Michigan GOP Official Calls For ‘Another Kent State’ For Campus Protesters


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Students dive to the ground May 4, 1970, as Ohio National Guardmen open fire on faculty and students at Kent State University who were protesting the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Four students were killed and nine injured.

“One bullet stops a lot of thuggery,” tweets Dan Adamini in the wake of Berkeley demonstration against Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos.

A Republican Party official in northern Michigan has issued what amounts to a death threat against American college protesters, calling for “another Kent State” in the wake of protests at the University of California, Berkeley.

In 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired on unarmed Kent State University students protesting the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Guardsmen killed four students and wounded nine, including one who was paralyzed for life.

Dan Adamini, former chair and current secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, indicated that a single death might be sufficient to end student protests this time around.

“I’m thinking another Kent State might be the only solution protest stopped after only one death,” he posted on Facebook on Thursday. “They do it because they know there are no consequences yet.”

More: Michigan GOP Official Calls For ‘Another Kent State’ For Campus Protesters

Dan Adamini needs some serious mental intervention. How many of you remember the Kent State shootings?
That was one hell of a sad day. That some want to kill protesters rather than do a better job of arresting those that break the law? Not in anyone's best interests.
That was one hell of a sad day. That some want to kill protesters rather than do a better job of arresting those that break the law? Not in anyone's best interests.

Maybe just shoot them in the kneecap?
LOL. Tear gas and billy clubs ought to work just fine if the cops would wade in there and do their jobs. Bullets....too much room for error. It may come to that, though, if this anarchist bullshit isn't stopped really soon. The bad guys even put on a uniform so they can be identified. How hard is it, really?
There are many instances of armed third parties coming to the rescue of victims of leftist thug behavior. Leave the police out of it. Let an armed citizen or victim take care of it themselves.
I don't approve of death to protesters but RIOTERS and thugs like the Berkeley rioters and thugs , well death just might happen !!
That was one hell of a sad day. That some want to kill protesters rather than do a better job of arresting those that break the law? Not in anyone's best interests.

Maybe just shoot them in the kneecap?
LOL. Tear gas and billy clubs ought to work just fine if the cops would wade in there and do their jobs. Bullets....too much room for error. It may come to that, though, if this anarchist bullshit isn't stopped really soon. The bad guys even put on a uniform so they can be identified. How hard is it, really?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- hundreds of rioters and thugs willing to fight cops requires hundreds of cops willing to fight hand to hand . ---------------- last I heard the cops were in hiding at Berkeley .
It seems so many think resources unlimited to accomadate the "protesters". OT costs, guards, fences, cameras, paddy wagons, cuffs, cameras etc. All costly. The endless hours after to review footage (identification). The cost to business, Windows, burnt cars, garbage removal etc.

We are Taxed Enough Already. I don't want to pay for a riot cost every day. If possible, Find who organizes or pays and confiscate all costs from them.
"The violent protests at our universities certainly indicate portage acacian at the lower level. I’m thinking another Kent State might be the only solution. Protest stopped after only one death. They do it because they know there are no consequences."
-- Dan Adamini

Followed up with a Tweet:
“Time for another Kent State perhaps. One bullet stops a lot of thuggery."

Adamini is an IDIOT, that's for sure, BUT he does make 1 completely accurate statement:
- "They do it because they know there are no consequences."

There has been no accountability for the violent protests, assaults, arson, theft, looting, destruction of property, etc.

I disagree with Adamini that it would take another 'Kent State', that anyone would have to lose their life for this crap to end. As I have said before, when the lines are crossed from 'peaceful assembly' to breaking the law, break out the water cannons, break out the batons, dogs, rubber bullets, tear gas, Tasers, shotgun beanbags, etc....

Colleges should make a law / rule that any student caught committing a crime of assault, destruction of property, arson, and/or looting will be suspended and their permanent records be marked as having engaged in such. (Of course these Liberal Indoctrination Camps with their radical liberal professors like Bill Ayers encourages this crap.)

I am glad to see Adamini being smart enough to be smart enough to understand he crossed a line and take accountability by resigning, just not smart enough NOT to say it to begin with. Give the guy some credit - he took responsibility for his actions...unlike some <coughcoughHillarycoughcough.. :p

Michigan Republican resigns after suggesting ‘another Kent State’ could end recent campus protests
Right right, like the students stopped protesting the war/draft after those kids were murdered at Kent State!
Colleges should make a law / rule that any student caught committing a crime of assault, destruction of property, arson, and/or looting will be suspended

Caught rioting? I think most campuses would expel/dismiss them. And rightly so. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.
That was one hell of a sad day. That some want to kill protesters rather than do a better job of arresting those that break the law? Not in anyone's best interests.

That was SDS..they'd torched the ROTC building and were threatening more arson. Never understood why the NG was given live rounds. I don't believe in shooting college kids but the rioters we're seeing these days aren't college kids and if they are, they should be aware there are consequences....like what happened at Kent State and down at Jackson State....the one the media didn't report much about.
That was one hell of a sad day. That some want to kill protesters rather than do a better job of arresting those that break the law? Not in anyone's best interests.

That was SDS..they'd torched the ROTC building and were threatening more arson. Never understood why the NG was given live rounds. I don't believe in shooting college kids but the rioters we're seeing these days aren't college kids and if they are, they should be aware there are consequences....like what happened at Kent State and down at Jackson State....the one the media didn't report much about.

Some say it was retribution for the ROTC building

Students dive to the ground May 4, 1970, as Ohio National Guardmen open fire on faculty and students at Kent State University who were protesting the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Four students were killed and nine injured.

“One bullet stops a lot of thuggery,” tweets Dan Adamini in the wake of Berkeley demonstration against Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos.

A Republican Party official in northern Michigan has issued what amounts to a death threat against American college protesters, calling for “another Kent State” in the wake of protests at the University of California, Berkeley.

In 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired on unarmed Kent State University students protesting the U.S. incursion into Cambodia. Guardsmen killed four students and wounded nine, including one who was paralyzed for life.

Dan Adamini, former chair and current secretary of the Marquette County Republican Party, indicated that a single death might be sufficient to end student protests this time around.

“I’m thinking another Kent State might be the only solution protest stopped after only one death,” he posted on Facebook on Thursday. “They do it because they know there are no consequences yet.”

More: Michigan GOP Official Calls For ‘Another Kent State’ For Campus Protesters

Dan Adamini needs some serious mental intervention. How many of you remember the Kent State shootings?

Meh, the left calls for murder and assassination almost weekly. You guys pissed now because we're using your tactics?
Some say it was retribution for the ROTC building

I believe at the time the Guard commander thought they'd been fired at....everybody did a CYA on Kent State. A few years earlier the MNG started shooting looters in Detroit during the '67 riot and escalated the violence until 82nd AB was called in. I was at a summer training NG camp up in Grayling one summer and it was a clusterfuck....laugh out loud maneuvers and tactics.
Some say it was retribution for the ROTC building

I believe at the time the Guard commander thought they'd been fired at....everybody did a CYA on Kent State. A few years earlier the MNG started shooting looters in Detroit during the '67 riot and escalated the violence until 82nd AB was called in. I was at a summer training NG camp up in Grayling one summer and it was a clusterfuck....laugh out loud maneuvers and tactics.

I also heard he mistook the kids who were in the middle of a class change as a surge in rioters and thought they were going to overrun his position. Regardless of why he ordered them to fire, it did not stop the protest movement but gave it more momentum. I'm glad the guy who said that crap resigned.
What manner of American values calls for the gunning down of people in the streets

. Where in our American tradition does it justify live rounds fired into a crowd. How can some people look themselves in the mirror, let alone call themselves 'proud Americans' while calling for shooting down their fellow citizens?

If it is a riot situation, it calls for responsible police actions. It does not mandate totalitarian solutions.

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