.
How is it legally possible to "deport a immigrant"? A immigrant is someone who has entered the US legally and been granted US citizenship.
All 'assault rifles" are high powered.
The teacher's unions are responsible for the failed education system.
Half the 'teachers' can't read or write at a grade five level.
Not true about teachers. Try it for a year and see what you say then.
I never even heard of her until yesterday....Wolf? what the fuck has that bitch done for anyone?...Fuck her and her cohorts in the MSM and Hollywood...they are why the dems keep losing...no one wants to be entangled with selfish whores like Wolf...Keep it up leftards!
Michele Wolf is nothing more than yet another triggered snowflake having been properly indoctrinated with the vitriol and hatred of the Left.

Most teachers I've met were somewhat knowledgeable in their particular field, but politically weaponized to be used against the Conservative Right and woefully inadequate in current events and FACTS.

Public screwals are not a good place for kids to get an education today. Policies of the Left have rendered the screwals chaotic and more about hedonism and using students for political manipulation than education.
Last edited:
I had a neighbor who taught in Broward Public schools and was a BIG Hillary supporter and rambled on about how greedy and conniving the Republicans are......

But when I asked her about the Clinton's background.....she knew nothing at all.
I can attest to the fact the US has been a democracy since 1215. :21::21::21::21::21::21:

I wonder where people get the idea we have been a constitutionally limited representative democratic republic since 1776?
She did a great service to the pro-free speech crowd. Lifting the veil of crude humor that protected fat people, race jokes, women. All are now fair game.
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.

Then perhaps you should go back to Russia.

Democracy is kind of a BS, I mean it might give people a little power, and at the same time a little too much sense of security.

I'm not anti-Democracy, but I'd say it's pretty much a bullshit.

The inherent flaw with a democracy is that it's reliant upon a largely ignorant and stupid populace to choose their leaders.
What kind of people put Mao/Stalin/Pol Pot/Mussolini/Hitler etc etc in power?
You ought to read some history books before you run your mouth.

Run my mouth about what?
Democracy is over-rated, because a lot of people are dumb.

Then perhaps you should go back to Russia.

Democracy is kind of a BS, I mean it might give people a little power, and at the same time a little too much sense of security.

I'm not anti-Democracy, but I'd say it's pretty much a bullshit.

The inherent flaw with a democracy is that it's reliant upon a largely ignorant and stupid populace to choose their leaders.
What kind of people put Mao/Stalin/Pol Pot/Mussolini/Hitler etc etc in power?
You ought to read some history books before you run your mouth.
Those people he is talking about. :04:
John McCain at a fundraising dinner in Arizona in the 90’s.

“Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly?" he told a handful of big Republican funders. "Because Janet Reno is her father."

Fuck Smokey eyes.

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