Michigan protests orchestrated by trump loving neo nazis

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.

Like yourself Tammy, leftists are afraid of their shadow so what would you expect them to do other than hide in their Mom's basement like the Nanny State has ordered them to and wait for the check.
Of course......it's awfully brave of Orange cultists to go out there and take on a virus. Good for them. The more fighting....together...close together...the better!
we should all get out. damn right. raise a cold one and the fickle finger of fate.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
In Tommy's Bizzaroland, Neo-Nazis fight AGAINST a dictator and FOR individual liberty
Lock the bastards up - Every damn one of 'em. Those cages Donald is using for toddlers down on the border might work well.

again, hmmmm isn't that against forum rules?
View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...
Is 40,000 people coming here AFTER the ban sealing off travel??

naw it was this


While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
BLM/left are the nazis....I've proven this before
Then those holding trump flags next to those holding NAZI flags were very confused.
hmmm why, isn't this america? why are they limited to what flags they can hold? is that your america huh? go figure.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.


Did you find those people scary? Did they offend your little sensitivities? You must be really insecure.







So this is what the Trump supporters represents? Think what you are saying son.
This is bad news for America. You don’t blame people trashing Trump. This is one of the reasons why all colors of people from different countries Trump is a racist.
That is what you are displaying.
well actually they are americans
True but they are the cancer and disgraced to Americans that gives US a dirty reputations around the world. SADLY these are Trump supporters.
The sooner the festivities begin the better.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but casting this bunch as being tantamount to Trump support, is too lame to gain any traction.

Ha ha. After Kavanaugh, Russian collusion, and the already forgotten impeachment laughingstock, liberals still haven't learned that Americans aren't as stupid as they thought.

Yeah. Most Americans are smart enough to stay home. This is the usual collection of bimbos.
it's where they live. where else would they go? you're very confused.

They appear to be a very small minority. I'm not confused. Michigan has a population of approximately 10 million. Why don't these people move?

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
BLM/left are the nazis....I've proven this before
Then those holding trump flags next to those holding NAZI flags were very confused.
hmmm why, isn't this america? why are they limited to what flags they can hold? is that your america huh? go figure.

They can and did hold their flags in this here America. Nobody stopped them. There is nothing that makes them immune from criticism or laughter for doing so. We have free speech.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.

I beg to differ. Were it not for firearms, you'd be out in some field picking cotton for your Massa right now.

Do you think we fought the Civil War with dildos?
You can differ all you want but guns have freed no one and guns did not free us. That's why whites wouldn't let us have guns, boy.

Correct. My ancestors with guns, freed you. You are welcome.
How did your ancestors free him??

Oh...are you talking about the Civil War?? Why would that war be something that "freed him" --- that war wasn't over slavery, remember....it was all about "Northern Aggression" and "Fighting Tyranny" remember?

Now after of all that ball guzzling for Confederates you always do -- now its your ancestors that freed the slaves??


Your inability to understand simple concept is very amusing.
Is this why your type thinks black people owe you something? Because you think your ancestors freed them after dragging them to this country and using them for forced labor?
Please get it straight...slavery in America was entirely confined to Southern states. Not all Americans liked the idea and we fought a war to settle this issue. Yeah, the bloodiest war in our history was fought to end the
practice of slavery.
Black people themselves don't owe us anything. They owe it to themselves to understand the circumstances
and the long chain of events that led them to their place in this nation.

Wrong. Open up a book sometime.

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?

They needed to masquerade as grown men and they think that this fits the stereotype that they learned from John Wayne and Rambo movies. It's an insecurity thing. Every day is Halloween.

Edit: Yikes! I just saw post No. 17. The pictures illustrate my point perfectly. Somebody even has a Christian cross on his truck. Nobody could ever mistake this guys for adults.
Where was all that rancor with Antifa and BLM? Perhaps it is nothing. But some people seemed to wake up.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.

The numbers of these protesting morons should be compared against the state's population. Yeah, 50-100 people from the lunatic fringe want attention so they can get photographed being the idiots they are, but how many others are obeying expert medical advice and staying home? I'm not sure that I would lend them much credence. There are not hundreds of thousands of people jamming the streets to protest. This is just the usual bunch.
I wonder how much time they spent picking out their outfits for the cameras. Weapons placement must have taken hours of internal debate, down there in the basement.
Is this why your type thinks black people owe you something? Because you think your ancestors freed them after dragging them to this country and using them for forced labor?
Please get it straight...slavery in America was entirely confined to Southern states. Not all Americans liked the idea and we fought a war to settle this issue. Yeah, the bloodiest war in our history was fought to end the
practice of slavery.
Black people themselves don't owe us anything. They owe it to themselves to understand the circumstances
and the long chain of events that led them to their place in this nation.

Wrong. Open up a book sometime.

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a book?

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.

Like yourself Tammy, leftists are afraid of their shadow so what would you expect them to do other than hide in their Mom's basement like the Nanny State has ordered them to and wait for the check.
Of course......it's awfully brave of Orange cultists to go out there and take on a virus. Good for them. The more fighting....together...close together...the better!
Those northern cultists need to soldier on down to the deep south, where they will be welcomed with open sweaty arms and sloppy kisses.

Join your compadres. Together you can take on this virus. Don't listen to the people saying obesity is linked to more severe cases of Covid19 because that is FAKE NEWS. Go. Be with your hive. You have nothing to fear, healthcare in the deep south is the best in the world, bar none. Join the fight. Hurry!
You don't have to worry about the people who wear their guns proudly in broad daylight. They're just expressing their support of the second amendment. It's the sneaky one, selling drugs on the corner every night, that you have to worry about.

Isn't that the truth?

This coronavirus thing sure has changed people's priorities. I open-carried my Glock 19 in Walmart this morning and nobody gave me a second glance.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.

I beg to differ. Were it not for firearms, you'd be out in some field picking cotton for your Massa right now.

Do you think we fought the Civil War with dildos?
You can differ all you want but guns have freed no one and guns did not free us. That's why whites wouldn't let us have guns, boy.

Well I can understand how you feel that guns didn't free you. Seeing as how you probably live in some shithole black neighborhood where you have to live in constant fear of having your geeky little ass shot off by some armed black thug looking to steal your lunch money.

The sad truth is that you're no more a free man than your ancestors picking cotton. Except this time, it's not whitey you have to worry about, it's your own kind. Your odds of getting shot in the face by some black person are a vastly greater threat to you than any white folks I know of. And the sad part is, you're too ignorant to understand that.
what they really need is to learn and understand that they should stop being slaves to the demofks. The republicans freed them once and it appears didn't learn from that and continue to vote into public office slave master demofks. look at all slave cities run by demofks. Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, LA, San Fran Atlanta. I mean, the numbers are there. the logic is there for real thinking people to assess. There is but one and only one conclusion, the blacks are still slaves of demofks.
Just suggesting to blacks that they do themselves no favors by being "slaves", ironically, to the democrat
race hustlers and that always makes the particularly stupid blacks on these boards really angry and defensive.
One threatened to knock my teeth down my throat.

The fact is blacks escaped one set of chains only to willingly slip into another controlled by democrats.
Not smart.
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I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?

They needed to masquerade as grown men and they think that this fits the stereotype that they learned from John Wayne and Rambo movies. It's an insecurity thing. Every day is Halloween.

Edit: Yikes! I just saw post No. 17. The pictures illustrate my point perfectly. Somebody even has a Christian cross on his truck. Nobody could ever mistake this guys for adults.
Where was all that rancor with Antifa and BLM? Perhaps it is nothing. But some people seemed to wake up.

There was nothing to this fringe group Antifa (like hundreds or thousands?), and BLM consisted entirely of protest marches. How many people are incels, members of these white "militia" gangs, etc. Who are the gangs playing soldier-boy in the woods? What do the thugs pictured in No. 17 intend?
Like I said earlier, it's easy to talk crazy when you aren't the one looking death in the face. Or one of your family members. Or one of your children. Yep, Americans have the right to watch their 4 year old die from COVID19 because it's parents were in the grocery store and walked past a asymtomatic republican that infected their child with the virus.

GFY ChiCom Waterboy!

Bwaaaahhha The children! WE loveeeeeeesssssssssssssss the (non-aborted) Chillunnnnn

Sick fuck wishing death on his political "enemies"

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