Midterm results don't really bother me much

It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

I agree, every Dem should run in 2016 on how they fully supported Obama.

i hope so

Liberals are pissed that a lot of Americans have rejected their gift of obama and his failed policies. America wants obama like a hooker wants the clap.

obama won the non vote by a landslide --LOL
It' not a matter of being picked on. The right's behavior has been the same for years, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon. I just decided to join in. It's just shocking to you because you rarely see it coming from the other direction.

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

I agree, every Dem should run in 2016 on how they fully supported Obama.

i hope so

Liberals are pissed that a lot of Americans have rejected their gift of obama and his failed policies. America wants obama like a hooker wants the clap.

obama won the non vote by a landslide --LOL
shush you'll be giving liberals hope for the future.
You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won

It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.

All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

I agree, every Dem should run in 2016 on how they fully supported Obama.

i hope so

Liberals are pissed that a lot of Americans have rejected their gift of obama and his failed policies. America wants obama like a hooker wants the clap.

obama won the non vote by a landslide --LOL
shush you'll be giving liberals hope for the future.

maybe if they try hard enough

they can win the non vote by a much larger number in 2016
What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won


the Democrats got their asses handed to them, BIG TIME
they are in DENIAL big time too. so cute and funny to watch them spin themselves into pretzels and claim how, it doesn't Bother them one ittty bitty bit:badgrin:
I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won


the Democrats got their asses handed to them, BIG TIME
they are in DENIAL big time too. so cute and funny to watch them spin themselves into pretzels and claim how, it doesn't Bother them one ittty bitty bit:badgrin:

it was actually fun watching cnn election eve

as the results came in

watching one door close after another

they completely forgot that they are supposed to be neutral

You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:
I don't understand them, they call us the teabaggers, so that makes them the receivers. What a bunch of queers.
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
How could you be bothered by this election when you were confused enough to vote for Obabble back in 08?
Do you realize that when you change the name of a politician whose policies you disagree with you come off looking childish?

I'm genuinely curious as to what you think about doing it.

Are we all supposed to be amazed at your little name change and laugh in wonderment at your humor?

You sound like a 12 year old making fun of a teacher.
Don't get all huffy Harry. I simply incorporate his most obvious trait into his name.
What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:
I don't understand them, they call us the teabaggers, so that makes them the receivers. What a bunch of queers.

lol, never thought of that...but I do believe it does. :gay:
Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won


the Democrats got their asses handed to them, BIG TIME
they are in DENIAL big time too. so cute and funny to watch them spin themselves into pretzels and claim how, it doesn't Bother them one ittty bitty bit:badgrin:

it was actually fun watching cnn election eve

as the results came in

watching one door close after another

they completely forgot that they are supposed to be neutral


IMHO I do not believe CNN or any of the other lib networks, has ever shown a desire to be neutral.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won


the Democrats got their asses handed to them, BIG TIME
they are in DENIAL big time too. so cute and funny to watch them spin themselves into pretzels and claim how, it doesn't Bother them one ittty bitty bit:badgrin:

it was actually fun watching cnn election eve

as the results came in

watching one door close after another

they completely forgot that they are supposed to be neutral


IMHO I do not believe CNN or any of the other lib networks, has ever shown a desire to be neutral.

true but that is the claim made
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won


the Democrats got their asses handed to them, BIG TIME
they are in DENIAL big time too. so cute and funny to watch them spin themselves into pretzels and claim how, it doesn't Bother them one ittty bitty bit:badgrin:

it was actually fun watching cnn election eve

as the results came in

watching one door close after another

they completely forgot that they are supposed to be neutral


IMHO I do not believe CNN or any of the other lib networks, has ever shown a desire to be neutral.

Under Obama they haven't been. that's why they should be SHUNNED for your political news. and you can include ABC, NBC and CBS in that

Along with the rags, NySlimes, WashingtonCompost, LaSlimes, etc
Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won


the Democrats got their asses handed to them, BIG TIME
they are in DENIAL big time too. so cute and funny to watch them spin themselves into pretzels and claim how, it doesn't Bother them one ittty bitty bit:badgrin:

it was actually fun watching cnn election eve

as the results came in

watching one door close after another

they completely forgot that they are supposed to be neutral

You deserve a medal. I can't watch liberal news aka propaganda.
Again the lib excuses just roll on. It's great. I love it. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
The truth is Democrat polcies are failures. Until they reverse those policies Dems will continue to lose elections. Since they will not reverse them they will continue to lose in 2016.
If Obama's policies were successful, they would've won. It's great seeing liberals going out of their minds. Lol
They were successful, in every election where the people could directly vote on it, and not be blocked by Congress: minimum wage won, marijuana won, equal rights, etc.

So try again.

That is the way it should be. All of the issues mentioned should be State issues for the people to decide.
The Feds should not be in those issues at all.
When the Fed does it, it forces all the States and oppresses the States who don't want it.
The Feds are overstepping their power when they mandate the issues.

That's exactly what the south said about slavery.

We had a war that stopped it. It was not a social issue it was a rights issue.
The Feds role is to protect the minorities rights as well as majorities rights.
Gay issues are a social issue and Feds should not be forcing the States to make that decision, the people of the States should.
If the Feds were not making the laws that made the discrimination of Gays, there would be not issue.
For an example- Feds had no right to make a tax law that forced a partner to go to court over the inheritance of her partner. The Laws should be equal for everyone. Not different for married people and single people.
Again the lib excuses just roll on. It's great. I love it. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
The truth is Democrat polcies are failures. Until they reverse those policies Dems will continue to lose elections. Since they will not reverse them they will continue to lose in 2016.

Not only are they failures, they are doing great harm to the people but they can't see it.
Dems say they want to move us forward, yet all of their policies are from the 1960's
Wake up Dems it's no longer the sixties.
The people have moved forward from the 20th century to the 21st century.
yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:


several tea party candidates won


the Democrats got their asses handed to them, BIG TIME
they are in DENIAL big time too. so cute and funny to watch them spin themselves into pretzels and claim how, it doesn't Bother them one ittty bitty bit:badgrin:

it was actually fun watching cnn election eve

as the results came in

watching one door close after another

they completely forgot that they are supposed to be neutral


IMHO I do not believe CNN or any of the other lib networks, has ever shown a desire to be neutral.

Under Obama they haven't been. that's why they should be SHUNNED for your political news. and you can include ABC, NBC and CBS in that

Along with the rags, NySlimes, WashingtonCompost, LaSlimes, etc
one you forgot
Obama Official Married to NBC News Senior Political Editor - See more at: Obama Official Married to NBC News Senior Political Editor

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