"middle class" = "manufacturing" ?


Mar 26, 2012
i found the following figures thought-provoking, seemingly suggesting the economics of "skilled labor":


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i found the following figures thought-provoking, seemingly suggesting the economics of "skilled labor":



And not just manufacturing jobs but high paying manufacturing jobs. The jobs coming back to the US are paying $10 hr now. Republicans cried when those people were making $35K. They were what fixed the economy, and brought our wages up too. If Unions disappear, so will wages. This is the central front on the war on the middle class. High paying auto union jobs.

And Republicans second assault on unions is their war on police, teachers and fire fighters, and every other government union worker.

Break these two unions, bye bye middle class.
CEO's now make 320 times more than we do on average. The number was 200 just 5 years ago. Lower that number to 200 and spread the rest out to all the workers and watch the economy boom. Its simple.
CEO's now make 320 times more than we do on average. The number was 200 just 5 years ago. Lower that number to 200 and spread the rest out to all the workers and watch the economy boom. Its simple.

"economics" is about making Money; "Government" is (intrinsically) Force

"lowering" other people's incomes, via Government, more resembles "taking" than "making"

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