Michigan School Shooting, 3 dead.

When will there be some controls over the amount of guns in America? This slaughter of children can't be in anybody's interests!
Why don't you put as much effort in researching the number of gun related incidences that have saved and protected lives as you do
in trying to further your mantra of "guns bad'? just a thought, sparky
The entire public school system, every single aspect of it, is locked down by Marxist/Leninist democrats, that is the problem, not guns, its leftism and the total, intentional, annihilation of the concept of traditional American values that pulled the trigger of that gun!

Its not the guns, its you, the democrats who are the murderous problem..... ;)

Why do you lie?
What does "amount" mean in your world?
You really lack intelligence as well as showing a very lazy attitude toward scratching any itch if curiosity.

Have you EVER considered resorting to a book with all those “word” thingies in it? Honestly. A valuable tool especially given your vast amount of ignorance.
This is fucking ridiculous. It's time to arm teachers like they do in Israel.

I have one of those Israeli Civil Guard M1 Carbines. Many were imported in the late 80s. They can be distinguished by the serial number of the weapon being stamped into the stock.....This one was manufactured in 1943 by Underwood but went through a post-war refurb......They were often issued to teachers when out on field trips and to tour guides.


When was the last mass school stabbing here?

Yesterday actually, but I guess you can argue of the "mass" definition.

What the fuck does the NRA have to do with the Constitution?

The NRA is a waste of money.

What the fuck does the NRA have to do with the Constitution?

The NRA is a waste of money. IF you want to give your money to someone give it to the Gun Owners of America or the Second Amendment Foundation.

Yep, I really like the SAF as you can be sure your money is going in the right places. The whole .org (along with a couple others) operates out of a place the size of a mid-sized dental practice.

Also if you have a viable grass-roots pro-second .org in your state like the VCDL here in Virginia I'm sure they could use some support too.....Just make sure they are not a NRA affiliate.


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