Midterm results don't really bother me much

It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
Only an idiot and a complete dupe would call Mary Landrieu "republican-lite'.

If you can't get over this, you need to buy a great Louisiana product:

I think he was referring to the GOP elected.
If Obama's policies were successful, they would've won. It's great seeing liberals going out of their minds. Lol
They were successful, in every election where the people could directly vote on it, and not be blocked by Congress: minimum wage won, marijuana won, equal rights, etc.

So try again.

That is the way it should be. All of the issues mentioned should be State issues for the people to decide.
The Feds should not be in those issues at all.
When the Fed does it, it forces all the States and oppresses the States who don't want it.
The Feds are overstepping their power when they mandate the issues.

Not all state issues are voted on by the residents of that state. That is a direct democracy.

I did not say all state issues should be voted on by the residents.
I said the social issues should be like they did with the minimum wage, marijuana and equal rights.
I'm betting we would be hearing a different story if these Democrats had won.

Of course we would.
They would never mention low voter turn out or how much money was spent and a few would be down right nasty and mean with their words about conservatives and how Repubs would never win again. :)
Historically the average gain of seats is 29. Repubs got what? 13? Meh. BFD. In two years the people who bother to vote will remember why it isn't wise to put repubs in power.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
Wow how delusional. And all those Southern governors like in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Mass, Maryland....yeah keep telling yourself that.
I didn't say anything about southern.

Now make up something else.
How amusing that the Loser Left is now tripping over themselves to mitigate Tuesday's election as meaningless, yet somehow, according to the Lying African, the 2/3 who didn't vote actually have something to say.

You people lie so much you actually believe your own bullshit. It's pathetic.
I was examining the robo-email I got from the Democrats today [delivered a few days ago but I read it today]:
Peter, the hardest thing in politics is changing the status quo. The easiest thing is to get cynical.

The Republicans had a good night on Tuesday, Peter -- but believe me when I tell you that our results were better because you stepped up, talked to your family and friends, and cast your ballot.

I want you to remember that we're making progress. There are workers who have jobs today who didn't have them before. There are millions of families who have health insurance today who didn't have it before. There are kids going to college today who didn't have the opportunity to go to college before.

So don't get cynical, Peter. Cynicism didn't put a man on the moon. Cynicism has never won a war, or cured a disease, or built a business, or fed a young mind. Cynicism is a choice. And hope will always be a better choice.

I have hope for the next few years, and I have hope for what we're going to accomplish together.

Thank you so much, Peter.

Barack Obama
Not sure what to make of it.
If Obama's policies were successful, they would've won. It's great seeing liberals going out of their minds. Lol
They were successful, in every election where the people could directly vote on it, and not be blocked by Congress: minimum wage won, marijuana won, equal rights, etc.

So try again.

That is the way it should be. All of the issues mentioned should be State issues for the people to decide.
The Feds should not be in those issues at all.
When the Fed does it, it forces all the States and oppresses the States who don't want it.
The Feds are overstepping their power when they mandate the issues.

That's exactly what the south said about slavery.
Face it subversives ....


Ok, it's fine for you to put your little picture up, but I'll bet you cry like a spoiled kid when I call you a teabagger don't you.

Do you cry when I call you subversive pond scum? How old are you child, to think words would make any adult cry?

I'm actually quite used to crap like that and much worse coming from teabaggers continuously. I just think it is time that you received a little of that back. Obviously, the right isn't nearly as used to receiving the same, as evidenced by all the whining. If you can't take it, then don't do it.
Face it subversives ....


Ok, it's fine for you to put your little picture up, but I'll bet you cry like a spoiled kid when I call you a teabagger don't you.

Do you cry when I call you subversive pond scum? How old are you child, to think words would make any adult cry?

I'm actually quite used to crap like that and much worse coming from teabaggers continuously. I just think it is time that you received a little of that back. Obviously, the right isn't nearly as used to receiving the same, as evidenced by all the whining. If you can't take it, then don't do it.

Pond scum, teabagger is a badge of honor to us Veterans and Patriots, to you it's balls in your mouth!
Face it subversives ....


Ok, it's fine for you to put your little picture up, but I'll bet you cry like a spoiled kid when I call you a teabagger don't you.

Do you cry when I call you subversive pond scum? How old are you child, to think words would make any adult cry?

I'm actually quite used to crap like that and much worse coming from teabaggers continuously. I just think it is time that you received a little of that back. Obviously, the right isn't nearly as used to receiving the same, as evidenced by all the whining. If you can't take it, then don't do it.

Pond scum, teabagger is a badge of honor to us Veterans and Patriots, to you it's balls in your mouth!

Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.
Face it subversives ....


Ok, it's fine for you to put your little picture up, but I'll bet you cry like a spoiled kid when I call you a teabagger don't you.

Do you cry when I call you subversive pond scum? How old are you child, to think words would make any adult cry?

I'm actually quite used to crap like that and much worse coming from teabaggers continuously. I just think it is time that you received a little of that back. Obviously, the right isn't nearly as used to receiving the same, as evidenced by all the whining. If you can't take it, then don't do it.

Pond scum, teabagger is a badge of honor to us Veterans and Patriots, to you it's balls in your mouth!

Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.

What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!
Ok, it's fine for you to put your little picture up, but I'll bet you cry like a spoiled kid when I call you a teabagger don't you.

Do you cry when I call you subversive pond scum? How old are you child, to think words would make any adult cry?

I'm actually quite used to crap like that and much worse coming from teabaggers continuously. I just think it is time that you received a little of that back. Obviously, the right isn't nearly as used to receiving the same, as evidenced by all the whining. If you can't take it, then don't do it.

Pond scum, teabagger is a badge of honor to us Veterans and Patriots, to you it's balls in your mouth!

Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.

What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.
Do you cry when I call you subversive pond scum? How old are you child, to think words would make any adult cry?

I'm actually quite used to crap like that and much worse coming from teabaggers continuously. I just think it is time that you received a little of that back. Obviously, the right isn't nearly as used to receiving the same, as evidenced by all the whining. If you can't take it, then don't do it.

Pond scum, teabagger is a badge of honor to us Veterans and Patriots, to you it's balls in your mouth!

Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.

What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!
I'm actually quite used to crap like that and much worse coming from teabaggers continuously. I just think it is time that you received a little of that back. Obviously, the right isn't nearly as used to receiving the same, as evidenced by all the whining. If you can't take it, then don't do it.

Pond scum, teabagger is a badge of honor to us Veterans and Patriots, to you it's balls in your mouth!

Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.

What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

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