Michigan's Dept. of Education encourages child sexual transitions without parents' consent


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2022
Michigan's Dept. of Education encourages child sexual transitions without parents' consent

Editor's note: This article first appeared in City Journal:

The Michigan Department of Education has adopted a radical gender theory program that promotes gender "fluidity" beginning in elementary school and encourages teachers to facilitate the sexual transition of minors without parental consent.

I have obtained videos and internal documentation from the state’s training program, which first took place in 2020 and was repackaged for public school employees for the 2021–2022 school year. The training program mimics the basic narrative of academic queer theory: the presenters claim that the West has created a false notion that "gender is binary" in order to oppress racial and sexual minorities. In response, the department encourages teachers to adopt the principle of "intersectionality," a key tenet of critical race theory, in order to "dismantle systems of oppression," which are replicated through the culture and institutions of education.

The first step to dismantling these systems, according to the presenters, is to disrupt the gender binary. In one presentation, trainer Amorie Robinson, who describes herself as a "Black, masculine-identified, cisgendered lesbian baby boomer" and uses the "African name" Kofi Adoma, says that "we’ve been condition and we’ve been acculturated in this particular culture that gender is binary." But teachers should know that, in fact, gender is a spectrum, including identities such as "gender non-binary," "gender fluid," "gender queer," "gender non-conforming," and "bi-gender." Likewise, sexual orientation can include an expanding range of categories. Students might identify as "asexual, lesbian, straight, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, demisexual, demiromantic, aromantic, and skoliosexual," says Robinson. "I’ll leave that to you to go Google on those. Because we ain’t got time today!"

Next, Robinson and Kim Phillips-Knope, project lead of the LGBTQ+ Students Project, share a series of TikTok videos featuring adolescents exploring their sexual identity. "I am a triple threat: I’m depressed, anxious, and gay," says one. "Last night at about 2 a.m., I put in my bio that I identify as ‘agender,’ which is different than non-binary because non-binary is like neither gender, right? Agender is like the gray area between genders," says another individual. "Hi, my name is Elise," says another. "I’ve used she/her pronouns all my life. But recently, and for a while, I’ve been struggling with gender issues as well as a whole lot of other identity things. So, I finally gave in and ordered a [breast] binder for myself and it just came in today. And I have never been happier with how my body looks since I was a kid."

See the video:

TheReaper says: This is "official" grooming folks, unlike the unofficial grooming using casual conversations between teachers and kids. My God people, is there even one democrat out there with any morals at all who will say this is wrong?
Michigan's Dept. of Education encourages child sexual transitions without parents' consent

Editor's note: This article first appeared in City Journal:

The Michigan Department of Education has adopted a radical gender theory program that promotes gender "fluidity" beginning in elementary school and encourages teachers to facilitate the sexual transition of minors without parental consent.

I have obtained videos and internal documentation from the state’s training program, which first took place in 2020 and was repackaged for public school employees for the 2021–2022 school year. The training program mimics the basic narrative of academic queer theory: the presenters claim that the West has created a false notion that "gender is binary" in order to oppress racial and sexual minorities. In response, the department encourages teachers to adopt the principle of "intersectionality," a key tenet of critical race theory, in order to "dismantle systems of oppression," which are replicated through the culture and institutions of education.

The first step to dismantling these systems, according to the presenters, is to disrupt the gender binary. In one presentation, trainer Amorie Robinson, who describes herself as a "Black, masculine-identified, cisgendered lesbian baby boomer" and uses the "African name" Kofi Adoma, says that "we’ve been condition and we’ve been acculturated in this particular culture that gender is binary." But teachers should know that, in fact, gender is a spectrum, including identities such as "gender non-binary," "gender fluid," "gender queer," "gender non-conforming," and "bi-gender." Likewise, sexual orientation can include an expanding range of categories. Students might identify as "asexual, lesbian, straight, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, demisexual, demiromantic, aromantic, and skoliosexual," says Robinson. "I’ll leave that to you to go Google on those. Because we ain’t got time today!"

Next, Robinson and Kim Phillips-Knope, project lead of the LGBTQ+ Students Project, share a series of TikTok videos featuring adolescents exploring their sexual identity. "I am a triple threat: I’m depressed, anxious, and gay," says one. "Last night at about 2 a.m., I put in my bio that I identify as ‘agender,’ which is different than non-binary because non-binary is like neither gender, right? Agender is like the gray area between genders," says another individual. "Hi, my name is Elise," says another. "I’ve used she/her pronouns all my life. But recently, and for a while, I’ve been struggling with gender issues as well as a whole lot of other identity things. So, I finally gave in and ordered a [breast] binder for myself and it just came in today. And I have never been happier with how my body looks since I was a kid."

See the video:

TheReaper says: This is "official" grooming folks, unlike the unofficial grooming using casual conversations between teachers and kids. My God people, is there even one democrat out there with any morals at all who will say this is wrong?

Do you believe this?
Michigan's Dept. of Education encourages child sexual transitions without parents' consent

Editor's note: This article first appeared in City Journal:

The Michigan Department of Education has adopted a radical gender theory program that promotes gender "fluidity" beginning in elementary school and encourages teachers to facilitate the sexual transition of minors without parental consent.

I have obtained videos and internal documentation from the state’s training program, which first took place in 2020 and was repackaged for public school employees for the 2021–2022 school year. The training program mimics the basic narrative of academic queer theory: the presenters claim that the West has created a false notion that "gender is binary" in order to oppress racial and sexual minorities. In response, the department encourages teachers to adopt the principle of "intersectionality," a key tenet of critical race theory, in order to "dismantle systems of oppression," which are replicated through the culture and institutions of education.

The first step to dismantling these systems, according to the presenters, is to disrupt the gender binary. In one presentation, trainer Amorie Robinson, who describes herself as a "Black, masculine-identified, cisgendered lesbian baby boomer" and uses the "African name" Kofi Adoma, says that "we’ve been condition and we’ve been acculturated in this particular culture that gender is binary." But teachers should know that, in fact, gender is a spectrum, including identities such as "gender non-binary," "gender fluid," "gender queer," "gender non-conforming," and "bi-gender." Likewise, sexual orientation can include an expanding range of categories. Students might identify as "asexual, lesbian, straight, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, demisexual, demiromantic, aromantic, and skoliosexual," says Robinson. "I’ll leave that to you to go Google on those. Because we ain’t got time today!"

Next, Robinson and Kim Phillips-Knope, project lead of the LGBTQ+ Students Project, share a series of TikTok videos featuring adolescents exploring their sexual identity. "I am a triple threat: I’m depressed, anxious, and gay," says one. "Last night at about 2 a.m., I put in my bio that I identify as ‘agender,’ which is different than non-binary because non-binary is like neither gender, right? Agender is like the gray area between genders," says another individual. "Hi, my name is Elise," says another. "I’ve used she/her pronouns all my life. But recently, and for a while, I’ve been struggling with gender issues as well as a whole lot of other identity things. So, I finally gave in and ordered a [breast] binder for myself and it just came in today. And I have never been happier with how my body looks since I was a kid."

See the video:

TheReaper says: This is "official" grooming folks, unlike the unofficial grooming using casual conversations between teachers and kids. My God people, is there even one democrat out there with any morals at all who will say this is wrong?
It's a point of view just like yours, is that also considered grooming?
Do you believe this?
The link in the article to a document issued by the Michigan Dept. of Education seems pretty authentic and convincing.

Remind me again why we need government in education?

Judging by the stupidity of most state agency people, they hardly seem to be in any position to be regulating the education of another!

Who the fuck ever thought that gathering all the nations children behind locked doors and having union assholes propagandize them was a good idea.

Abolish all schools. Let parents homeschool kids through what is the equivalent of 6th grade, then let government vouchers pay for the private or religious school of your choice. No more school board, government entities, nothing. Wipe it all out.
Do you believe this?

Lady, your ignorant question is the result of you choosing to listen to fake news your whole life. You don't have the first fucking clue about what is really going on out there.
Do you believe this?

Biden administration endorses transgender youth sex-change operations, 'top surgery,' hormone therapy

President Biden's administration has released a series of documents encouraging gender-reassignment surgery and hormone treatments for minors.

The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Population Affairs released a document Thursday titled "Gender Affirming Care and Young People." The same day, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Child Traumatic Stress Network – another subset of the HHS – released a parallel document titled, "Gender-Affirming Care Is Trauma-Informed Care."

The HHS documents describe what it calls appropriate treatments for transgender adolescents, including: "'Top' surgery – to create male-typical chest shape or enhance breasts;" and "'Bottom' surgery – surgery on genitals or reproductive organs, facial feminization or other procedures."

"Medical and psychosocial gender affirming healthcare practices have been demonstrated to yield lower rates of adverse mental health outcomes, build self-esteem, and improve overall quality of life for transgender and gender diverse youth," the OPA release states.

The NCTSN document is far longer than the brief outline provided by the OPA, but reiterates the same thought process and explanation for minors receiving alterations to their genitalia.

"For transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents, early gender-affirming care is crucial to overall health and well-being as it allows the child or adolescent to focus on social transitions and can increase their confidence while navigating the healthcare system," the NCTSN wrote in their release. "It may include evidence-based interventions such as puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones."

The NCTSN document goes out of its way to assure the public that the use of gender-affirming methods such as surgery and hormone replacement are not child abuse – most likely in response to recent policy decision in Texas that made such treatments illegal.

"Providing gender-affirming care is neither child maltreatment nor malpractice. The child welfare system in the US, charged with "improv(ing) the overall health and well-being of our nation’s children and families," should not be used to deny care or separate families working to make the best decisions for their children’s well-being. There is no scientifically sound research showing negative impacts from providing gender-affirming care," the NCTSN added.

The White House released a video to coincide with the new policies featuring President Biden speaking on the issue of transgender children.

Is that why this is published?

If there are groomers to be defended, you will always see Moonglow on the front line lending a hand to the pedophiles.

If it were not for Fox News and ME you would not even know about this you punkass bitch
If there are groomers to be defended, you will always see Moonglow on the front line lending a hand to the pedophiles.

If it were not for Fox News and ME you would not even know about this you punkass bitch
I see, so you are claiming a public education policy is hidden from plain sight yet FAUX Newls somehow found it? Frickin' lame for a turd burglar like yous.
I see, so you are claiming a public education policy is hidden from plain sight yet FAUX Newls somehow found it? Frickin' lame for a turd burglar like yous.

Cut the crap clownie

The arrogant elitist lefTARDS of this world will learn:

They dont do jack shit to my child without my permission.

They don't even look at her sideways without asking me first.

Any "school official" who talks sex to my child is in a heap of trouble. I'm not kidding. I've already had three teachers and an assistant principle fired because they failed to RESPECT MY CHILD. I still have a reputation in SFUSD, my name is spoken in hushed whispers.

You fuck with my child and I'll come after you. I'll FIND your idiotic leftard ass. There's no place you can hide.
Cut the crap clownie

The arrogant elitist lefTARDS of this world will learn:

They dont do jack shit to my child without my permission.

They don't even look at her sideways without asking me first.

Any "school official" who talks sex to my child is in a heap of trouble. I'm not kidding. I've already had three teachers and an assistant principle fired because they failed to RESPECT MY CHILD. I still have a reputation in SFUSD, my name is spoken in hushed whispers.

You fuck with my child and I'll come after you. I'll FIND your idiotic leftard ass. There's no place you can hide.
Why don't you homeschool?

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