Mid-July 2015: fewest job claims since November 1973

Well, it's news to me. The number of first-time applicants for unemployment is not the factor that matters. What matters is the millions of Americans who no longer receive unemployment, or have given up looking for a job.
U-6 has been declining for over a year. You would know this if...you know...you LOOKED, instead of brainlessly parroting a very tired talking point.
It doesn't matter what you say or what anyone in the media or government says. I see with my own two eyes that things have gotten worse for those of us in the middle class who cannot benefit from Obama's crony capitalist alliance with Big Business and Big Labor.
Well, it's news to me. The number of first-time applicants for unemployment is not the factor that matters. What matters is the millions of Americans who no longer receive unemployment, or have given up looking for a job.
U-6 has been declining for over a year. You would know this if...you know...you LOOKED, instead of brainlessly parroting a very tired talking point.

for a whole YEAR????????


g5000; since you're all super-informed and honest and such; how many millions more are on food stamps under obama then were under Bush?

how about you Stat?

wanna give it a try?
Whatever.. the true unemployment rate still hovers around 40%.

Gotta link for that claim?
Regardless of how you paint it or spin this crap the economy remains flat, furthermore if developed countries ceased from manipulating short term rates you could be experiencing a deflationary environment.
Wow! The number of people that have given up is getting higher and higher.

Gotta link for that claim?

Post a ridiculous post, don't expect a serious answer.

What, asking for evidence makes a ridiculous posting? Lol....

No moron, your OP was ridiculous. Jesus how fucking thick headed are you anyway?

What, you think that cold, hard facts are ridiculous? Allrightie, then....
Regardless of how you paint it or spin this crap the economy remains flat, furthermore if developed countries ceased from manipulating short term rates you could be experiencing a deflationary environment.

That is some fine horseshit. You got some major links to back that one up?
Wow! The number of people that have given up is getting higher and higher.

Gotta link for that claim?

Post a ridiculous post, don't expect a serious answer.

What, asking for evidence makes a ridiculous posting? Lol....

No moron, your OP was ridiculous. Jesus how fucking thick headed are you anyway?

What, you think that cold, hard facts are ridiculous? Allrightie, then....

Dude you are about as sharp as a bowling ball.
Remember, if this had been under Bush. the medias would screaming how:

this is WORST since before time started.

gawd this media collusion with the administrations LIES is downright criminal

I guess you didn't SEE the latest!

There Goes The Housing "Recovery" Again: New Home Sales Plunge Most Since 2014
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/24/2015 - 10:08
Despite exuberant existing home sales, new home sales crosses back below the 500k Maginot Line to 482k SAAR - the lowest since Nov 2014. Previous data was revised notably lower as June data missed expectations by the most in a year. The West region saw new home sales collapse 17%. Perhaps the slide in single-family home starts means something after all?
When fewer people are working, the amount of jobless claims should naturally decline. At some point, when only 100 people are left with jobs, we might actually see ZERO job claims.
Well, it's news to me. The number of first-time applicants for unemployment is not the factor that matters. What matters is the millions of Americans who no longer receive unemployment, or have given up looking for a job.

True. For the majority of people who have been unemployed, the time has run out for getting unemployment so no use in applying. More people are out of the work force now than ever before, but because fewer currently qualify for unemployment benefits, the left cheers.
I can recall a time when it was Liberals who said the Stock Market wasn't a real economy because it's just buying and selling the same stuff over and over again. And now it's done with Trillions of borrowed money that was never actually earned, it was just printed.

Now it's all that America has. When the Petro-Dollar collapses yer gonna' WISH you could go back to arguing bogus unemployment numbers.
Regardless of how you paint it or spin this crap the economy remains flat, furthermore if developed countries ceased from manipulating short term rates you could be experiencing a deflationary environment.

That is some fine horseshit. You got some major links to back that one up?
Actually, Staidhup is correct. Without the Fed printing trillions of dollars, we would have experienced a seriously deflationary economic environment as a result of the Bush crash.

Yes, I said Bush crash. Since Obama is being blamed for the current mess, Bush gets the blame for the crash which got us into the mess.

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