Michio Kaku: God Created the Universe

His position is still that there is ultimately a creator...Whether that is or isn't the Judeo-Chrisian "God" is irrelevant.

That is the point of the OP.
It’s his personal opinion. Why is this in the science section?

Because god is a scientist too.

in memoriam Albertus Magnus

God hasn't even been proven.

You do not have any idea how stupid someone sounds in such a context in my ears who says "The idea empirism is my god". Short question: God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so? And a much more important question: Why take you and your president not all insects on board of the USS-Noah 2? Nothing what the USA is doing in the current moment of world history justifies only one of the sacrifices of any of our ancestors for the survival of all mankind. I'm sure you are in danger to make god angry.

Which god, Allah?

You know very well on your own that the words god and Allah are the same word.

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Short question: God created existence.
No, he didn't.

The question was: "Short question: God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so?" Your behavior to try to hide or to ignore such a complex question shows as well as this question on its own that atheist don't try to find out what Christians or other monotheists, who believe in the creator god, do really think about in such contextes.

So if your belief is "god did not do so" the question continues "Whoelse created existence?" or "Howelse did it happen that something is existing at all and not only nothing is allround us?" or "Why exists existence?" or most short question in this context in the English language: "Why is "is""?

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abu afak

You are still a speechless idiot using the freedom of speech? You seem to live in the fear to be able to make something wrong - that's why you make everything wrong what you are able to make wrong. To disqualify others with methods of bullying qualifies nothing.
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It’s his personal opinion. Why is this in the science section?

Because god is a scientist too.

in memoriam Albertus Magnus

God hasn't even been proven.

You do not have any idea how stupid someone sounds in such a context in my ears who says "The idea empirism is my god". Short question: God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so? And a much more important question: Why take you and your president not all insects on board of the USS-Noah 2? Nothing what the USA is doing in the current moment of world history justifies only one of the sacrifices of any of our ancestors for the survival of all mankind. I'm sure you are in danger to make god angry.

Which god, Allah?

You know very well on your own that the words god and Allah are the same word.

So the Christian god gives 72 virgins to Muslims but not Christians? Nope.
Because god is a scientist too.

in memoriam Albertus Magnus

God hasn't even been proven.

You do not have any idea how stupid someone sounds in such a context in my ears who says "The idea empirism is my god". Short question: God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so? And a much more important question: Why take you and your president not all insects on board of the USS-Noah 2? Nothing what the USA is doing in the current moment of world history justifies only one of the sacrifices of any of our ancestors for the survival of all mankind. I'm sure you are in danger to make god angry.

Which god, Allah?

You know very well on your own that the words god and Allah are the same word.

So the Christian god gives 72 virgins to Muslims but not Christians? Nope.

Per 1 man 72 virgins in heaven? Could be true. Men are pigs. Men are liars. Men are violent. Men are intrigant. Men love wars. Men hate god. Men fuck everything what has more than -1 legs. Men hate the mothers of their children. Men cause for example abortions and force women to make the decisions to let kill their own babies and call this "progress" and "emancipation of women" or "women's lib". ... Will perhaps be diffcult to find men in heaven.

But indeed is the formula "72 virgins" only a picture about the paradise of a pre-arabic language - a grape of 72 single grapes (fruits).

And not to forget: God and Allah is the same word.

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God hasn't even been proven.

You do not have any idea how stupid someone sounds in such a context in my ears who says "The idea empirism is my god". Short question: God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so? And a much more important question: Why take you and your president not all insects on board of the USS-Noah 2? Nothing what the USA is doing in the current moment of world history justifies only one of the sacrifices of any of our ancestors for the survival of all mankind. I'm sure you are in danger to make god angry.

Which god, Allah?

You know very well on your own that the words god and Allah are the same word.

So the Christian god gives 72 virgins to Muslims but not Christians? Nope.

Per 1 man 72 virgins in heaven? Could be true. Men are pigs. Men are liars. Men are violent. Men are intrigant. Men love wars. Men hate god. Men fuck everything what has more than -1 legs. Men hate the mothers of their children. Men cause for example abortions and force women to make the decsions to let kill their own babies and call this "progress" and "emancipation of women" or "women's lib". ... Wil be diffctu,l to find men in heaven.

But indeed is the formula "72 virgins" only a picture about the paradise of a pre-arabic language - a grape of 72 single grapes (fruits).

And not to forget: God and Allah is the same word.

Plenty of gods use the same word "god", but they aren't all the same god.
The question was: "Short question: God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so?
I wasn't responding to your question. I was responding to your claim that god created existence.

No, he didn't.

Got it?

Your problem is that you are not able to say "I believe god did not do so" because you believe not to believe. This makes you intentionally blind, so you do not have to think about any alternative scenario. That's why you postulate restrictions on free thoughts. And in general I fear the English language, which became the lingua franka of physics, and the English "state belief atheism" (or "science belief atheism") slows down increasingly since 40 years the quality of the basic research in physics.

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You do not have any idea how stupid someone sounds in such a context in my ears who says "The idea empirism is my god". Short question: God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so? And a much more important question: Why take you and your president not all insects on board of the USS-Noah 2? Nothing what the USA is doing in the current moment of world history justifies only one of the sacrifices of any of our ancestors for the survival of all mankind. I'm sure you are in danger to make god angry.

Which god, Allah?

You know very well on your own that the words god and Allah are the same word.

So the Christian god gives 72 virgins to Muslims but not Christians? Nope.

Per 1 man 72 virgins in heaven? Could be true. Men are pigs. Men are liars. Men are violent. Men are intrigant. Men love wars. Men hate god. Men fuck everything what has more than -1 legs. Men hate the mothers of their children. Men cause for example abortions and force women to make the decsions to let kill their own babies and call this "progress" and "emancipation of women" or "women's lib". ... Wil be diffctu,l to find men in heaven.

But indeed is the formula "72 virgins" only a picture about the paradise of a pre-arabic language - a grape of 72 single grapes (fruits).

And not to forget: God and Allah is the same word.

Plenty of gods use the same word "god", but they aren't all the same god.

Because only god exists in monotheism "Allah" and "God" are the same word.

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Mathematics has

(infinity) which goes to show God exists
Says you.

Math has proof and it and computers have proven God. The basic math for kids (cough) and you is only God can divide by zero.

Scientists use mathematical calculations to PROVE the existence of God
Well that's all hilariously stupid bullshit....

It's fact. Fact can't be BS when mathematics has proven it. It just goes to show that you've been lied and tricked and believe in LIES.
Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

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