Middle School Teacher Among Those Arrested For Vandalizing Boarded-up Columbus Statue

...No, those all retired.
How do you imagine you know that?
Working and being involved in a public school system for decades.
Working in what capacity?
Coach and counselor.
And did you have access to some database of the political beliefs of every teacher in the country?
And I worked in a mostly black school system.
And? Neither the NEA or the district you worked in gives you the information I asked about.
It gives you all you need to know. Both elements are extremely left wing. Duh.
No, it does not tell you the political views of every teacher in the country, or even in your own district.
This conversation is over. You’re in denial.
He is not in denial. You are an idiot.
No, he’s in denial and your experience is dated.

Dated? I was a teacher from 1996 - 2018.
...No, those all retired.
How do you imagine you know that?
Working and being involved in a public school system for decades.
Working in what capacity?
Coach and counselor.
And did you have access to some database of the political beliefs of every teacher in the country?
And I worked in a mostly black school system.
And? Neither the NEA or the district you worked in gives you the information I asked about.
It gives you all you need to know. Both elements are extremely left wing. Duh.
No, it does not tell you the political views of every teacher in the country, or even in your own district.
This conversation is over. You’re in denial.
He is not in denial. You are an idiot.
No, he’s in denial and your experience is dated.

Dated? I was a teacher from 1996 - 2018.
My perspective covers 60 years of four different people over three generations in both the Midwest and the East. I watched the politics change curriculum and standards over that period. You must have been in an isolated area.
...No, those all retired.
How do you imagine you know that?
Working and being involved in a public school system for decades.
Working in what capacity?
Coach and counselor.
And did you have access to some database of the political beliefs of every teacher in the country?
And I worked in a mostly black school system.
And? Neither the NEA or the district you worked in gives you the information I asked about.
It gives you all you need to know. Both elements are extremely left wing. Duh.
No, it does not tell you the political views of every teacher in the country, or even in your own district.
This conversation is over. You’re in denial.
He is not in denial. You are an idiot.
No, he’s in denial and your experience is dated.

Dated? I was a teacher from 1996 - 2018.
My perspective covers 60 years of four different people over three generations in both the Midwest and the East. I watched the politics change curriculum and standards over that period. You must have been in an isolated area.
All of your information is second hand and from the east. I'll bet the midwest was Chicago or St.Louis.

I taught in Florida , with almost 2 years as an assistant principal. I also taught for the DoD schools and in Kentucky. I also have a Master's degree in educational leadership where we study school systems all over the country.

Now. what are your personal qualifications? I don't care about your wife's cousin friend's former roommate!
...No, those all retired.
How do you imagine you know that?
Working and being involved in a public school system for decades.
Working in what capacity?
Coach and counselor.
And did you have access to some database of the political beliefs of every teacher in the country?
And I worked in a mostly black school system.
And? Neither the NEA or the district you worked in gives you the information I asked about.
It gives you all you need to know. Both elements are extremely left wing. Duh.
No, it does not tell you the political views of every teacher in the country, or even in your own district.
This conversation is over. You’re in denial.
He is not in denial. You are an idiot.
No, he’s in denial and your experience is dated.

Dated? I was a teacher from 1996 - 2018.
My perspective covers 60 years of four different people over three generations in both the Midwest and the East. I watched the politics change curriculum and standards over that period. You must have been in an isolated area.
All of your information is second hand and from the east. I'll bet the midwest was Chicago or St.Louis.

I taught in Florida , with almost 2 years as an assistant principal. I also taught for the DoD schools and in Kentucky. I also have a Master's degree in educational leadership where we study school systems all over the country.

Now. what are your personal qualifications? I don't care about your wife's cousin friend's former roommate!
Did any of your curriculum predicate itself in skin color? Were you ever in trouble for not towing a disingenuous racial line? Was any of your curriculum rooted in black male race and gender and forced to change its mission to include female with no challenge to the racial element?
If you were in a military influenced student body you can be sure your curriculum would be less lefty. One of the schools I worked at accommodated Andrews AFB but they ultimately bolted to another school because of the bullying by blacks.
...No, those all retired.
How do you imagine you know that?
Working and being involved in a public school system for decades.
Working in what capacity?
Coach and counselor.
And did you have access to some database of the political beliefs of every teacher in the country?
And I worked in a mostly black school system.
And? Neither the NEA or the district you worked in gives you the information I asked about.
It gives you all you need to know. Both elements are extremely left wing. Duh.
No, it does not tell you the political views of every teacher in the country, or even in your own district.
This conversation is over. You’re in denial.
He is not in denial. You are an idiot.
No, he’s in denial and your experience is dated.

Dated? I was a teacher from 1996 - 2018.
My perspective covers 60 years of four different people over three generations in both the Midwest and the East. I watched the politics change curriculum and standards over that period. You must have been in an isolated area.
All of your information is second hand and from the east. I'll bet the midwest was Chicago or St.Louis.

I taught in Florida , with almost 2 years as an assistant principal. I also taught for the DoD schools and in Kentucky. I also have a Master's degree in educational leadership where we study school systems all over the country.

Now. what are your personal qualifications? I don't care about your wife's cousin friend's former roommate!
Did any of your curriculum predicate itself in skin color? Were you ever in trouble for not towing a disingenuous racial line? Was any of your curriculum rooted in black male race and gender and forced to change its mission to include female with no challenge to the racial element?
If you were in a military influenced student body you can be sure your curriculum would be less lefty. One of the schools I worked at accommodated Andrews AFB but they ultimately bolted to another school because of the bullying by blacks.

No, nothing like you just said. I only spent one year with the DoD and another year with the school that had a significant military dependent population, and it was the system my daughter and grandchildren attend.

Your questions are a foreign language to most teachers in flyover country. I once taught in a rural Kentucky high school with more Asian students than black students, and their number was microscopic. At one school where I taught and served as AP, we served a student population that came from gated communities to housing projects!
You don't want teachers like this you had better increase the pay. Of course some of you believe teachers are there to serve you for no pay. Same crybabies who cry about taxes.

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