Michigan Trump-Endorsed Candidate Jacky Eubanks Backs Banning Birth Control, said “sex ought to be between a man & woman in the confines of marriage"

It really is irrelevant because nobody wants an endorsement from the dementia man.
Sounds to me like what you want is some kind of purity test. I guess a Christian can't accept an endorsement of any kind since we all fall short of the glory of God.
Only atheists can accept endorsements from now on?

A serial adulterer that would go on the air and brag about cheating on his wives? That's a little more than "falling short".
Again, a fertilized egg is a separate living entity with unique human DNA. That fertilized egg is a human life no matter how much you may not want it to be, regardless of the stage of that individual life.
So what? A unique strand of human DNA belonging to mom and dad is often created after sex and sometimes that unique Zygote never attached to moms womb and naturally gets flushed out with the next cycle. Not a baby. A baby is born. In America they become citizens then too, but not at fertilization.
It's not a living entity. It can't survive outside the woman.

But if you are trying to base law on simple morality, imo you will fail. Law that compels another to do, or not do something, must have some effect on another living person. That's why 60%+ believe abortion in the first trimester should be legal.

And it's odd to me that wannabe libertarians such as yourself ... are not libertarians.
Libertarians also believe in the right to life. This is what it boils down to, the right to life.
It is a living entity, the whole "clump of cells" BS has been debunked by science.
At the very moment of fertilization, this living entity has 46 human chromosomes & DNA. It is replicating constantly. In 9 months, a fully formed baby is ready to be born. This is what life is.
"Sex ought to be between one man and one woman in the confines of marriage.”

Are you suuuuuure Trump likes this person?
Sex between one man & one woman within the confines of marriage is Biblical. Should she apologize for simply following her faith?

She should leave her personal prejudices at the door when she becomes a public servant.

I don't like moralism, in politics or anywhere else.

I'm not interested in your morals, I have my own, thank you very much.

And yours aren't important enough to become public policy

Christians are entitled to their beliefs & opinions as are non-Christians.

Sure they are.

But banning condoms is something entirely different.

The left's idea of banning birth control is basically banning abortion pills or anything that would terminate a fertilized egg & the separate living entity with the unique human DNA it represents.
Just about any method that does not include murdering a baby is still allowed
How about we go the other way, and make condoms free for anyone who wants one?

Why not? Can't be any more expensive than a Covid vaccine.
A serial adulterer that would go on the air and brag about cheating on his wives? That's a little more than "falling short".
So tell her she shouldn't accept his endorsement if he doesn't meet your standards.
IDC if she does or not but let her know since you feel so strongly
Libertarians also believe in the right to life.
Not all of them. 2020 Presidential Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen is pro-choice.

We should keep the government out of reproductive health choices entirely. There should be no government subsidies of abortion services. There should be no regulation or laws against it. Abortion is a sensitive issue and people can hold good-faith views on all sides; government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

At the very moment of fertilization, this living entity has 46 human chromosomes & DNA. It is replicating constantly. In 9 months, a fully formed baby is ready to be born. This is what life is.
I love word problems but there are missing pieces here, oh yeah, the Baby Factory and the Woman who owns it.

Logic teaches that everyone who ever lived began life as a single fertilized egg. However, that does not mean every fertilized egg grows into a baby human being.
Not all of them. 2020 Presidential Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen is pro-choice.

We should keep the government out of reproductive health choices entirely. There should be no government subsidies of abortion services. There should be no regulation or laws against it. Abortion is a sensitive issue and people can hold good-faith views on all sides; government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

Isn't that kind of the point of being a libertarian? She has the right to be wrong, just like you do. She may not understand science or even care about right to life but her opinion has no influence on mine.
We all have to live with our choices & face God in the end. I don't want to stand in front of Him & explain why I supported baby murder
I love word problems but there are missing pieces here, oh yeah, the Baby Factory and the Woman who owns it.

Logic teaches that everyone who ever lived began life as a single fertilized egg. However, that does not mean every fertilized egg grows into a baby human being.
Because some don't make it all the way, that means it's OK to kill the rest if you choose?
Some people don't survive cancer so we shouldn't bother trying to save them?
How does this negate the fact they are living & unique human entities?
Baby Factory? Not a way I'd describe a mother or any woman but whatever
What we need is for government to prevent ppl from having sex before marriage, under penalty of death.
OK to kill the rest if you choose?
Nobody ever suggested it is okay to kill the rest, what ever that may mean. We're talking about a specific time in a girl/woman's life and her ability to choose to turn off the oven once a bun is in it.

How does this negate the fact they are living & unique human entities

I'm not saying a zygote or a fetus is not alive or not unique or not human or that terminating it's development is not killing perhaps another Jesus or Manson.
Nobody ever suggested it is okay to kill the rest, what ever that may mean. We're talking about a specific time in a girl/woman's life and her ability to choose to turn off the oven once a bun is in it.

I'm not saying a zygote or a fetus is not alive or not unique or not human or that terminating it's development is not killing perhaps another Jesus or Manson.
So you acknowledge they are a unique human life but, even though they are innocent of any crime & deprived due process, they don't deserve any protections or right to life because they can't speak yet?
You are advocating for killing the most innocent & vulnerable human beings as a matter of convenience
Isn't that kind of the point of being a libertarian? She has the right to be wrong, just like you do. She may not understand science or even care about right to life but her opinion has no influence on mine.
We all have to live with our choices & face God in the end. I don't want to stand in front of Him & explain why I supported baby murder
I was just pointing out the error of your statement. A pro-choice candidate was chosen as the Libertarian candidate for president.

Also, see the quote in my signature from another poster who named himself after John Galt. It's priceless.
Nobody ever suggested it is okay to kill the rest, what ever that may mean. We're talking about a specific time in a girl/woman's life and her ability to choose to turn off the oven once a bun is in it.
A woman's choice comes BEFORE she has sex. The vast majority of unwanted pregnancies are the result of no birth control being used, or the improper/inconsistent use of birth control.

Pro-choicers are asking to choose to be irresponsible and make an innocent life pay the consequences.
Again, a fertilized egg is a separate living entity with unique human DNA. That fertilized egg is a human life no matter how much you may not want it to be, regardless of the stage of that individual life.
Would you ban Plan B and iUDs? Should a miscarriage warrant involuntary manslaughter?
Would you ban Plan B and iUDs? Should a miscarriage warrant involuntary manslaughter?
First, yes I would ban anything that kills a human life outside of the woman's life being in danger
Second part, that's just a stupid strawman argument you should try on your low info friends
A woman's choice comes BEFORE she has sex. The vast majority of unwanted pregnancies are the result of no birth control being used, or the improper/inconsistent use of birth control.

Pro-choicers are asking to choose to be irresponsible and make an innocent life pay the consequences.
People are irresponsible and have been for a very long time. I wish everyone cherished their children like my family does. However, raising children properly is an expensive and a life long commitment. I still believe it should be a woman choice and not the governments, to have children.

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