Michigan protests orchestrated by trump loving neo nazis

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.
why did the stay at home orders move out? explain it for us. gestation is 14 days, we're over 30 days now. so explain how it can get worse if everyone has been inside for over thirty days. see, the people see that and said, all they're doing is moving the goal posts to ruin the economy. 20 million affected vs 20,000 deaths due to a virus. yeah, the numbers aren't in your favor girl. sorry.
People got infected yesterday, add 30 days to that. Over 34,000 have died in America and the numbers of infected and dying are still increasing. You don't get to go anywhere when you die. The goalposts never move for that.

People die every day from various causes. Cancer, aids, heart disease, parkinsons, bullets in the back of the head, diabetes, tuberculosis, emphysema. Even though a lot more people die from those causes, we don't destroy the economy to stop them. It would be easy just to repeal the 21st Amendment and outlaw booze and we could end the deaths from Cirrhosis OTL over night. It would be easy just to outlaw sodomy and watch the aids deaths plummet.

But Americans have a right to have a beer or take one in the ass if they want to- and take the risk it might kill them too. Ditto with this, Americans have a right to risk getting sick from the CV too.
You know that there is a fundamental difference between heart disease and trump flu dont you ?

Absolutely. Even Leftards aren't stupid enough to believe that Trump caused heart disease. But the Lib Elite is able to convince their Sheeple that Trump is the author of COVID 19
No, we are fully aware of how the virus came about. But what we say is that trump had forewarning of the pandemic that he ignored, which is true, a pandemic response system he dismantled, and his refusal to use what the federal government can do to reduce the problem is why we have over 34,000 dead Americans.

The virus came because Obama PAID the ChiComs to create the virus, then your ChiCom masters inflicted in upon the World.

You will be judged for siding with the CCP
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.

I beg to differ. Were it not for firearms, you'd be out in some field picking cotton for your Massa right now.

Do you think we fought the Civil War with dildos?
You can differ all you want but guns have freed no one and guns did not free us. That's why whites wouldn't let us have guns, boy.
really a shame a black man has no idea his roots. I feel bad for you. shame. the left infiltrated your brain and removed all working cells. here, see if I can add a few back in there.

"Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship."

Frederick Douglass​

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.
why did the stay at home orders move out? explain it for us. gestation is 14 days, we're over 30 days now. so explain how it can get worse if everyone has been inside for over thirty days. see, the people see that and said, all they're doing is moving the goal posts to ruin the economy. 20 million affected vs 20,000 deaths due to a virus. yeah, the numbers aren't in your favor girl. sorry.
People got infected yesterday, add 30 days to that. Over 34,000 have died in America and the numbers of infected and dying are still increasing. You don't get to go anywhere when you die. The goalposts never move for that.

People die every day from various causes. Cancer, aids, heart disease, parkinsons, bullets in the back of the head, diabetes, tuberculosis, emphysema. Even though a lot more people die from those causes, we don't destroy the economy to stop them. It would be easy just to repeal the 21st Amendment and outlaw booze and we could end the deaths from Cirrhosis OTL over night. It would be easy just to outlaw sodomy and watch the aids deaths plummet.

But Americans have a right to have a beer or take one in the ass if they want to- and take the risk it might kill them too. Ditto with this, Americans have a right to risk getting sick from the CV too.
You know that there is a fundamental difference between heart disease and trump flu dont you ?

Absolutely. Even Leftards aren't stupid enough to believe that Trump caused heart disease. But the Lib Elite is able to convince their Sheeple that Trump is the author of COVID 19
No, we are fully aware of how the virus came about. But what we say is that trump had forewarning of the pandemic that he ignored, which is true, a pandemic response system he dismantled, and his refusal to use what the federal government can do to reduce the problem is why we have over 34,000 dead Americans.
how is it you know about what trump knew? you act like you had it before he did. really? you really want your idiot friends to know you knew before trump?
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You don't have to worry about the people who wear their guns proudly in broad daylight. They're just expressing their support of the second amendment. It's the sneaky one, selling drugs on the corner every night, that you have to worry about.
Radicals and extermist both liberal and conservative always work their way into protest organized by people and groups who have nothing to do with them and the partisan morons always try and portray them as representative of the entire protest group. This thread is a perfect example of that.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.
why did the stay at home orders move out? explain it for us. gestation is 14 days, we're over 30 days now. so explain how it can get worse if everyone has been inside for over thirty days. see, the people see that and said, all they're doing is moving the goal posts to ruin the economy. 20 million affected vs 20,000 deaths due to a virus. yeah, the numbers aren't in your favor girl. sorry.
People got infected yesterday, add 30 days to that. Over 34,000 have died in America and the numbers of infected and dying are still increasing. You don't get to go anywhere when you die. The goalposts never move for that.

People die every day from various causes. Cancer, aids, heart disease, parkinsons, bullets in the back of the head, diabetes, tuberculosis, emphysema. Even though a lot more people die from those causes, we don't destroy the economy to stop them. It would be easy just to repeal the 21st Amendment and outlaw booze and we could end the deaths from Cirrhosis OTL over night. It would be easy just to outlaw sodomy and watch the aids deaths plummet.

But Americans have a right to have a beer or take one in the ass if they want to- and take the risk it might kill them too. Ditto with this, Americans have a right to risk getting sick from the CV too.
You know that there is a fundamental difference between heart disease and trump flu dont you ?
Yes, that incredibly contagious heart disease.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.
why did the stay at home orders move out? explain it for us. gestation is 14 days, we're over 30 days now. so explain how it can get worse if everyone has been inside for over thirty days. see, the people see that and said, all they're doing is moving the goal posts to ruin the economy. 20 million affected vs 20,000 deaths due to a virus. yeah, the numbers aren't in your favor girl. sorry.
People got infected yesterday, add 30 days to that. Over 34,000 have died in America and the numbers of infected and dying are still increasing. You don't get to go anywhere when you die. The goalposts never move for that.

People die every day from various causes. Cancer, aids, heart disease, parkinsons, bullets in the back of the head, diabetes, tuberculosis, emphysema. Even though a lot more people die from those causes, we don't destroy the economy to stop them. It would be easy just to repeal the 21st Amendment and outlaw booze and we could end the deaths from Cirrhosis OTL over night. It would be easy just to outlaw sodomy and watch the aids deaths plummet.

But Americans have a right to have a beer or take one in the ass if they want to- and take the risk it might kill them too. Ditto with this, Americans have a right to risk getting sick from the CV too.
You know that there is a fundamental difference between heart disease and trump flu dont you ?

Absolutely. Even Leftards aren't stupid enough to believe that Trump caused heart disease. But the Lib Elite is able to convince their Sheeple that Trump is the author of COVID 19
Oh please. The Idiot President Trump cannot even manage to put on his makeup properly. He can't author a pandemic.

Neither can he respond to a pandemic. He's too fucking STUPID. He can barely read.

This is your hero, Trump MAGAts. A man who uses a jar of makeup and a can of hairspray everyday. GMAFB.
While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
The Guardian again :fu:.
You are pushing guilt by association by claiming the idea that going back to work and ending the lock down of America is not the view of ordinary Americans but far right loons.
You yourself said it. "Not ordinary people at all".

Feel free to go to hell! Your attempts to stick your nose in America's business is not appreciated
and whether "loony wackos" agree with the push to end this extra legal attempt to shut down America or not
it's the right thing to do and the logical ultimate end of this panic stricken mode we are caught in.
Guns give them their manhood.
Guns gave you your freedom.

Exactly right...

A man without his freedom is not a man. He's only a caged animal.

These dumbasses won't ever figure out what it means when they hear

" prisonplanet"
" info wars" ( war on information). Idiots associate those words with alex jones lmfao.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.

I beg to differ. Were it not for firearms, you'd be out in some field picking cotton for your Massa right now.

Do you think we fought the Civil War with dildos?
You can differ all you want but guns have freed no one and guns did not free us. That's why whites wouldn't let us have guns, boy.

Correct. My ancestors with guns, freed you. You are welcome.
Is this why your type thinks black people owe you something? Because you think your ancestors freed them after dragging them to this country and using them for forced labor?

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.
why did the stay at home orders move out? explain it for us. gestation is 14 days, we're over 30 days now. so explain how it can get worse if everyone has been inside for over thirty days. see, the people see that and said, all they're doing is moving the goal posts to ruin the economy. 20 million affected vs 20,000 deaths due to a virus. yeah, the numbers aren't in your favor girl. sorry.
People got infected yesterday, add 30 days to that. Over 34,000 have died in America and the numbers of infected and dying are still increasing. You don't get to go anywhere when you die. The goalposts never move for that.

People die every day from various causes. Cancer, aids, heart disease, parkinsons, bullets in the back of the head, diabetes, tuberculosis, emphysema. Even though a lot more people die from those causes, we don't destroy the economy to stop them. It would be easy just to repeal the 21st Amendment and outlaw booze and we could end the deaths from Cirrhosis OTL over night. It would be easy just to outlaw sodomy and watch the aids deaths plummet.

But Americans have a right to have a beer or take one in the ass if they want to- and take the risk it might kill them too. Ditto with this, Americans have a right to risk getting sick from the CV too.
You know that there is a fundamental difference between heart disease and trump flu dont you ?

Absolutely. Even Leftards aren't stupid enough to believe that Trump caused heart disease. But the Lib Elite is able to convince their Sheeple that Trump is the author of COVID 19
Oh please. The Idiot President Trump cannot even manage to put on his makeup properly. He can't author a pandemic.

Neither can he respond to a pandemic. He's too fucking STUPID. He can barely read.

This is your hero, Trump MAGAts. A man who uses a jar of makeup and a can of hairspray everyday. GMAFB.
giphy (6).gif
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.

I beg to differ. Were it not for firearms, you'd be out in some field picking cotton for your Massa right now.

Do you think we fought the Civil War with dildos?
You can differ all you want but guns have freed no one and guns did not free us. That's why whites wouldn't let us have guns, boy.

Correct. My ancestors with guns, freed you. You are welcome.
Is this why your type thinks black people owe you something? Because you think your ancestors freed them after dragging them to this country and using them for forced labor?
ahhhh look at the newbie coming into play. son, your feet ain't wet yet. go back to your sandbox.
Guns give them their manhood.
Guns gave you your freedom.

Exactly right...

A man without his freedom is not a man. He's only a caged animal.

These dumbasses won't ever figure out what it means when they hear

" prisonplanet"
" info wars" ( war on information). Idiots associate those words with alex jones lmfao.
BTW, this means that we survived six months before shutting down our government and fking 20 million americans. Yeppers, the proof is now being exposed.

giphy (6).gif
Is this why your type thinks black people owe you something? Because you think your ancestors freed them after dragging them to this country and using them for forced labor?
Please get it straight...slavery in America was entirely confined to Southern states. Not all Americans liked the idea and we fought a war to settle this issue. Yeah, the bloodiest war in our history was fought to end the
practice of slavery.
Black people themselves don't owe us anything. They owe it to themselves to understand the circumstances
and the long chain of events that led them to their place in this nation.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.


Did you find those people scary? Did they offend your little sensitivities? You must be really insecure.







So this is what the Trump supporters represents? Think what you are saying son.
This is bad news for America. You don’t blame people trashing Trump. This is one of the reasons why all colors of people from different countries Trump is a racist.
That is what you are displaying.
well actually they are americans
True but they are the cancer and disgraced to Americans that gives US a dirty reputations around the world. SADLY these are Trump supporters.

If you’re not an American, why do you care?
Is this why your type thinks black people owe you something? Because you think your ancestors freed them after dragging them to this country and using them for forced labor?
Please get it straight...slavery in America was entirely confined to Southern states. Not all Americans liked the idea and we fought a war to settle this issue. Yeah, the bloodiest war in our history was fought to end the
practice of slavery.
Black people themselves don't owe us anything. They owe it to themselves to understand the circumstances
and the long chain of events that led them to their place in this nation.
what they really need is to learn and understand that they should stop being slaves to the demofks. The republicans freed them once and it appears didn't learn from that and continue to vote into public office slave master demofks. look at all slave cities run by demofks. Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore, LA, San Fran Atlanta. I mean, the numbers are there. the logic is there for real thinking people to assess. There is but one and only one conclusion, the blacks are still slaves of demofks.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.

I beg to differ. Were it not for firearms, you'd be out in some field picking cotton for your Massa right now.

Do you think we fought the Civil War with dildos?
You can differ all you want but guns have freed no one and guns did not free us. That's why whites wouldn't let us have guns, boy.

Correct. My ancestors with guns, freed you. You are welcome.
Is this why your type thinks black people owe you something? Because you think your ancestors freed them after dragging them to this country and using them for forced labor?

No, it was a joke, playing off his belief in collective guilt.

He likes to hold modern white people responsible for the sins of our ancestors, but never gives any modern white people any credit for the virtues of our ancestors.

An obviously hypocritical position.

This, btw, was another joke. I know that you cannot understand what I just said, and if you did, you could not admit it.

So, by pretending you could, it was funny.
Somebody even has a Christian cross on his truck.
Oh the horror! Did it drive you back into your coffin?
He just had some nerve using the Christian symbol while actively protesting for his "right" to spread a deadly disease in his community.
what deadly disease? flu? Bad driving? Poor hygiene? what? Evidence is emerging we lived six months without a lock down with wuhan baby. We had basketball, hockey, football, spring training for baseball, movies restaurants, travel. and the populous didn't die.

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