Middle Class Law Suit for being forced to subsidize the Rich with taxes.

So a guy who's upset that big business rigs the laws in the country to benefit big business (and the wealth inequality it causes) is now a "comrade" who wants to kill people? Give me a break. Are you guys capable of thinking outside the black and white box you live in? At least give it a try...

The money is pretty much free (a very, very, very low interest rate). This rings especially true when we go into the bailout an the TRILLIONS in loans given out by the fed (research the recent audit findings).

1% controls close to half the wealth? So what? Did they steal it from you?
Then quit whining about it.

The money is pretty much free (a very, very, very low interest rate).

You know how much banks are currently borrowing from the Fed?
$6 million.

FRB: H.4.1 Release--Factors Affecting Reserve Balances--March 14, 2013

Under Primary Credit.

This rings especially true when we go into the bailout an the TRILLIONS in loans given out by the fed

Yeah, short term loans, long ago paid back.

First, when a big business lobbies congress to rig the game in it's favor, unfairly (happens all of the time across all industries), they ARE stealing money from the rest of us. It's like a baseball game where all of the rules serve to benefit just one of the teams. Who's usually going to win? I'm just calling for a fairer playing field, but I guess that concept is much to "radical" for you. Not sure why all of you "so called" conservative folks are so blind to the fact that there exists no such thing as a free market, and this is in part thanks to the Republicans! You can start with Farm Subsidies and go from there...

Second, $6 million? Come on. What do you call the Quantitative Easing that's been going on where the fed buys tens of billions of mortgage backed securities from the banks every month? I mean, I don't understand how you get to this figure.

Yes, big government/ big business corruption is bad. You think that's why 1% controls 50%?

Yes, $6 million is the loans at the Discount Window.
QE isn't loans.
How do I get this figure?
It's easy, that's the number. I gave you the link.
Any other questions I can answer for you, let me know.
Glad to clear up your confusion.
1% controls close to half the wealth? So what? Did they steal it from you?
Then quit whining about it.

The money is pretty much free (a very, very, very low interest rate).

You know how much banks are currently borrowing from the Fed?
$6 million.

FRB: H.4.1 Release--Factors Affecting Reserve Balances--March 14, 2013

Under Primary Credit.

This rings especially true when we go into the bailout an the TRILLIONS in loans given out by the fed

Yeah, short term loans, long ago paid back.

First, when a big business lobbies congress to rig the game in it's favor, unfairly (happens all of the time across all industries), they ARE stealing money from the rest of us. It's like a baseball game where all of the rules serve to benefit just one of the teams. Who's usually going to win? I'm just calling for a fairer playing field, but I guess that concept is much to "radical" for you. Not sure why all of you "so called" conservative folks are so blind to the fact that there exists no such thing as a free market, and this is in part thanks to the Republicans! You can start with Farm Subsidies and go from there...

Second, $6 million? Come on. What do you call the Quantitative Easing that's been going on where the fed buys tens of billions of mortgage backed securities from the banks every month? I mean, I don't understand how you get to this figure.

Yes, big government/ big business corruption is bad. You think that's why 1% controls 50%?

Yes, $6 million is the loans at the Discount Window.
QE isn't loans.
How do I get this figure?
It's easy, that's the number. I gave you the link.
Any other questions I can answer for you, let me know.
Glad to clear up your confusion.

What do you call quantitative easing?

And yes, rigging the game is a big reason for the gigantic disparity in wealth we see today.
First, when a big business lobbies congress to rig the game in it's favor, unfairly (happens all of the time across all industries), they ARE stealing money from the rest of us. It's like a baseball game where all of the rules serve to benefit just one of the teams. Who's usually going to win? I'm just calling for a fairer playing field, but I guess that concept is much to "radical" for you. Not sure why all of you "so called" conservative folks are so blind to the fact that there exists no such thing as a free market, and this is in part thanks to the Republicans! You can start with Farm Subsidies and go from there...

Second, $6 million? Come on. What do you call the Quantitative Easing that's been going on where the fed buys tens of billions of mortgage backed securities from the banks every month? I mean, I don't understand how you get to this figure.

Yes, big government/ big business corruption is bad. You think that's why 1% controls 50%?

Yes, $6 million is the loans at the Discount Window.
QE isn't loans.
How do I get this figure?
It's easy, that's the number. I gave you the link.
Any other questions I can answer for you, let me know.
Glad to clear up your confusion.

What do you call quantitative easing?

And yes, rigging the game is a big reason for the gigantic disparity in wealth we see today.

QE aren't loans.

Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Charles & David Koch, the Walton family and Bloomberg are among the richest Americans. How did game rigging make them billionaires?
Yes, big government/ big business corruption is bad. You think that's why 1% controls 50%?

Yes, $6 million is the loans at the Discount Window.
QE isn't loans.
How do I get this figure?
It's easy, that's the number. I gave you the link.
Any other questions I can answer for you, let me know.
Glad to clear up your confusion.

What do you call quantitative easing?

And yes, rigging the game is a big reason for the gigantic disparity in wealth we see today.

QE aren't loans.

Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Charles & David Koch, the Walton family and Bloomberg are among the richest Americans. How did game rigging make them billionaires?
Partially. Yes. Unless you would like to suggest that the Koch money in politics was simply done because they liked to spend their money on politicians, and the politicians that took it would not provide what the KIoch's wanted.
What do you call quantitative easing?

And yes, rigging the game is a big reason for the gigantic disparity in wealth we see today.

QE aren't loans.

Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Charles & David Koch, the Walton family and Bloomberg are among the richest Americans. How did game rigging make them billionaires?
Partially. Yes. Unless you would like to suggest that the Koch money in politics was simply done because they liked to spend their money on politicians, and the politicians that took it would not provide what the KIoch's wanted.

Microsoft didn't spend money on lobbying......until the government tried to drive them out of business.
Republicans don't believe in Capitalism any more than Democrats do. They both support Crony Capitalism.

thats really really stupid given Republicans want to really shrink government just so it cant exercise corrupt power whereas liberals want the exact opposite always imagining their Nazi Communist state will be powerful and wonderful rather than genocidal.

Republicans have zero desire to shrink government. They had six years to do it during the Bush administration and they grew government faster than any administration since LBJ. What Republicans want is big government they get to control.
How is it subsidizing when the rich person is still paying multiples in actual cash value in taxes than said middle class person.

I thought taxes were to create revenue for government, not a pissing contest to see who pays what percentage.

Government is paid for by money, not percentages.


Subsidy Definition from Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Financial assistance, either through direct payments or through indirect means such as price cuts and favorable contracts, to a person or group in order to promote a public objective. Subsidies to transportation, housing, agriculture, mining, and other industries have been instituted on the grounds that their preservation or expansion is in the public interest. Subsidies to the arts, sciences, humanities, and religion also exist in many nations where the private economy is unable to support them. Examples of direct subsidies include payments in cash or in kind, while more-indirect subsidies include governmental provision of goods or services at prices below the normal market price, governmental purchase of goods or services at prices above the market price, and tax concessions. Although subsidies exist to promote the public welfare, they result in either higher taxes or higher prices for consumer goods. Some subsidies, such as protective tariffs, may also encourage the preservation of inefficient producers. A subsidy is desirable only if its effects increase total benefits more than total costs.

The rich pay taxes at higher rates than the middle class. They don't get "concessions." Your definition doesn't apply.
What do you call quantitative easing?

And yes, rigging the game is a big reason for the gigantic disparity in wealth we see today.

QE aren't loans.

Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Charles & David Koch, the Walton family and Bloomberg are among the richest Americans. How did game rigging make them billionaires?
Partially. Yes. Unless you would like to suggest that the Koch money in politics was simply done because they liked to spend their money on politicians, and the politicians that took it would not provide what the KIoch's wanted.

What the Koch's want is less communism. Everyone who gives money to politicians do it because they want the politicians to do what the donors want. What specific measures did Congress pass that made the Koch's billionaires?
Looking at America, one could wonder at those who so worship the 'rich'. Compared to other modern societies, the socio-political atmosphere is highly predatory. Hating the rich may be mistaken, but worshiping them seems at least equally misplaced.
The Middle Class should a class action law suit against Plutocrats & the Rich for being forced to subsidize the Rich with taxes. Strip them of the wealth they have acquired via the tax subsidy, racketeering & unfair business trade practice. Are there any lawyers here that will help file?

Facts from the IRS: From 2001 to 2007 the people with the highest income got the biggest percentage cuts in their actual tax payments. The middle class had to subsidize the rich even more than before. It is time to end the tax subsidy to the rich. The middle class is tired of carrying your fat ass along with the poor. Get off the back of the Middle Class & help us carry the poor.


If a rich person Mitt Romney only pays 13% & a middle class person KissMy pays 28%, the middle class is subsidizing the rich.

It is the same as when tax on ethanol was 25 cents a gallon & gasoline tax was 45 cents a gallon. You people screamed that we were subsidizing ethanol even when ethanol was being taxed.

There is no way in hell a middle class person paying 28% tax can produce widgets cheaper than a rich person only paying 13% tax. This tax rate causes the middle class to go out of business & the rich takes over the entire market. The middle class business owner & workers are forced into poverty & onto the government dole that the rich refuses to pay for.

No middle class (whatever that is)person pays 28% of their income to the feds. The top marginal rate is NOT the effective tax rate. Don't you understand that yet?
of course the top 1% pay 40% of all taxes

ONLY FEDERAL taxes, mate.

The middle class pays a far greater share of ALL taxes in this nation.
Looking at America, one could wonder at those who so worship the 'rich'. Compared to other modern societies, the socio-political atmosphere is highly predatory. Hating the rich may be mistaken, but worshiping them seems at least equally misplaced.
Who is doing all this worshiping you speak of?
QE aren't loans.

Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Charles & David Koch, the Walton family and Bloomberg are among the richest Americans. How did game rigging make them billionaires?
Partially. Yes. Unless you would like to suggest that the Koch money in politics was simply done because they liked to spend their money on politicians, and the politicians that took it would not provide what the KIoch's wanted.

What the Koch's want is less communism. Everyone who gives money to politicians do it because they want the politicians to do what the donors want. What specific measures did Congress pass that made the Koch's billionaires?
The Misinformation Voter always plays dumb.

Back at G H W Bush's term, the Koch Bros along with Enron got the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, headed by Wendy Gramm, to exempt energy futures contracts from government regulation. A few years later Sen Phil Gramm creates the "Enron Loophole" which put over the counter energy derivatives beyond any government regulation through private unregulated exchanges.
Yes, big government/ big business corruption is bad. You think that's why 1% controls 50%?

Yes, $6 million is the loans at the Discount Window.
QE isn't loans.
How do I get this figure?
It's easy, that's the number. I gave you the link.
Any other questions I can answer for you, let me know.
Glad to clear up your confusion.

What do you call quantitative easing?

And yes, rigging the game is a big reason for the gigantic disparity in wealth we see today.

QE aren't loans.

Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Charles & David Koch, the Walton family and Bloomberg are among the richest Americans. How did game rigging make them billionaires?

Todd - Again, my point was simply that the game is rigged to favor the big companies. You can agree or disagree, however if you don't believe that big corporations use millions of dollars each year to lobby Congress to enact laws that favor them, than you're simply not paying attention. Im sorry if that comes off as rude, but it's true.

The unfair playing field is one of the biggest reasons why the rich stay rich and why it's extremely difficult for small enterprises to get a foothold. Our politicians are much to blame for allowing this to happen. I mean we had an appointed Secretary of Treasury that was a former Head of Goldman Sachs when the decision was made to bailout the BIG banks (remember that?)!

Also, yes there exists the outliers like Bill Gates. Here's a man who is basically a genius, and was lucky enough to exist at the exact right moment in time to bring forth a revolutionary product that changed the world (and made him billions). Not sure if you're aware, but your examples are ones of rare, rare exceptions built on both impeccable timing and ungodly talent - it is NOT the rule. When it comes to science or math, do we generally spend all of our time analyzing the outliers, or do we instead focus on the data points where the bulk of the activity takes place? Which method makes more sense?

Last edited:
Partially. Yes. Unless you would like to suggest that the Koch money in politics was simply done because they liked to spend their money on politicians, and the politicians that took it would not provide what the KIoch's wanted.

What the Koch's want is less communism. Everyone who gives money to politicians do it because they want the politicians to do what the donors want. What specific measures did Congress pass that made the Koch's billionaires?
The Misinformation Voter always plays dumb.

Back at G H W Bush's term, the Koch Bros along with Enron got the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, headed by Wendy Gramm, to exempt energy futures contracts from government regulation. A few years later Sen Phil Gramm creates the "Enron Loophole" which put over the counter energy derivatives beyond any government regulation through private unregulated exchanges.

dear, The USSR regulated a lot and 60 million starved to death!! What would make you think that regulation is the answer given the history of the world?

See why we are positive a liberal will be so slow. A liberal is so stupid as to actually think all regulators are wise and well intended. How is it possible???????
What do you call quantitative easing?

And yes, rigging the game is a big reason for the gigantic disparity in wealth we see today.

QE aren't loans.

Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Charles & David Koch, the Walton family and Bloomberg are among the richest Americans. How did game rigging make them billionaires?

Todd - Again, my point was simply that the game is rigged to favor the big companies. You can agree or disagree, however if you don't believe that big corporations use millions of dollars each year to lobby Congress to enact laws that favor them, than you're simply not paying attention. Im sorry if that comes off as rude, but it's true.

The unfair playing field is one of the biggest reasons why the rich stay rich and why it's extremely difficult for small enterprises to get a foothold. Our politicians are much to blame for allowing this to happen. I mean we had an appointed Secretary of Treasury that was a former Head of Goldman Sachs when the decision was made to bailout the BIG banks (remember that?)!

Also, yes there exists the outliers like Bill Gates. Here's a man who is basically a genius, and was lucky enough to exist at the exact right moment in time to bring forth a revolutionary product that changed the world (and made him billions). Not sure if you're aware, but your examples are ones of rare, rare exceptions built on both impeccable timing and ungodly talent - it is NOT the rule. When it comes to science or math, do we generally spend all of our time analyzing the outliers, or do we instead focus on the data points where the bulk of the activity takes place? Which method makes more sense?


my point was simply that the game is rigged to favor the big companies. You can agree or disagree, however if you don't believe that big corporations use millions of dollars each year to lobby Congress to enact laws that favor them, than you're simply not paying attention. Im sorry if that comes off as rude, but it's true.

Yes, big business lobbies government to protect themselves, and to keep small companies small.
Crony capitalism is bad. The solution is not to have the government steal more money from the rich, but to decrease government power over the economy.

Not sure if you're aware, but your examples are ones of rare, rare exceptions built on both impeccable timing and ungodly talent -

Not sure if you're aware, but my examples were most of the top wealthiest Americans.
Partially. Yes. Unless you would like to suggest that the Koch money in politics was simply done because they liked to spend their money on politicians, and the politicians that took it would not provide what the KIoch's wanted.

What the Koch's want is less communism. Everyone who gives money to politicians do it because they want the politicians to do what the donors want. What specific measures did Congress pass that made the Koch's billionaires?
The Misinformation Voter always plays dumb.

Back at G H W Bush's term, the Koch Bros along with Enron got the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, headed by Wendy Gramm, to exempt energy futures contracts from government regulation. A few years later Sen Phil Gramm creates the "Enron Loophole" which put over the counter energy derivatives beyond any government regulation through private unregulated exchanges.

The Koch brothers weren't billionaires before the "Enron Loophole"?
Crony capitalism is bad. The solution is not to have the government steal more money from the rich, but to decrease government power over the economy.
You know what, I'm fine with a flat tax if crony capitalism could be put under control. However, until that happens I'm voting for a progressive tax rate. The ultra rich may have to pay more to their government, but they get a whole lot more back in return (through laws that favor them).

Not sure if you're aware, but my examples were most of the top wealthiest Americans.
Yes, but they are the exception to the norm and don't disprove that a grand majority of businessfollks in the US are adversely affected by a game that favors unfairly the BIG GUYS.
Crony capitalism is bad. The solution is not to have the government steal more money from the rich, but to decrease government power over the economy.
You know what, I'm fine with a flat tax if crony capitalism could be put under control. However, until that happens I'm voting for a progressive tax rate. The ultra rich may have to pay more to their government, but they get a whole lot more back in return (through laws that favor them).

Not sure if you're aware, but my examples were most of the top wealthiest Americans.
Yes, but they are the exception to the norm and don't disprove that a grand majority of businessfollks in the US are adversely affected by a game that favors unfairly the BIG GUYS.

Coincidence that all my examples, at the top of the wealth heap, didn't get there through cronyism?

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