Michio Kaku: God Created the Universe

New Cities in more optimal locations should include a supercomputer, to aid local academia.

A SimCity model would be useful and cost effective.
Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.
Without God continuing to expand our universe, then it would be...

Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.

The problem with such appeals to supernaturalism and magic is that nothing in the universe exhibits supernatural or magical characteristics.
Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.
we have no exemption from the laws of Nature in Nexus Six?
Your problem is that you are not
And you didn't say, "i blieve he did."

Christians never said "I know god" but "I believe in god". Our belief let us trust in god always in everything what we are doing, even in the darkest dark hole of ignorance. In terms of philosophy (and science) Christians are agnostic believers in god - what doesn't mean god speaks not with his children and believers do not "know" deep in their heart something about another form of reality, than "only" the reality, where the science physics tries to find some mathematical formulas about, so we are able to produce better instruments and machines.

It is clear when a Christian says "God created the worlds and the heavens" that he speaks not so beause he got the own religous inspiration because CERN found "the god particle" in 2012 AD.

So get your story straight. You made a claim, and I refuted it.

I'm always straight. Nevertheless the shortest distance between two points is often a curlicue. And you refuted nothing what I said - you just simple do not like to thinl about what it really is, what I said to you. Your knowldege is not good enough to be able to undestand me. Anyway I prefer all people try to find find their part of the truth and I know that I am not always in everything right. We do not live in the best of all worlds - we live here in the best of all possible worlds and in the best of all possible worlds we all are not allknowing but able to learn. What doesn't mean truth is irrelevant. Do what "the truth" tells you, and not what I or anyone else tells you. But you shoud shoud try to open you ears - same are doing by the way real physicists too. Their problem are not Christians - "truth is always true" - their problem are wrong and blind believers in science, such as scientologists and others.

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Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.

The problem with such appeals to supernaturalism and magic is that nothing in the universe exhibits supernatural or magical characteristics.

This here is super-natural with a magical characteristics:


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Christians never said "I know god" but "I believe in god".
But AGAIN, that is not what you said, nor is it the statement i refuted. So, when you are done with your extensive red herring, look me up .

Furthermore, it's a lie negated by a pile of evidence found even just in this thread.
Christians never said "I know god" but "I believe in god".
But AGAIN, that is not what you said, nor is it the statement i refuted. So, when you are done with your extensive red herring, look me up .

Furthermore, it's a lie negated by a pile of evidence found even just in this thread.

Okay is it possible to give in the English language any answer, which has to do something with communication? You refuted nothing what I said - you decided not to think about anything what I said to you - that's all. Still you seem to think your belief is not a belief and alternatives are not thinkable.

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Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.

The problem with such appeals to supernaturalism and magic is that nothing in the universe exhibits supernatural or magical characteristics.

This here is super-natural with a magical characteristics:


The stridencies of your cut and paste youtube videos is cause for concern. I have work and school for a living. Somehow, I just don’t have the time to spend being so endlessly judgmental and critical and getting involved in the decisions of how others live their lives.

It's as though religious people have entirely too much free time on their hands. That’s true for anyone whose life is consumed with being an appointed decision maker for one of the various gods and agonizes as to who is and who is not meeting a “moral” standard that religionists define based upon precepts that appeal to some supernatural entity.

The options one has in how they live their lives is not predicated on living within the confines of an ancient social order ruled by superstitious, controlling and self-appointed enforcers of a moral code invented by the superstitious. One might interpret your posts as an indication of someone wielding their religion like a bloody truncheon and using their self-promoting arrogance as a bully pulpit.

If there really was a God(s), do you honestly think any one of this worlds self interested, mind controlling elitist religions arguing pedantically over syntax and inconsequential piece of cloth would actually choose one misguided group over another?
Here's something I did learn about. I was wondering why God stretches out the universe as been reported in the Bible. For the atheists, they assume it's due to the big bang or cosmic inflation BS. Anyway, the stretching or expansion of the universe causes light to follow the curve of spacetime. The expansion causes the light to follow, I think due to inertia, when it would normally travel from point A to B in a straight line. So why is it important for light to follow this path?
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.

The problem with such appeals to supernaturalism and magic is that nothing in the universe exhibits supernatural or magical characteristics.

This here is super-natural with a magical characteristics:


The stridencies

Schärfen? Grellheiten? ... hmm - no idea what you like to say with this expression.

of your cut and paste youtube videos is cause for concern.

Good grief ... but what a luck that for this sin which you are doing now exists not an English translation.

I have work and school for a living. Somehow, I just don’t have the time to spend being so endlessly judgmental and critical and getting involved in the decisions of how others live their lives.

It's as though religious people have entirely too much free time on their hands.

"When god ceated time he made a lot" said the Irish once. And indeed exists a whole universe full of time.

That’s true for anyone whose life is consumed with being an appointed decision maker for one of the various gods and agonizes as to who is and who is not meeting a “moral” standard that religionists define based upon precepts that appeal to some supernatural entity.

The options one has in how they live their lives

You do not speak with me, isn't it? But who else is your communication partner?

is not predicated on living within the confines of an ancient social order ruled by superstitious, controlling and self-appointed enforcers of a moral code invented by the superstitious. One might interpret your posts as an indication of someone wielding their religion like a bloody truncheon

What has a "blutiger Schlagstock" - ¿is this the correct translation? - to do with the belief of Christians in the creator?

and using their self-promoting arrogance as a bully pulpit.

If there really was a God(s), do you honestly think any one of this worlds self interested, mind controlling elitist religions arguing pedantically over syntax and inconsequential piece of cloth would actually choose one misguided group over another?

So you have a lot of prejudices and you don't see the super natural magic in this very old paintings, which I see. And because you don't [like to] see it you say it is not existing.


Perfect arts - isn't it?

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You refuted nothing what I said
I absolutely did.

You asserted that "god created existence". Yes, you just kind of tried to sneak that through.

I refuted it by saying, "No, he didn't."

And here we still are, 2 pages later, with me dismissing your tap-dancing and word salads and trying to drag you back on point. If you would like to retract your statement, then do so. If you would like to stand by it, then do so. But please spare me the dog and pony show.
economic inflation must happen to expand our economic universe.

grow our economy we must.

This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.

The problem with such appeals to supernaturalism and magic is that nothing in the universe exhibits supernatural or magical characteristics.

This here is super-natural with a magical characteristics:


The stridencies

Schärfen? Grellheiten? ... hmm - no idea what you like to say with this expression.

of your cut and paste youtube videos is cause for concern.

Good grief ... but what a luck that for this sin which you are doing now exists not an English translation.

I have work and school for a living. Somehow, I just don’t have the time to spend being so endlessly judgmental and critical and getting involved in the decisions of how others live their lives.

It's as though religious people have entirely too much free time on their hands.

"When god ceated time he made a lot" said the Irish once. And indeed exists a whole universe full of time.

That’s true for anyone whose life is consumed with being an appointed decision maker for one of the various gods and agonizes as to who is and who is not meeting a “moral” standard that religionists define based upon precepts that appeal to some supernatural entity.

The options one has in how they live their lives

You do not speak with me, isn't it? But who else is your communication partner?

is not predicated on living within the confines of an ancient social order ruled by superstitious, controlling and self-appointed enforcers of a moral code invented by the superstitious. One might interpret your posts as an indication of someone wielding their religion like a bloody truncheon

What has a "blutiger Schlagstock" - ¿is this the correct translation? - to do with the belief of Christians in the creator?

and using their self-promoting arrogance as a bully pulpit.

If there really was a God(s), do you honestly think any one of this worlds self interested, mind controlling elitist religions arguing pedantically over syntax and inconsequential piece of cloth would actually choose one misguided group over another?

So you have a lot of prejudices and you don't see the super natural magic in this very old paintings, which I see. And because you don't [like to] see it you say it is not existing.


Perfect arts - isn't it?

There’s nothing supernatural about a painting.

Perfectly ordinary, isn’t it.
You refuted nothing what I said
I absolutely did.

No - you didn't. You take a look at some few words in the bouquet of fundamental thoughts, which I offer you. But you do not enrich yourselve by starting to think on your own. You just simple hate this.

You asserted that "god created existence". Yes, you just kind of tried to sneak that through.
I refuted it by saying, "No, he didn't."

I said: "God created existence. Was he existing or not existing when he did so?" You are not able to deny a question. The question was important - not the premise. I used this expression to show to you that you do not understand the basic concepts of the Christian religion. We believe in this what we don't know, we trust in this what we don't see. Your reaction was to show to me that you really don't understand the basic concepts of the Christain religion nor the concept "discussion". I gave you a lot of alternatives to this question - also from an atheistic point of view to the world - and you gave no answer to any of this question.

And here we still are, 2 pages later, with me dismissing your tap-dancing and word salads and trying to drag you back on point. If you would like to retract your statement, then do so. If you would like to stand by it, then do so. But please spare me the dog and pony show.

What we know - atheists as well as Christians - is it that the universe was super-natural (meta-physics) "before" it started to exist. Tell me why this seems to be in the mathematics not any problem, which is used to postulate parallel universes within a multiverse. Why pure mathematical thoughts are able "to see" this universes? What makes the difference to any other form of philosophy? Why is this more plausible as the idea Mary Poppins had created the world once? If you should think now I hate the idea "multiverse" then you would be wrong. For me it's not any problem, if god had created a multiverse. In general: Why are some ideas in physics more plausible than other ideas - even in case no one is able to make an experiment to prove this concepts?

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This is God stretching the fabric of the universe (or the cosmic inflation for atheists and their scientists). I think he does it so time can march forward and space expand. Think about it.

The problem with such appeals to supernaturalism and magic is that nothing in the universe exhibits supernatural or magical characteristics.

This here is super-natural with a magical characteristics:


The stridencies

Schärfen? Grellheiten? ... hmm - no idea what you like to say with this expression.

of your cut and paste youtube videos is cause for concern.

Good grief ... but what a luck that for this sin which you are doing now exists not an English translation.

I have work and school for a living. Somehow, I just don’t have the time to spend being so endlessly judgmental and critical and getting involved in the decisions of how others live their lives.

It's as though religious people have entirely too much free time on their hands.

"When god ceated time he made a lot" said the Irish once. And indeed exists a whole universe full of time.

That’s true for anyone whose life is consumed with being an appointed decision maker for one of the various gods and agonizes as to who is and who is not meeting a “moral” standard that religionists define based upon precepts that appeal to some supernatural entity.

The options one has in how they live their lives

You do not speak with me, isn't it? But who else is your communication partner?

is not predicated on living within the confines of an ancient social order ruled by superstitious, controlling and self-appointed enforcers of a moral code invented by the superstitious. One might interpret your posts as an indication of someone wielding their religion like a bloody truncheon

What has a "blutiger Schlagstock" - ¿is this the correct translation? - to do with the belief of Christians in the creator?

and using their self-promoting arrogance as a bully pulpit.

If there really was a God(s), do you honestly think any one of this worlds self interested, mind controlling elitist religions arguing pedantically over syntax and inconsequential piece of cloth would actually choose one misguided group over another?

So you have a lot of prejudices and you don't see the super natural magic in this very old paintings, which I see. And because you don't [like to] see it you say it is not existing.


Perfect arts - isn't it?

There’s nothing supernatural about a painting.

Perfectly ordinary, isn’t it.

Aha. Picasso shared not this opinion. He saw in the beginning of arts that this arts was perfect. And he tried to learn to paint like a child again.

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Furthermore, it's a lie negated by a pile of evidence found even just in this thread.

Your pile is the hot, messy and smelly kind. Nothing to back it up that is observable, testable and falsifiable.


OTOH, we have the Garden of Eden and places in the Bible are actual locations.

The Biblical Garden of Eden


I don't see any dinosaurs.

My point was actual locations, so I scored there. The dinosaurs are on the land that stretches out next to the river. There's one that appears to have crawled out of the river, a brachiosaur is nearby and sticking its neck and head out of the trees, pteranodons fly high around the mountain tops and an enormous mastodon behind the tiger on the right. Notice they all live peacefully with one another and humans rule over all animals. This is a 16th century painting, but quite good in depicting the action. Eve looks to be offering the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge as the serpent watches over them. Adam and Eve didn't last very long in paradise. Unfortunately, they could not move the ToK, but they could've moved away from it and lived in the hills. Speaking of the serpent, it represents you and the non-believers that have fallen under Satan's lies and trickery in the form of ToE, evolutionary thinking and history.
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