Michio Kaku: God Created the Universe

No - you didn't.
Then you need to get yourself a new dictionary. You asserted that god created existence. I say he did not. And now I have been treated with 2 pages of prancing and preening, without one direct response to this refutation.
Furthermore, it's a lie negated by a pile of evidence found even just in this thread.

Your pile is the hot, messy and smelly kind. Nothing to back it up that is observable, testable and falsifiable.


OTOH, we have the Garden of Eden and places in the Bible are actual locations.

The Biblical Garden of Eden


I don't see any dinosaurs.

My point was actual locations, so I scored there. The dinosaurs are on the land that stretches out next to the river. There's one that appears to have crawled out of the river, a brachiosaur is nearby and sticking its neck and head out of the trees, pteranodons fly high around the mountain tops and an enormous mastodon behind the tiger on the right. Notice they all live peacefully with one another and humans rule over all animals. This is a 16th century painting, but quite good in depicting the action. Eve looks to be offering the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge as the serpent watches over them. Adam and Eve didn't last very long in paradise. Unfortunately, they could not move the ToK, but they could've moved away from it and lived in the hills. Speaking of the serpent, it represents you and the non-believers that have fallen under Satan's lies and trickery in the form of ToE, evolutionary thinking and history.

You provided nothing in terms of location so you scored nothing. While you won't want to admit it, mankind has grown and learned much since the 16th century.

As to Satan's lies and trickery, that is among the stereotypical nonsense from ID'iot / creationists who have never read the Genesis fable. You should read it. It is the gods who lied. Satan told the truth.

How about I educate you regarding the Bibles you have never taken the time to read.

So, let's look at the source material, why don't we (KJV):

Genesis 2
5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

Commentary: God has created the plants (which would include trees) and then creates man. Then he plants the garden and places man there. Are you keeping up so far?

16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Commentary: Very clearly here we can see that evil already exists else it cannot be a tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man at this point in the narrative has nothing to do nor any knowledge of either good or evil. Hence evil must predate Man in order for there to be a choice.

Genesis 3
1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Now we have two questions:

1. Does this serpent lie, deceive, and tempt ("yes" to all three)-- and are any of these behaviors sinful? To answer this, apply them to the model of perfection, God. Can this God...

Lie? No, it would be sinful of God to lie and God by definition is sinless.

Deceive? No, it would be sinful of God to decieve and God by definition is sinless.

Tempt? Well, perhaps towards good, but the context here is towards disobedience and thus would be sinful, and of course it would be sinful of God to tempt and God by definition is sinless.

So we can agree that the behaviors of the serpent are pretty much sinful and none of them could be applied to the perfection of God within the narrative.

Onto our second question:

Exactly who (or what) is this serpent? It can only be one of three things:

A. An actual flesh and blood serpent
B. Satan
C. God

If it is A., and if it sins (and it does) then sin has been introduced into the world by a flesh and blood creation of god, and man has not brought it into the world.

If it is B. and if Satan sins, then once again evil has been brought into the world by an agent other than Man (although not of flesh and blood)

If it is C. (and actually, as the Author of Everything then Everything is ultimately of God) then we have a very deep problem, and a nature that totally self-destructs as God is both perfect and imperfect at the same time (this is the core "proof" of God not existing that leads to an atheistic conclusion-- for all those endless demands that atheists prove that a nothing doesn't not exist, it is only this-- that God is a senseless mass of contradictory nonsense that can establish any sort of "proof". A senseless mass of contradictory nonsense is indistinguishable from "nothingness"). For arguments sake, let's not head down C at all since in question 1 we have eliminated God being able to sin.

Now, left with choice A or B: I have heard the argument (and it's not a bad one actually): "Well, nowhere does it say God told the serpent he couldn't be evil and it was the disobedience that is the sin, not the act of evil."

To this I would point out that if sin (disobedience) is not evil, then it must be good, and if it is good, it cannot be an act of disobedience, and once again we're in a feedback loop.

But let's even concede this point and see where it leads:

What we are left with is this: Evil is of God -- no way around that -- hence, the Gods are all good and all evil at the same time and are completely self-contradictory. Sin is the failure of the test -- but if sin is evil, and man was kept from knowing what good and evil are (only the tree could supply that knowledge and the tree was told not to indulge), then man is precluded from being able to pass the test. God must know this, and God, being omniscient, must know which way Man would choose. Hence, free will is an illusion.

According to the fable you never bothered to read, the gods lied. Satan told the truth. How ironic.

According to the fable you never bothered to read, the gods lied. Satan told the truth. How ironic.

I've demonstrated location and the dinosaurs and scored both times, so now you change the subject to the Bible and commit blasphemy. You're going backwards, so I would stop if I were you but TG I'm not. I've been practicing one ahead as I've already told you and the atheists that they are under the spell of Satan. For one, they write God with a lower case 'g' which refers to the "god of the world and prince of the power of the air" as Satan. How does that happen without you knowing it and practically every single atheist follows it. They do not know what they're doing either. Even Richard Dawkins writes God in upper case because that is academic. We are not in academia, so practically all atheists end up honoring Satan without meaning to. What you just admitted is the atheist thinking that up is down and down is up and your conclusion that Satan told the truth about evolution, evolutionary thinking and history. You have been tricked and deceived by lies and the mountain of "facts" you so call believe in is nothing but false faith. You believe in lies while the creationists and their scientists realize the truth and science backs up this truth. You've struck out on how spacetime started, how life originated (demonstrating abiogenesis), showing why today's apes and chimps are not bipedal (but continue to claim this happened in the distant past), showing that aliens exist (overcoming fine tuning, solar wind and lack of Earth's habitability) and showing how macroevolution can happen by pure chance. For example, you have not been able to produce a dinosaur from a chicken. OTOH, I showed why God continues to expand the universe in this thread. See posts #263 and #264. I have been patiently waiting for an explanation how the impossible cosmic inflation can occur, but all I get are crickets. Even the point of infinite temperature and infinite density cannot be explained if there is no spacetime existing to begin with.
According to the fable you never bothered to read, the gods lied. Satan told the truth. How ironic.

I've demonstrated location and the dinosaurs and scored both times, so now you change the subject to the Bible and commit blasphemy. You're going backwards, so I would stop if I were you but TG I'm not. I've been practicing one ahead as I've already told you and the atheists that they are under the spell of Satan. For one, they write God with a lower case 'g' which refers to the "god of the world and prince of the power of the air" as Satan. How does that happen without you knowing it and practically every single atheist follows it. They do not know what they're doing either. Even Richard Dawkins writes God in upper case because that is academic. We are not in academia, so practically all atheists end up honoring Satan without meaning to. What you just admitted is the atheist thinking that up is down and down is up and your conclusion that Satan told the truth about evolution, evolutionary thinking and history. You have been tricked and deceived by lies and the mountain of "facts" you so call believe in is nothing but false faith. You believe in lies while the creationists and their scientists realize the truth and science backs up this truth. You've struck out on how spacetime started, how life originated (demonstrating abiogenesis), showing why today's apes and chimps are not bipedal (but continue to claim this happened in the distant past), showing that aliens exist (overcoming fine tuning, solar wind and lack of Earth's habitability) and showing how macroevolution can happen by pure chance. For example, you have not been able to produce a dinosaur from a chicken. OTOH, I showed why God continues to expand the universe in this thread. See posts #263 and #264. I have been patiently waiting for an explanation how the impossible cosmic inflation can occur, but all I get are crickets. Even the point of infinite temperature and infinite density cannot be explained if there is no spacetime existing to begin with.

That was quite a diatribe but it didn’t address why your gods lied and Satan told the truth.

As I noted, it’s clear that so many ID / creationists have never read their bibles, they just accepted the fables they were told.
According to the fable you never bothered to read, the gods lied. Satan told the truth. How ironic.

I've demonstrated location and the dinosaurs and scored both times, so now you change the subject to the Bible and commit blasphemy. You're going backwards, so I would stop if I were you but TG I'm not. I've been practicing one ahead as I've already told you and the atheists that they are under the spell of Satan. For one, they write God with a lower case 'g' which refers to the "god of the world and prince of the power of the air" as Satan. How does that happen without you knowing it and practically every single atheist follows it. They do not know what they're doing either. Even Richard Dawkins writes God in upper case because that is academic. We are not in academia, so practically all atheists end up honoring Satan without meaning to. What you just admitted is the atheist thinking that up is down and down is up and your conclusion that Satan told the truth about evolution, evolutionary thinking and history. You have been tricked and deceived by lies and the mountain of "facts" you so call believe in is nothing but false faith. You believe in lies while the creationists and their scientists realize the truth and science backs up this truth. You've struck out on how spacetime started, how life originated (demonstrating abiogenesis), showing why today's apes and chimps are not bipedal (but continue to claim this happened in the distant past), showing that aliens exist (overcoming fine tuning, solar wind and lack of Earth's habitability) and showing how macroevolution can happen by pure chance. For example, you have not been able to produce a dinosaur from a chicken. OTOH, I showed why God continues to expand the universe in this thread. See posts #263 and #264. I have been patiently waiting for an explanation how the impossible cosmic inflation can occur, but all I get are crickets. Even the point of infinite temperature and infinite density cannot be explained if there is no spacetime existing to begin with.

That was quite a diatribe but it didn’t address why your gods lied and Satan told the truth.

As I noted, it’s clear that so many ID / creationists have never read their bibles, they just accepted the fables they were told.
You really are wasting your time with that liar.
Intelligent people know there is a God. Dumbass people think THEY are god.
Actually,the more intelligence one is, the less likely that one is to believe in God. So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass to soothe yourself, there.

I think Michio Kaku is far more intelligent than a dumbass like you. Darwin, Einstein, Newton...All believed in God. Accusing someone else of what you are doing (pulling something out your ass) is a typical, ignorant, Neo-Marxist ploy. Stop spewing ignorance, moron.

Darwin: “I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God.”

Did History's Most Famous Scientists Believe In God?
Actually,the more intelligence one is, the less likely that one is to believe in God. So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass to soothe yourself, there.

I think Michio Kaku is far more intelligent than a dumbass like you. Darwin, Einstein, Newton...All believed in God. Accusing someone else of what you are doing (pulling something out your ass) is a typical, ignorant, Neo-Marxist ploy. Stop spewing ignorance, moron.

Darwin: “I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God.”

Did History's Most Famous Scientists Believe In God?
That's nice, crybaby. But the data shows that, the more intelligent one is, the less likely that one is to believe in God. And no number of crybaby little hissy fits by you is going to change that.
Intelligent people 'less likely to believe in God'

People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.
By Graeme Paton, Education Editor, 11 Jun 2008
Intelligent people 'less likely to believe in God' - Telegraph

Professor Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University, said many more members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

A decline in religious observance over the last century was directly linked to a rise in average intelligence, he claimed. But the conclusions - in a paper for the academic journal Intelligence - have been branded "simplistic" by critics. Professor Lynn, who has provoked controversy in the past with research linking intelligence to race and sex, said university academics were less likely to believe in God than almost anyone else.

A survey of Royal Society fellows found that only 3.3% believed in God - at a time when 68.5% of the general UK population described themselves as believers.

A separate poll in the 90s found only 7% of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God.

Professor Lynn said most primary school children believed in God, but as they entered adolescence - and their intelligence increased - many started to have doubts.

He told Times Higher Education magazine: "Why should fewer academics believe in God than the general population? I believe it is simply a matter of the IQ. Academics have higher IQs than the general population. Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQs tend not to believe in God."...
Actually,the more intelligence one is, the less likely that one is to believe in God. So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass to soothe yourself, there.
I think Michio Kaku is far more intelligent than a dumbass like you. Darwin, Einstein, Newton...All believed in God. Accusing someone else of what you are doing (pulling something out your ass) is a typical, ignorant, Neo-Marxist ploy. Stop spewing ignorance, moron.

Darwin: “I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God.”

Did History's Most Famous Scientists Believe In God?
"..The word God is for me Nothing more than the expression and product of human Weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still Primitive Legends which are nevertheless pretty Childish.

No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.
"These [...] interpretations are highly manifold according to their nature and have almost nothing to do with the original text. For me the Jewish religion like ALL other religions is an incarnation of the most Childish Superstitions.".."

- Einstein letter to Gutkind, 1954


Last edited:
the Jewish religion like ALL other religions is an incarnation of the most Childish Superstitions.".."
No room to equivocate there...

These religious nutball charlatans have been trying to pull the same dishonest parlor trick with Einstein for 100 years. And they always get embarrassed. I guess they will never learn...
the Jewish religion like ALL other religions is an incarnation of the most Childish Superstitions.".."
No room to equivocate there...

These religious nutball charlatans have been trying to pull the same dishonest parlor trick with Einstein for 100 years. And they always get embarrassed. I guess they will never learn...
Can you tell?
I've had this debate a few times.
I only have to look up a few of my old posts.
And there are many more on this topic.
Actually,the more intelligence one is, the less likely that one is to believe in God. So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass to soothe yourself, there.
I think Michio Kaku is far more intelligent than a dumbass like you. Darwin, Einstein, Newton...All believed in God. Accusing someone else of what you are doing (pulling something out your ass) is a typical, ignorant, Neo-Marxist ploy. Stop spewing ignorance, moron.

Darwin: “I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God.”

Did History's Most Famous Scientists Believe In God?
"..The word God is for me Nothing more than the expression and product of human Weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still Primitive Legends which are nevertheless pretty Childish.

No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this.
"These [...] interpretations are highly manifold according to their nature and have almost nothing to do with the original text. For me the Jewish religion like ALL other religions is an incarnation of the most Childish Superstitions.".."

- Einstein letter to Gutkind, 1954



I wasn’t referring to a religious God you moron.
the Jewish religion like ALL other religions is an incarnation of the most Childish Superstitions.".."
No room to equivocate there...

These religious nutball charlatans have been trying to pull the same dishonest parlor trick with Einstein for 100 years. And they always get embarrassed. I guess they will never learn...

I never mentioned religion you fucking moron.

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