Michelle Wolf is a **** and her skit shows why our democracy is failing

The best thing about that Wolf chick's standup routine is that it sounded the death knell of the White House Correspondent's Dinner. Dinner's over pork faces, you'll have to invent a new way to stroke yourselves. :21:
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.

Speaking of Fake News....
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.
Save healthcare
Save the environment
Return worker protections
Restore America as leader of the free world
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.
Save healthcare
Save the environment
Return worker protections
Restore America as leader of the free world
You already lost healthcare. There's nothing to save.
You might get 67 votes from tree huggers.
You will be countered by all the new workers since the Rep Revolution.
#MAGA already beat you to it.

But your quaint ideas do recall the Dems of yesteryear who have been thoroughly rejected.
the best part of her skit was watching all the snowflakes be horrified at her remarks about that pig, sanders.
Bashing women! So...Democratic.

hey, sarah gets paid to lie for trump, and she gets paid to take shit about it.

cry me a river, snowflake
Outing true prog sentiments is only part of the devastating Rep victory.

Bill Maher called. He said the dreaded N-word. Go get 'em, Tiger.
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.
Save healthcare
Save the environment
Return worker protections
Restore America as leader of the free world
You already lost healthcare. There's nothing to save.
You might get 67 votes from tree huggers.
You will be countered by all the new workers since the Rep Revolution.
#MAGA already beat you to it.

But your quaint ideas do recall the Dems of yesteryear who have been thoroughly rejected.
Few minor fixes to bring it back
Health exchanges are still operating
This stupid bitch helped deliver 2018.

Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.
Save healthcare
Save the environment
Return worker protections
Restore America as leader of the free world
You already lost healthcare. There's nothing to save.
You might get 67 votes from tree huggers.
You will be countered by all the new workers since the Rep Revolution.
#MAGA already beat you to it.

But your quaint ideas do recall the Dems of yesteryear who have been thoroughly rejected.
Few minor fixes to bring it back
Health exchanges are still operating
No mandate. You are free to buy all you like.
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2
If you want to call our President and even his followers brutes, go right ahead. Conservative have had it up to their necks with the abuse and bullshit coming from the Left. We're throwing the shit back at them and double smelly too.
Um. No. Just because Fake News Fox says so, doesn't make it so. The GoP is getting their arses kicked this year. And they know it.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.
Save healthcare
Save the environment
Return worker protections
Restore America as leader of the free world
You already lost healthcare. There's nothing to save.
You might get 67 votes from tree huggers.
You will be countered by all the new workers since the Rep Revolution.
#MAGA already beat you to it.

But your quaint ideas do recall the Dems of yesteryear who have been thoroughly rejected.
Few minor fixes to bring it back
Health exchanges are still operating
No mandate. You are free to buy all you like.
Let’s see how that works with pre existing conditions
There was a time when we could hate each other's ideas without hating each other. Nowadays, if you so much as mildly disagree with one of the finer details of a person's political view, they are vilified to the farthest extremes. The reason our democracy is under attack is because we aren't being a democracy worthy people anymore. We're devolving into wild savages who can only be ruled by a chest thumping brute. And we wonder how we end up with a chest thumping brute for a President.

The question is, will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?
Thread title modified, not acceptable for Zone 2

Why did that no-talent hack get the invite to the WHC dinner in the first place.

Oh, thats right she was invited by no-talent, hack journos.
What will the prog platform be...raise taxes, re-nuclearize NK, open US borders to all and sundry, raise black unemployment rates to previous levels, enact Sharia law, elect the first transgender candidate ever?

You guys done got whooped and are fresh out of ideas.
Save healthcare
Save the environment
Return worker protections
Restore America as leader of the free world
You already lost healthcare. There's nothing to save.
You might get 67 votes from tree huggers.
You will be countered by all the new workers since the Rep Revolution.
#MAGA already beat you to it.

But your quaint ideas do recall the Dems of yesteryear who have been thoroughly rejected.
Few minor fixes to bring it back
Health exchanges are still operating
No mandate. You are free to buy all you like.
Let’s see how that works with pre existing conditions
You said the exchanges were still open. So go buy yourself some, since you think it's so great.
Separated at birth?


Save healthcare
Save the environment
Return worker protections
Restore America as leader of the free world
You already lost healthcare. There's nothing to save.
You might get 67 votes from tree huggers.
You will be countered by all the new workers since the Rep Revolution.
#MAGA already beat you to it.

But your quaint ideas do recall the Dems of yesteryear who have been thoroughly rejected.
Few minor fixes to bring it back
Health exchanges are still operating
No mandate. You are free to buy all you like.
Let’s see how that works with pre existing conditions
You said the exchanges were still open. So go buy yourself some, since you think it's so great.
They are

I don’t need them. I already have government health insurance
You already lost healthcare. There's nothing to save.
You might get 67 votes from tree huggers.
You will be countered by all the new workers since the Rep Revolution.
#MAGA already beat you to it.

But your quaint ideas do recall the Dems of yesteryear who have been thoroughly rejected.
Few minor fixes to bring it back
Health exchanges are still operating
No mandate. You are free to buy all you like.
Let’s see how that works with pre existing conditions
You said the exchanges were still open. So go buy yourself some, since you think it's so great.
They are
So go buy yourself some, since you think it's so great.

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