Midterm results don't really bother me much

Pond scum, teabagger is a badge of honor to us Veterans and Patriots, to you it's balls in your mouth!

Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.

What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!
Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.

What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
Like I said, teabaggers aren't as used to a little name calling as the rest of us and it is hurting your feelings. Tough. A bully is always shocked when someone finally pushes back. Get over it.

What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

That's OK. Right wingers acknowledge a lot of things that just aren't so.
What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

That's OK. Right wingers acknowledge a lot of things that just aren't so.

Yes the video shows you are a liar, but since you have a 2 digit IQ, you just don't know when to cut your loss and leave... Keep trying pond scum!

I do make note that ALL these subversive bastards have OCD in different intensities, this one has it building!
All the excuses flow out.
The truth is that people are tired of Democrats and their failed policies. Turnout was low among blacks because they've suffered more during this recession and so-called recovery than anyone else. All the base Democrat voters have taken it in the shorts. They may not vote GOP but they wont vote at all.
I am happy the Dems want to make excuses. It means they wont confront the reality of their failed policies and will line up to lose in 2016.
War on Women anyone?
All the excuses flow out.
The truth is that people are tired of Democrats and their failed policies. Turnout was low among blacks because they've suffered more during this recession and so-called recovery than anyone else. All the base Democrat voters have taken it in the shorts. They may not vote GOP but they wont vote at all.
I am happy the Dems want to make excuses. It means they wont confront the reality of their failed policies and will line up to lose in 2016.
War on Women anyone?

Rabbi I think the people are tired of all their damn lies!
All the excuses flow out.
The truth is that people are tired of Democrats and their failed policies. Turnout was low among blacks because they've suffered more during this recession and so-called recovery than anyone else. All the base Democrat voters have taken it in the shorts. They may not vote GOP but they wont vote at all.
I am happy the Dems want to make excuses. It means they wont confront the reality of their failed policies and will line up to lose in 2016.
War on Women anyone?

Rabbi I think the people are tired of all their damn lies!
It's more than that. It's years of failed policies that have resulted in lower incomes for anyone remotely considered middle class. It is low GDP growth. It is lack of jobs and opportunities. It is disasterous foreign affairs that make us look like chumps.
The best part is they dont get it. They'll come back and say their messaging is off.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
You dumb ass Kay Hagan was a liberal that won on the coat tail of obama in 2008 so your attempt to deflect the ass kicking the dems got last Tuesday is a big fat fail.
All the excuses flow out.
The truth is that people are tired of Democrats and their failed policies. Turnout was low among blacks because they've suffered more during this recession and so-called recovery than anyone else. All the base Democrat voters have taken it in the shorts. They may not vote GOP but they wont vote at all.
I am happy the Dems want to make excuses. It means they wont confront the reality of their failed policies and will line up to lose in 2016.
War on Women anyone?
What's congress and the gop polling at? Under 10%? You have zero room to talk. You won because the other team didn't show up and not because of your policies...

Don't worry the dems will win again and you, legends, steph etc will be on here making al sorts oof butthurt excuses as to why you lost.
You people did it in 2012 and 2008....you still do it now...
What's congress and the gop polling at? Under 10%? You have zero room to talk. You won because the other team didn't show up and not because of your policies...

Don't worry the dems will win again and you, legends, steph etc will be on here making al sorts oof butthurt excuses as to why you lost.
You people did it in 2012 and 2008....you still do it now...
Do you have any idea what "irony" is? Or perhaps it is the meaning of "butthurt" which escapes you, though I seriously doubt that.
I was examining the robo-email I got from the Democrats today [delivered a few days ago but I read it today]:
Peter, the hardest thing in politics is changing the status quo. The easiest thing is to get cynical.

The Republicans had a good night on Tuesday, Peter -- but believe me when I tell you that our results were better because you stepped up, talked to your family and friends, and cast your ballot.

I want you to remember that we're making progress. There are workers who have jobs today who didn't have them before. There are millions of families who have health insurance today who didn't have it before. There are kids going to college today who didn't have the opportunity to go to college before.

So don't get cynical, Peter. Cynicism didn't put a man on the moon. Cynicism has never won a war, or cured a disease, or built a business, or fed a young mind. Cynicism is a choice. And hope will always be a better choice.

I have hope for the next few years, and I have hope for what we're going to accomplish together.

Thank you so much, Peter.

Barack Obama
Not sure what to make of it.

Cynicism may not have put a man on the moon, but it sure as hell is stopping us getting to Mars!!!

All the excuses flow out.
The truth is that people are tired of Democrats and their failed policies. Turnout was low among blacks because they've suffered more during this recession and so-called recovery than anyone else. All the base Democrat voters have taken it in the shorts. They may not vote GOP but they wont vote at all.
I am happy the Dems want to make excuses. It means they wont confront the reality of their failed policies and will line up to lose in 2016.
War on Women anyone?
What's congress and the gop polling at? Under 10%? You have zero room to talk. You won because the other team didn't show up and not because of your policies...

Don't worry the dems will win again and you, legends, steph etc will be on here making al sorts oof butthurt excuses as to why you lost.
You people did it in 2012 and 2008....you still do it now...

The American Electorate kicked the DemoKKKrats' policies to the curb. You appear to be the one full of bile and burtthurt!!

What's congress and the gop polling at? Under 10%? You have zero room to talk. You won because the other team didn't show up and not because of your policies...

Don't worry the dems will win again and you, legends, steph etc will be on here making al sorts oof butthurt excuses as to why you lost.
You people did it in 2012 and 2008....you still do it now...
Do you have any idea what "irony" is? Or perhaps it is the meaning of "butthurt" which escapes you, though I seriously doubt that.

The poll showed that the Republicans won in a landslide. That's the only poll that counts.

Now for Hillary in 2016!! I know many Democrats who won't vote for her and have said so. Hey: if she couldn't keep Bill satisfied then how is she going to satisfy the whole USA ??

It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)

Obama is TOXIC!! Even Hillary would have done better!!

................................................................................................nah: just kiddin'. The MESSAGE is toxic....


What are you 5 years old and getting picked on by a school bully! How stupid can you be thinking names mean anything to me BUT I do know that you pond scum subversives don't like being made out to be the Communists, Socialists, Marxists, and demented fools that ALL of you are. So please continue calling us teabaggers, and we will continue calling you pond scum, subversives!

It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.


It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

There is a lot of reasons to look at it that way. Republican gubenatorial pick-ups have me more concerned than Senatorial losses short-term. Long term, Obama not being able to appoint whom he wants to replace old justices on the high court are major losses in my view however.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)
Dems are their own worse enemy.

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