Microsoft Adopts WalMart Business Model - 18,000 to Lose Job

So government regulation is not a relevant issue to you? Sorry, I thought you were a libertarian.

Bill Gates needs to stop begging. He's doing just fine. Corporate Welfare is wrong. We need to separate Corporation and Government. They're just too intertwined at this point. They've killed off so many good American small businesses. Corporatism needs to end.

How is allowing companies to hire whomever they want corporate welfare?
Why are you avoiding the question about lifting the caps?

He's begging for more Government breaks on Foreign Labor. Just another handout. Meanwhile, he's laying off 18,000 Workers. Maybe he's gearing up to demand a future Government Bailout, ala GM? These large Corporations need to be separated from Government. It's been a toxic relationship for American small businesses. So no, Bill Gates doesn't get his handout. End of story.
So government regulation is not a relevant issue to you? Sorry, I thought you were a libertarian.

Bill Gates needs to stop begging. He's doing just fine. Corporate Welfare is wrong. We need to separate Corporation and Government. They're just too intertwined at this point. They've killed off so many good American small businesses. Corporatism needs to end.

i agree.....we've got too much welfare in this country.....welfare for the poor and welfare for the rich....the middle class is being squeezed out of existence...

Spot On. Yes, too many have their hands out. And that includes large Corporations. They manipulate and get laws passed they know small businesses can't afford to comply with. The relationship has gotten way too cozy. We need to achieve real separation of Corporation/Government.
Bill Gates needs to stop begging. He's doing just fine. Corporate Welfare is wrong. We need to separate Corporation and Government. They're just too intertwined at this point. They've killed off so many good American small businesses. Corporatism needs to end.

How is allowing companies to hire whomever they want corporate welfare?
Why are you avoiding the question about lifting the caps?

He's begging for more Government breaks on Foreign Labor. Just another handout. Meanwhile, he's laying off 18,000 Workers. Maybe he's gearing up to demand a future Government Bailout, ala GM? These large Corporations need to be separated from Government. It's been a toxic relationship for American small businesses. So no, Bill Gates doesn't get his handout. End of story.

How is wanting to hire people a government handout? You havent explained this and simply repeat it.
How is allowing companies to hire whomever they want corporate welfare?
Why are you avoiding the question about lifting the caps?

He's begging for more Government breaks on Foreign Labor. Just another handout. Meanwhile, he's laying off 18,000 Workers. Maybe he's gearing up to demand a future Government Bailout, ala GM? These large Corporations need to be separated from Government. It's been a toxic relationship for American small businesses. So no, Bill Gates doesn't get his handout. End of story.

How is wanting to hire people a government handout? You havent explained this and simply repeat it.

He's begging for more Foreign Labor. That's what it's all about. So no, he'll just have to survive without his Government handout. Somehow, i think he'll do much better than the 18,000 Workers he's about to lay off. What do you think?
It's actually pretty evil what this Government/Corporate Complex has done to American Small Businesses. The large Corporations have managed to use Government to pass laws & regulations they know Small Businesses cannot afford to comply with. It's very devious. The Walmarts and Microsofts know they can afford to comply with any and all Government intrusions. But Small Business just can't do it. We as a Nation, have to find a way to permanently separate Corporations from Government. We have to rethink the current set-up.
He's begging for more Government breaks on Foreign Labor. Just another handout. Meanwhile, he's laying off 18,000 Workers. Maybe he's gearing up to demand a future Government Bailout, ala GM? These large Corporations need to be separated from Government. It's been a toxic relationship for American small businesses. So no, Bill Gates doesn't get his handout. End of story.

How is wanting to hire people a government handout? You havent explained this and simply repeat it.

He's begging for more Foreign Labor. That's what it's all about. So no, he'll just have to survive without his Government handout. Somehow, i think he'll do much better than the 18,000 Workers he's about to lay off. What do you think?

WHy should he need the government's permission to hire whomever he wants?
You arent a libertarian at all. You are filthy stalinist goose stepping statist who think it's government's job to dictate whom businesses can and cannot hire.
Glad we cleared that up. You're nothing more than a leftist.
Gates got BIT pretty hard by Scum Willy back in the day because Willy had an Apple factory down in Little Rock and wanted to do them a solid by going after MS. So Gates hired lobbyists and a D.C. law firm to look out for him. Not that Gates wasn't a predator because he was but the companies he bought out or crushed had ample opportunity to take his offers. And let's not forget that the Apple factory in China that makes the iPads, have their workers sign an oath that they won't commit suicide at work.

MS has decided to bring out a $99 laptop to compete with can't make those with American labor. I get mad at Microsoft but then I remember that without Gates, we wouldn't be doing what we're doing right here.....hassling each other for cheap laughs online.
Microsoft Adopts WalMart Business Model - 18,000 to Lose Job

does Walmart run Microsoft....? who knew...?

it's so predictable that a liberal-run company decision to cut 14% of its workforce somehow becomes the fault of a conservative-run company....the slimy liberal press strikes again....


Large corporations are like the three major airlines: When one of them does something, the others follow because they can. It's like honor among thieves. WalMart's initial business model of turning everyone into part-time employees, squeezing the life out of full-time employees and gradually offering lower and lower pay has spread to every business sector in this country.

What a pitiful sob story.

The purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value.

An able-bodied adult is responsible for their own lives.

Crazy, mean, greedy stuff, I know.

When we've achieved the Left's goal of a Euro-social democracy, you can control business all you want.

Or, more likely, just try to get rid of most of them.


The purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value.

An able-bodied adult is responsible for their own lives.

Crazy, mean, greedy stuff, I know.

When we've achieved the Left's goal of a Euro-social democracy, you can control business all you want.

Or, more likely, just try to get rid of most of them.


If it moves, tax it. If it still moves, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it.
How is wanting to hire people a government handout? You havent explained this and simply repeat it.

He's begging for more Foreign Labor. That's what it's all about. So no, he'll just have to survive without his Government handout. Somehow, i think he'll do much better than the 18,000 Workers he's about to lay off. What do you think?

WHy should he need the government's permission to hire whomever he wants?
You arent a libertarian at all. You are filthy stalinist goose stepping statist who think it's government's job to dictate whom businesses can and cannot hire.
Glad we cleared that up. You're nothing more than a leftist.

Well now you're derailing. So allow me to put in more blunt terms... To Hell with Bill Gates. He'll just have to survive without more Foreign Labor. Boo Hoo. :(
12,000 cuts will come from MS recent acquisition of Nokia, a widely expected move...

Strategic planning should be banned... Lol
Gates got BIT pretty hard by Scum Willy back in the day because Willy had an Apple factory down in Little Rock and wanted to do them a solid by going after MS. So Gates hired lobbyists and a D.C. law firm to look out for him. Not that Gates wasn't a predator because he was but the companies he bought out or crushed had ample opportunity to take his offers. And let's not forget that the Apple factory in China that makes the iPads, have their workers sign an oath that they won't commit suicide at work.

MS has decided to bring out a $99 laptop to compete with can't make those with American labor. I get mad at Microsoft but then I remember that without Gates, we wouldn't be doing what we're doing right here.....hassling each other for cheap laughs online.

Good points. Corporations and Government are too intertwined at this point. We need to achieve real separation. Big Corporations and Big Government have conspired to eradicate small businesses. It's a real shame. You made some very good points though. Thanks.
How is wanting to hire people a government handout? You havent explained this and simply repeat it.

He's begging for more Foreign Labor. That's what it's all about. So no, he'll just have to survive without his Government handout. Somehow, i think he'll do much better than the 18,000 Workers he's about to lay off. What do you think?

WHy should he need the government's permission to hire whomever he wants?
You arent a libertarian at all. You are filthy stalinist goose stepping statist who think it's government's job to dictate whom businesses can and cannot hire.
Glad we cleared that up. You're nothing more than a leftist.

Please tell me you're not THAT ignorant of how legislation gets introduced.
You DO know that legislation and variances requires a REASON?
Gates simply claims that Americans are lazy and stupid and he needs more of the same talent from India that just spent the last 10 years producing the shit that drove millions of customers to Apple.
Perhaps you ARE that ignorant.
Or willfully stupid.

The purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value.

An able-bodied adult is responsible for their own lives.

Crazy, mean, greedy stuff, I know.

When we've achieved the Left's goal of a Euro-social democracy, you can control business all you want.

Or, more likely, just try to get rid of most of them.


I think that's where many go wrong. Corporations themselves aren't inherently 'Evil.' But this merging with Government has been a bit evil. Large Corporations by way of cozy relationships with Government, have manipulated and had laws & regulations created which they knew small businesses couldn't afford to comply with.

This merging of the two has killed off many American small businesses. The deck is stacked in favor of large Corporations. They're too intertwined with Government. So now we're living in a Government/Corporate Complex. There's no separation. They've become one entity. And that's bad for the country. It's time to clearly separate Government/Corporation.
He's begging for more Foreign Labor. That's what it's all about. So no, he'll just have to survive without his Government handout. Somehow, i think he'll do much better than the 18,000 Workers he's about to lay off. What do you think?

WHy should he need the government's permission to hire whomever he wants?
You arent a libertarian at all. You are filthy stalinist goose stepping statist who think it's government's job to dictate whom businesses can and cannot hire.
Glad we cleared that up. You're nothing more than a leftist.

Well now you're derailing. So allow me to put in more blunt terms... To Hell with Bill Gates. He'll just have to survive without more Foreign Labor. Boo Hoo. :(

He's rich, he can afford it.
WHere have we heard that before? Oh yeah, from liberals. No surprise "liberal" and "libertarian" share the same root: liber, meaning children.
He's begging for more Foreign Labor. That's what it's all about. So no, he'll just have to survive without his Government handout. Somehow, i think he'll do much better than the 18,000 Workers he's about to lay off. What do you think?

WHy should he need the government's permission to hire whomever he wants?
You arent a libertarian at all. You are filthy stalinist goose stepping statist who think it's government's job to dictate whom businesses can and cannot hire.
Glad we cleared that up. You're nothing more than a leftist.

Please tell me you're not THAT ignorant of how legislation gets introduced.
You DO know that legislation and variances requires a REASON?
Gates simply claims that Americans are lazy and stupid and he needs more of the same talent from India that just spent the last 10 years producing the shit that drove millions of customers to Apple.
Perhaps you ARE that ignorant.
Or willfully stupid.

I debunked every lie you told in your last post and you call others ignorant? ROFLMAO!
Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave.

B'loney. It's so amusing how you "Progressives" are actually Status Quo Reactionaries.

Microsoft bought Nokia, which was cratering. 12K of the jobs are related to that acquisition.

It would behoove you to realize that the world, including the economy, is dynamic. Somethings die and contract while other things grow and flourish. Artificial attempts (by do gooder government cronyists) to inhibit such natural changes only result in an inevitable Bigger Disaster.
They are supposed to be bloated and inefficient? Who knew!

Actually they bought Nokia.

t is expected to be the biggest round of layoffs since 2009, when then-CEO Steve Ballmer cut 5,800 jobs or five per cent of the company’s workforce.

Microsoft CEO hints at big changes at the tech giant
Microsoft buys Nokia smartphones, services in $7.6B deal

Cuts will come in marketing, engineering and in divisions that overlap the handset business, Bloomberg reported.

Satya Nadella, Microsoft's current CEO, warned of changes to come at the company in a memo to employees last week.

“We will increase the fluidity of information and ideas by taking actions to flatten the organization and develop leaner business processes,” he wrote. “Culture change means we will do things differently.”

The core focus of these changes would be to concentrate on a mobile-first and cloud-first world, Nadella said.
Microsoft expected to cut jobs in wake of Nokia deal - Business - CBC News

These kind of deals should violate anti-trust laws, but they somehow don't.

And in the long term? It bodes terribly for American Capitalism.

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