Michigan protests orchestrated by trump loving neo nazis

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Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

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hmmmmm trump's has been handled with errors. he dared to listen to experts. perhaps so did obammy. we should look into that huh?
View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.

I don't think you get it at all, Tommy. People in Michigan and elsewhere are being ruined financially, their families reduced to destitution by this little Hitlerette governor. Ms. Whitmer has closed the churches and outlawed the worship of Almighty God, while allowing Abortion Mills to remain open, and cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets and grass to continue to be peddled.
He gets it better than you. You can't work if you're hospitalized or dead. Nobody has outlawed the worship of god. You can worship at homes. You are here outraged about closed abortion clinics? But you are just fine with the deaths that will happen in this rush to restart an economy because trump thinks he can win that way. You talk about God then you just watch how God lays down the law for you who choose to follow trump.
it was his building, why isn't he allowed to worship there? explain it for us.
View attachment 324506
Sadly, that’s an actual quote
Damn shame. This is what America has become.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.

Why should anyone stay home now? We were told to flatten the curve....the curve is flattened, and, in fact, as the models show...since they were all wrong, hospitalizations never reached panic levels even in New York......

so there is no reason to stay home anymore other than trying to burn the U.S. economy to the ground to beat Trump in November.......
Flattening the curve isn't reducing the curve idiot. And until we see consistent reductions we should stay the course. This is not about re electing trump you stupid motherfucker, this is about our lives. The economy does not exist without workers or consumers and until we can get a track on this virus, we should take all precautions.

This virus has not stopped and we really don't know what the outcome is going to be, so your statement about what levels hospitals reached are both ignorant and inaccurate. America existed and has done much better before trump and we don't need to be sacrificing lives in the hopes this idiot can get 4 more years.

Flattening the curve, not eliminating the pestilence, was the original stated reason for a LIMITED period of shutdown. The idea was not to overstress the nation's hospitals.
exactly, now that goal post disappeared. why? maybe one of these nazi's can explain it to us. why do they need more than 20 million to suffer?
Talk about moving the goal posts.....I am reminded of a Tweet that didn't age well at all...

View attachment 324535

He didn't let people die.....he acted.....sealed off travel from China and morons like you said he over reacted, and was a xenophobe...it is too bad for you we have the internet and your high priests in the media were recorded saying those stupid things...
he isn't worth our time. he's an off the tracks kind of person. he's fruit loops.
Yes indeed. We take the virus seriously in California. But again, no people with guns going house to house MAKING anyone do anything.

Public shaming is MAKING them comply. You do see the difference. They are not being forced, they are choosing to follow the wishes of the community where they chose to live.
Not all of us. I amuse myself by poking a stick into their controlling eyes.
People in Michigan and elsewhere are being ruined financially
It sure would help to get the nation back to work if testing were widely available. But it’s not, unlike Trump promised.
..ok Boot, our company has not stopped working...it's one of a group of companies that hasn't stopped working..the virus is NOT a monster like in the movies.....people can go to work and be fine......there will be problems, but it is possible to keep them down significantly

And it worked out so well for the pork factory in South Dakota.
.....my company and our group of companies have no problems.....tough shit on the porkers....they didn't put in the policies needed
I would imagine the same thing will happen in many red states, where folks have been relying on Fox News for their corona virus education and still are not taking this shit seriously.
MOST people recover....this is not like the movies .......if you use common sense/basic sanitation--you won't even get it
..no one at our company has it --and most of the workers deal with assembly LINES--where every one touches the same thing

That's the real key here- Basic Sanitation. President Trump has recommended to the people that they wash their hands after using the can. The people in New York City heard what the President said, and they said "fuck trump, I'm not going to wash my hands for that asshole's benefit". That's why there are zero COVID deaths in Wyoming, zero in Mercer County PA, and thousands in New York City.
Do you really not understand the population difference between Wyoming and Mercer County, PA.

Or that millions and millions of people pass through the streets of NYC everyday while most normal people have no desire to visit Wyoming or Bumfuck, Pennsylvania?

Can you be this stupid?

That person is either lying or is just too lazy to find true facts.

There certainly have been deaths from the virus in Wyoming and there will be more. There are nearly 400 cases of the virus in Wyoming with only nearly 200 recovered. There have been 2 deaths.

I tried to find death totals for Mercer County PA but only found totals for the states not one section. I will say that since the poster you are replying to is very wrong about Wyoming, I'm more inclined to believe that poster is wrong about Mercer County PA and that the death toll will climb.

Both areas are in the middle of nowhere that no one wants to live in so there aren't many people there which is why it's so cheap to live there.

People want to live in NY so there are a lot of people there. Same with my area of the nation. People actually want to live here. Unlike Wyoming andMercer County PA.

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People in Michigan and elsewhere are being ruined financially
It sure would help to get the nation back to work if testing were widely available. But it’s not, unlike Trump promised.
..ok Boot, our company has not stopped working...it's one of a group of companies that hasn't stopped working..the virus is NOT a monster like in the movies.....people can go to work and be fine......there will be problems, but it is possible to keep them down significantly

And it worked out so well for the pork factory in South Dakota.
.....my company and our group of companies have no problems.....tough shit on the porkers....they didn't put in the policies needed
I would imagine the same thing will happen in many red states, where folks have been relying on Fox News for their corona virus education and still are not taking this shit seriously.
MOST people recover....this is not like the movies .......if you use common sense/basic sanitation--you won't even get it
..no one at our company has it --and most of the workers deal with assembly LINES--where every one touches the same thing

That's the real key here- Basic Sanitation. President Trump has recommended to the people that they wash their hands after using the can. The people in New York City heard what the President said, and they said "fuck trump, I'm not going to wash my hands for that asshole's benefit". That's why there are zero COVID deaths in Wyoming, zero in Mercer County PA, and thousands in New York City.
Do you really not understand the population difference between Wyoming and Mercer County, PA.

Or that millions and millions of people pass through the streets of NYC everyday while most normal people have no desire to visit Wyoming or Bumfuck, Pennsylvania?

Can you be this stupid?

That person is either lying or is just too lazy to find true facts.

There certainly have been deaths from the virus in Wyoming and there will be more. There are nearly 400 cases of the virus in Wyoming with only nearly 200 recovered. There have been 2 deaths.

I tried to find death totals for Mercer County PA but only found totals for the states not one section. I will say that since the poster you are replying to is very wrong about Wyoming, I'm more inclined to believe that poster is wrong about Mercer County PA and that the death toll will climb.

Both areas are in the middle of nowhere that no one wants to live in so there aren't many people there which is why it's so cheap to live there.

People want to live in NY so there are a lot of people there. Same with my area of the nation. People actually want to live here. Unlike Wyoming andMercer County PA.

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how many people out of work with no money? let's have you give us those numbers.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.
and now we're moving toward WW3. need them back.
People in Michigan and elsewhere are being ruined financially
It sure would help to get the nation back to work if testing were widely available. But it’s not, unlike Trump promised.
..ok Boot, our company has not stopped working...it's one of a group of companies that hasn't stopped working..the virus is NOT a monster like in the movies.....people can go to work and be fine......there will be problems, but it is possible to keep them down significantly

And it worked out so well for the pork factory in South Dakota.
.....my company and our group of companies have no problems.....tough shit on the porkers....they didn't put in the policies needed
I would imagine the same thing will happen in many red states, where folks have been relying on Fox News for their corona virus education and still are not taking this shit seriously.
MOST people recover....this is not like the movies .......if you use common sense/basic sanitation--you won't even get it
..no one at our company has it --and most of the workers deal with assembly LINES--where every one touches the same thing
Most soldiers have never been shot at so it`s okay to continue starting wars?
People in Michigan and elsewhere are being ruined financially
It sure would help to get the nation back to work if testing were widely available. But it’s not, unlike Trump promised.
..ok Boot, our company has not stopped working...it's one of a group of companies that hasn't stopped working..the virus is NOT a monster like in the movies.....people can go to work and be fine......there will be problems, but it is possible to keep them down significantly

And it worked out so well for the pork factory in South Dakota.
.....my company and our group of companies have no problems.....tough shit on the porkers....they didn't put in the policies needed
I would imagine the same thing will happen in many red states, where folks have been relying on Fox News for their corona virus education and still are not taking this shit seriously.
MOST people recover....this is not like the movies .......if you use common sense/basic sanitation--you won't even get it
..no one at our company has it --and most of the workers deal with assembly LINES--where every one touches the same thing
Most soldiers have never been shot at so it`s okay to continue starting wars?
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.


Did you find those people scary? Did they offend your little sensitivities? You must be really insecure.







So this is what the Trump supporters represents? Think what you are saying son.
This is bad news for America. You don’t blame people trashing Trump. This is one of the reasons why all colors of people from different countries Trump is a racist.
That is what you are displaying.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.


Did you find those people scary? Did they offend your little sensitivities? You must be really insecure.







So this is what the Trump supporters represents? Think what you are saying son.
This is bad news for America. You don’t blame people trashing Trump. This is one of the reasons why all colors of people from different countries Trump is a racist.
That is what you are displaying.
well actually they are americans
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.


Did you find those people scary? Did they offend your little sensitivities? You must be really insecure.







So this is what the Trump supporters represents? Think what you are saying son.
This is bad news for America. You don’t blame people trashing Trump. This is one of the reasons why all colors of people from different countries Trump is a racist.
That is what you are displaying.
well actually they are americans
True but they are the cancer and disgraced to Americans that gives US a dirty reputations around the world. SADLY these are Trump supporters.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.
why did the stay at home orders move out? explain it for us. gestation is 14 days, we're over 30 days now. so explain how it can get worse if everyone has been inside for over thirty days. see, the people see that and said, all they're doing is moving the goal posts to ruin the economy. 20 million affected vs 20,000 deaths due to a virus. yeah, the numbers aren't in your favor girl. sorry.
People got infected yesterday, add 30 days to that. Over 34,000 have died in America and the numbers of infected and dying are still increasing. You don't get to go anywhere when you die. The goalposts never move for that.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.


Did you find those people scary? Did they offend your little sensitivities? You must be really insecure.







So this is what the Trump supporters represents? Think what you are saying son.
This is bad news for America. You don’t blame people trashing Trump. This is one of the reasons why all colors of people from different countries Trump is a racist.
That is what you are displaying.
well actually they are americans

I think it just pissed off the left that conservatives and Trump-supporters could throw together a protest like that on such short notice. The left-wingers can mobilize massive protests at the drop of a hat, anytime, anywhere. They've always been able to do that because they tend to move in a swarm, like bees or ants.

But when good God-fearing conservative Americans come together like they did during the Tea Party movement of 2010, the left depicts them as racists, bigots, gun nuts, and right-wing wackos.

While protesters in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and other states claim to speak for ordinary citizens, many are also supported by street-fighting rightwing groups like the Proud Boys, conservative armed militia groups, religious fundamentalists, anti-vaccination groups and other elements of the radical right.

Well there you have it. Not ordinary people at all. More like loony whackos from the fringes. America needs to help these idiots deal with their craziness.
Trump said they listen to him--then he didn't tell them to stay home. Nice job, leader.
why did the stay at home orders move out? explain it for us. gestation is 14 days, we're over 30 days now. so explain how it can get worse if everyone has been inside for over thirty days. see, the people see that and said, all they're doing is moving the goal posts to ruin the economy. 20 million affected vs 20,000 deaths due to a virus. yeah, the numbers aren't in your favor girl. sorry.
People got infected yesterday, add 30 days to that. Over 34,000 have died in America and the numbers of infected and dying are still increasing. You don't get to go anywhere when you die. The goalposts never move for that.

People die every day from various causes. Cancer, aids, heart disease, parkinsons, bullets in the back of the head, diabetes, tuberculosis, emphysema. Even though a lot more people die from those causes, we don't destroy the economy to stop them. It would be easy just to repeal the 21st Amendment and outlaw booze and we could end the deaths from Cirrhosis OTL over night. It would be easy just to outlaw sodomy and watch the aids deaths plummet.

But Americans have a right to have a beer or take one in the ass if they want to- and take the risk it might kill them too. Ditto with this, Americans have a right to risk getting sick from the CV too.
I am not surprised. Those protesters who were photographed looked like the usual right-wing neo-nazi trumpster bunch, predominantly white guys, beards, stupid hats, American flags, some with guns. This scum gets around.
Why did they need guns ?
Guns give them their manhood.

Guns gave you your freedom.
Yes they did but WW2 has been over for some time.

Never wondered why there wasn't a WWIII? Would you want to invade some country that has more guns than a porcupine has quills? Would anybody want to burglarize someone's house, knowing there was an armed person inside?

"I want to deliberately get my ass shot off", said nobody ever.
Guns have not given anyone freedom.

Guns actually give people the freedom to walk out of their homes and stand a chance if someone else decides to start a shootout.

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