Michigan communities revolt over plans to build Chinese-owned factories

I worked in Dayton and lived on WPAFB for a few years until I retired about 3 years ago. China built a glass company in Dayton and it has been a big profit and by far a positive for the city. One of my co worker's boyfriend got a job there when it was first built. She was a Masters degree RN and he was a high school grad about 6'1" in football shape and a really nice guy. Seems that one day he screwed up something at work. The Chinese guy that was his boss slapped him. I mean a 5'4" little guy slapped him like a little bitch. I guess her boyfriend just popped him. Not really hard or the Chinese national would have been dead, but knocked him into sometime in the next week. The factory manager called the police and reported it. The police was like wait what, the manager slapped him and what? We would have all hit him back. As I understand it, China called all the management home and closed the factory for a couple of weeks. They came back and it was a much nicer place to work. I went through all that to say Chinese factories can be a great gain for the community, but the culture is different.
It literally happens everywhere. I've seen two corporations get all kinds of sweetheart tax breaks, and taxpayer dollars invested in their plants, only to see these companies leave town. One of these was a Japanese corporation, and had a legitimate reason to shut their plant down, poor sales, but the other one, Maytag, got huge investments in its facility, only to bolt to Mexico and layoff over 2,000 people.
thank goodenss the democrats run these companies off with all their high taxes and regulatons
I worked in Dayton and lived on WPAFB for a few years until I retired about 3 years ago. China built a glass company in Dayton and it has been a big profit and by far a positive for the city. One of my co worker's boyfriend got a job there when it was first built. She was a Masters degree RN and he was a high school grad about 6'1" in football shape and a really nice guy. Seems that one day he screwed up something at work. The Chinese guy that was his boss slapped him. I mean a 5'4" little guy slapped him like a little bitch. I guess her boyfriend just popped him. Not really hard or the Chinese national would have been dead, but knocked him into sometime in the next week. The factory manager called the police and reported it. The police was like wait what, the manager slapped him and what? We would have all hit him back. As I understand it, China called all the management home and closed the factory for a couple of weeks. They came back and it was a much nicer place to work. I went through all that to say Chinese factories can be a great gain for the community, but the culture is different.
Have you seen this? This is the factory you are talking about. This is a great film about them and the people who work there. All Americans should watch it and see what is different between our culture and theirs.


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