Michio Kaku: God Created the Universe

I wasn’t referring to a religious God you moron
Then use your big boy words so people know what you mean, since you weren't clear.

Grow up shitstain, stop making shit up about what people post. Is that ‘clear’ enough?
You said, "god". You did not clarify that you were not referring to a 'religious god". So, if people do not know this, that's your fault for not using your big boy words. So pinch off the little tantrum you are having, because it's stupid.
I wasn’t referring to a religious God you moron
Then use your big boy words so people know what you mean, since you weren't clear.

Grow up shitstain, stop making shit up about what people post. Is that ‘clear’ enough?
You said, "god". You did not clarify that you were not referring to a 'religious god". So, if people do not know this, that's your fault for not using your big boy words. So pinch off the little tantrum you are having, because it's stupid.

I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you. Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.
I wasn’t referring to a religious God you moron
Then use your big boy words so people know what you mean, since you weren't clear.

Grow up shitstain, stop making shit up about what people post. Is that ‘clear’ enough?
You said, "god". You did not clarify that you were not referring to a 'religious god". So, if people do not know this, that's your fault for not using your big boy words. So pinch off the little tantrum you are having, because it's stupid.

I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you. Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.
Again, stop your incessant whining. And let's not forget, someone had to first explain to you the reality of Einstein's beliefs, forcing you to move the goalposts and now lie about what you meant.

Yes, you are lying. you meant "god" and got called out. then you moved the goalposts. It's pretty obvious.
I wasn’t referring to a religious God you moron
Then use your big boy words so people know what you mean, since you weren't clear.

Grow up shitstain, stop making shit up about what people post. Is that ‘clear’ enough?
You said, "god". You did not clarify that you were not referring to a 'religious god". So, if people do not know this, that's your fault for not using your big boy words. So pinch off the little tantrum you are having, because it's stupid.

I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you. Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.
Again, stop your incessant whining. And let's not forget, someone had to first explain to you the reality of Einstein's beliefs, forcing you to move the goalposts and now lie about what you meant.

Yes, you are lying. you meant "god" and got called out. then you moved the goalposts. It's pretty obvious.

Einstein did believe in God. He had many thoughts about religion and God however. You just assumed I meant a religious God in your knee-jerk response. Along with Einstein, many intelligent folks throughout history believed in God. (as I already proved to you with citations). Try actually reading posts instead of reacting to your TDS.

I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you.
Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.
You were/still are an inadequate low IQ idiot.
YOU made a blanket statement.
One that IS made here regularly, and shot down.

And/so of course it IS your job to explain what you mean you dick-licking dip****.
Especially when you Claim you were advocating an esoteric rather than common usage.

I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you.
Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.
You were/still are an inadequate low IQ idiot.
YOU made a blanket statement.
One that IS made here regularly, and shot down.

And/so of course it IS your job to explain what you mean you dick-licking dip****.
Especially when you Claim you were advocating an esoteric rather than common usage.

You come on here, make accusations with 0 proof and act all arrogant. Typical Neo-Marxist, idiot, brain-dead, robot. I might add that MOST of your responses are ignorant funny-faces. You have nothing, know nothing and are a fucking moron.

I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you.
Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.
You were/still are an inadequate low IQ idiot.
YOU made a blanket statement.
One that IS made here regularly, and shot down.

And/so of course it IS your job to explain what you mean you dick-licking dip****.
Especially when you Claim you were advocating an esoteric rather than common usage.

You come on here, make accusations with 0 proof and act all arrogant. Typical Neo-Marxist, idiot, brain-dead, robot.
IOW and again.
You have NO ANSWER to the FACT it WAS your job to explain what you meant by "god" ('god' an atypical usage) you low IQ Dick-licking Turd.


I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you.
Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.
You were/still are an inadequate low IQ idiot.
YOU made a blanket statement.
One that IS made here regularly, and shot down.

And/so of course it IS your job to explain what you mean you dick-licking dip****.
Especially when you Claim you were advocating an esoteric rather than common usage.
You come on here, make accusations with 0 proof and act all arrogant. Typical Neo-Marxist, idiot, brain-dead, robot.
IOW and again.
You have NO ANSWER to the FACT it WAS your job to explain what you meant by "god" ('god' an atypical usage) you low IQ Dick-licking Turd.


Your definition of my 'job' shows you are an arrogant, know-nothing. Your job is to prove you are not a fucking moron at which you have, so far, failed at miserably.
Your definition of my 'job' shows you are an arrogant, know-nothing. Your job is to prove you are not a fucking moron which you have so far failed at miserably.
Again, NO real answer.
Reduced to Pure trolling/ad hom
You lost.
Your definition of my 'job' shows you are an arrogant, know-nothing. Your job is to prove you are not a fucking moron which you have so far failed at miserably.
Again, NO real answer.
Reduced to Pure trolling/ad hom
You lost.

I said your definition of my ‘job’ is meaningless and just shows your know-nothing arrogance. Apparently you have no rebuttal.
If you insist, I'll be delighted to Gut you again by holding you're Lying ass up for humiliation onto another page.
It was always on you to delineate that you didn't mean the typical thing people do when they use the word.
Your atypical usage.
Who the **** would know?

leo123 said:
I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you. Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.

abu afak said:
You were/still are an inadequate low IQ idiot.
YOU made a blanket statement.
One that IS made here regularly, and shot down.

And/so of course it IS your job to explain what you mean you dick-licking dip****.
Especially when you Claim you were advocating an esoteric rather than common usage.
Leo123 said:
You come on here, make accusations with 0 proof and act all arrogant. Typical Neo-Marxist, idiot, brain-dead, robot.
abu afak said:
IOW and again.
You have NO ANSWER to the FACT it WAS your job to explain what you meant by "god" ('god' an Atypical usage) you low IQ Dick-licking Turd.

I don't let people off the hook.
You can insult/wiggle/bluster.
I never let people off the FACT-of-the-matter hook.
I will just continue bringing up why you were wrong, resulting in yet more public humiliation for you.
Keep digging.
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If you insist, I'll be delighted to Gut you again by holding you're Lying ass up for humiliation onto another page.
It was always on you to delineate that you didn't mean the typical thing people do when they use the word.
Your atypical usage.
Who the **** would know?

leo123 said:
I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you. Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.

abu afak said:
You were/still are an inadequate low IQ idiot.
YOU made a blanket statement.
One that IS made here regularly, and shot down.

And/so of course it IS your job to explain what you mean you dick-licking dip****.
Especially when you Claim you were advocating an esoteric rather than common usage.
Leo123 said:
You come on here, make accusations with 0 proof and act all arrogant. Typical Neo-Marxist, idiot, brain-dead, robot.
abu afak said:
IOW and again.
You have NO ANSWER to the FACT it WAS your job to explain what you meant by "god" ('god' an Atypical usage) you low IQ Dick-licking Turd.

I don't let people off the hook.
You can insult/wiggle/bluster.
I never let people off the FACT-of-the-matter hook.
I will just continue bringing up why you were wrong, resulting in yet more public humiliation for you.
Keep digging.

Your definition of ‘wrong’ is insane and you don’t even realize it. I’ll be glad to keep your ass on the hook, moron.

Your definition of ‘wrong’ is insane and you don’t even realize it. I’ll be glad to keep your ass on the hook, moron.
How do you know that?
According to your practice, I can have a special/personal/Other meaning for "wrong" as you did for "god."
LOL Goofy.
If you insist, I'll be delighted to Gut you again by holding you're Lying ass up for humiliation onto another page.
It was always on you to delineate that you didn't mean the typical thing people do when they use the word.
Your atypical usage.
Who the **** would know?

leo123 said:
I can’t help it if you’re ignorant and it isn’t my job to explain complex thinking to you. Ask your mommy to ‘splain it to you.

abu afak said:
You were/still are an inadequate low IQ idiot.
YOU made a blanket statement.
One that IS made here regularly, and shot down.

And/so of course it IS your job to explain what you mean you dick-licking dip****.
Especially when you Claim you were advocating an esoteric rather than common usage.
Leo123 said:
You come on here, make accusations with 0 proof and act all arrogant. Typical Neo-Marxist, idiot, brain-dead, robot.
abu afak said:
IOW and again.
You have NO ANSWER to the FACT it WAS your job to explain what you meant by "god" ('god' an Atypical usage) you low IQ Dick-licking Turd.

I don't let people off the hook.
You can insult/wiggle/bluster.
I never let people off the FACT-of-the-matter hook.
I will just continue bringing up why you were wrong, resulting in yet more public humiliation for you.
Keep digging.

Your definition of ‘wrong’ is insane and you don’t even realize it. I’ll be glad to keep your ass on the hook, moron.
Intelligent people know there is a God. Dumbass people think THEY are god.



In this context here means "agnostic" "atheist". The problem in this context: Atheism as well as monotheism are a belief. Agnosticism is the philosophy which finds out that atheism is a belief and monotheism is not a natural science. So a real agnostics is able to be an agnostics, who believes in god (or spirituality), or an agnostics, who believes in atheism (or aspirituality).

Today exist the problem that the most people misunderstand the real scientific theory of evolution with very confused ideas about many forms of Darwinisms. I could write now very long about all this mistakes. For example is the natural law "evolution" without any intention - it's causal (all natural laws are causal (although in elementary physics it could be causes are also able to come out of the future)) and not teleological (all human intentions are teleological, are plans). That's why for example nothing what human beings are doing is "evolution" - with other words: Progress is not evolution! Example: Machines are made under teleological intentions (plans and projects). Machines follow just simple our collective growing knowledge and our fashions.

And another mistake of the people, who know not a lot about evolution, but use this as an argument for everything and nothing, is for example that they don't understand the concept "random" very well. Not random creates forms - forms are part of the reality all around - in the theory of evolution forms are called "ecological niche" for example. If someone hammers a plate of metal into a special form it is nearly totally unimportant to smash a hammer randomly down on the plate or non-randomly down on the plate. How to do it is more a kind of arts. What's under the plate will appear as a pattern on the surface of the plate. ... and so on and so on and so on ... Unfortunatelly dominates social darwinism - let me call this the "church of atheism" - more and more the daily life of all people worldwide.

Back to the wrong use of the word "agnosticism" today in the epistemology of the science of the English speaking world. The word agnosticism in natural science means there, that the "god-hypothese" is not able to solve problems of natural sciene. The real problems in this context: (1) Christians don't say so. (2) Natural science follows the philosophy "empirism". But empirism is not god and no one is 7 days a week 24 hours a day an empiricist. Whoever really tried to find out, what is going on in the world, knows very well how damned diffcult it is to find the Higgs particle. Progress needs often many people with a very big patience for a very long time.

To say "someone is able to make experiences (=to find knowledge) without to think about god in this moment" is indeed nothing what's anyone in the world is really surprising. Jesus was a carpenter and he had all fingers, when he was crucified. This doesn't mean everyone has always not to believe in god. God helps also the blind chickens to find a corn of truth, if they are looking for. Oh by the way: Am I on the other side of the road now?The side where truth still exists?

So: 94% of all biologists in the USA are atheists today. And I heard in my country Germany 97% of all journalists are atheists too. And soon AI's will overtake their jobs :lol: if this is the will of amazon or google or ...

Oh by the way: I'm quite sure real artifical intelligence is only a kind of problem of the spirit which is comparable to the problem "perpeptuum mobile" in physics. So don't worry, whoever you are. God takes care - while atheists try to become the big brother who is watching themselves and find out that they are right on their own while the worlds are not real and truth is not exsiting.

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Actually,the more intelligence one is, the less likely that one is to believe in God. So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass to soothe yourself, there.

I think Michio Kaku is far more intelligent than a dumbass like you. Darwin, Einstein, Newton...All believed in God. Accusing someone else of what you are doing (pulling something out your ass) is a typical, ignorant, Neo-Marxist ploy. Stop spewing ignorance, moron.

Darwin: “I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God.”

Did History's Most Famous Scientists Believe In God?
That's nice, crybaby. But the data shows that, the more intelligent one is, the less likely that one is to believe in God. And no number of crybaby little hissy fits by you is going to change that.

Be happy if he never has to save your ass, brainiac. But I fear he will neverthelless be so stupid to do so, because he believes in god.

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No - you didn't.
Then you need to get yourself a new dictionary. You asserted that god created existence. I say he did not. And now I have been treated with 2 pages of prancing and preening, without one direct response to this refutation.

And not one retraction...not one attempt to stand by your statement... Just a charlatan dog and pony show...

This theme is dead with you. But another question: Drugs, alcohol, culture, frustration or whatelse makes you so senseless aggressive?

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Einstein did believe in God.
Barely. One could barely even call him a deist, and I don't think he really was. And, remember, a deist is an atheist.

Im unbegreiflichen Weltall offenbart sich eine grenzenlose überlegene Vernunft. - Die gängige Vorstellung, ich sei Atheist, beruht auf einem großen Irrtum. Wer sie aus meinen wissenschaftlichen Theorien herausliest, hat sie kaum begriffen.
Albert Einstein

As far as I remember I read once from Einstein he disliked this atheists, who tried everyone to convince from their nonsense. 'This people are more worse than blind missionaries', he said, if I remember well.

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That was quite a diatribe but it didn’t address why your gods lied and Satan told the truth.


Haha. You are batshit looney tunes confusing God with Satan and IDers with creationists and their world renowned scientists.

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