Midterm results don't really bother me much

"Midterm results don't really bother me much"

The results shouldn't bother you at all given voter turnout was low, lower this year than in 2010, that the results aren't representative of the Nation as a whole, and that republicans lack the votes in the Senate to enact their reckless, irresponsible measures.
"Midterm results don't really bother me much"

The results shouldn't bother you at all given voter turnout was low, lower this year than in 2010, that the results aren't representative of the Nation as a whole, and that republicans lack the votes in the Senate to enact their reckless, irresponsible measures.
North Carolina set a all time mid term election recorder sorry sport that duck ain't going to fly.
I was examining the robo-email I got from the Democrats today [delivered a few days ago but I read it today]:
Peter, the hardest thing in politics is changing the status quo. The easiest thing is to get cynical.

The Republicans had a good night on Tuesday, Peter -- but believe me when I tell you that our results were better because you stepped up, talked to your family and friends, and cast your ballot.

I want you to remember that we're making progress. There are workers who have jobs today who didn't have them before. There are millions of families who have health insurance today who didn't have it before. There are kids going to college today who didn't have the opportunity to go to college before.

So don't get cynical, Peter. Cynicism didn't put a man on the moon. Cynicism has never won a war, or cured a disease, or built a business, or fed a young mind. Cynicism is a choice. And hope will always be a better choice.

I have hope for the next few years, and I have hope for what we're going to accomplish together.

Thank you so much, Peter.

Barack Obama
Not sure what to make of it.

Cynicism may not have put a man on the moon, but it sure as hell is stopping us getting to Mars!!!

We need the mineral resources on Mars, and there is possibly even oil and gas there.

But Obama along with a lot of other politicians put a gear in the works, rather than build a better shuttle - or put together something for a Mars mission.

The humiliation for America will be when China puts a flag on Mars, and builds a Mars base a few decades or less later.

But, 'hope' and imagination won't get us there, only hard work. Unfortunately the bureaucrats and politicians in Washington believe commercial operators can instantly fill the gap. Truth is that by the time they are at that level, China will have a flag on Mars.
"Midterm results don't really bother me much"

The results shouldn't bother you at all given voter turnout was low, lower this year than in 2010, that the results aren't representative of the Nation as a whole, and that republicans lack the votes in the Senate to enact their reckless, irresponsible measures.
Yeah, thats the ticket.
Hey, ever wonder why turnout was low? Maybe it was the Dem base expressing thei distaste with Dem policies. Ya htink?
It was pretty much in keeping with history. No Liberals were voted out, only Republican-Lite in states that Obama didn't win, anyway, except for CO.


All of these Senators/Candidates were Blue Dog Democrats who ran from Obama and his policies, which is why they lost.

OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

So it's not a repudiation of Obama in any way. It's a repudiation of Democrats trying to distance themselves from all the success of the Obama terms, in an effort to endear themselves to wingnuts, while alienating their base.
Off course they don't bother you, that is why you had to create a thread with a detailed accounting of why they don't bother you.
.OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

No. Shaheen won based solely on voters who should have been here in my state of residence - Massachusetts. Most of Southern NH is now populated by people who work in Boston and its surrounds who don't want to pay the horrible taxes and fees in this state. They've turned Southern New Hampshire into a bastion of gutless fucks who won't live their stated values.

Actually, every election map I have seen showed the border areas (Nashua and Hillsboro County) going red...Shaheen won because Brown was a weak candidate and the Democrat machine poured an ENORMOUS amount of money into the race.
.OTOH, Jeane Shaheen embraced Obama and his policies and won.

No. Shaheen won based solely on voters who should have been here in my state of residence - Massachusetts. Most of Southern NH is now populated by people who work in Boston and its surrounds who don't want to pay the horrible taxes and fees in this state. They've turned Southern New Hampshire into a bastion of gutless fucks who won't live their stated values.

Actually, every election map I have seen showed the border areas (Nashua and Hillsboro County) going red...Shaheen won because Brown was a weak candidate and the Democrat machine poured an ENORMOUS amount of money into the race.
Idon't live there, but have kin that do.

I heard she won because those that don't live in the Greater Boston economic area resent the Hell out of those making decent money, and saw Brown as a Masshole in part responsible for their communities not getting the benefit of the Boston economy.
Not so much that...Brown's campaign just sucked rocks. Basically: he didn't start one until about August! He bungled a very winnable race. And, again, the DNC and their supporters POURED money in for Shaheen. I was getting 3-4 pro-Shaheen mailings every DAY for almost 2 weeks!
And let's not forget the additional TEN rats that won't be returning to the House. :eusa_naughty:
Do you think the 10 new ones aren't rats too, or won't quickly become rats?

Washington only allows rats.

Nobody has the word RAT in their party name but your side....don't you think that's ironic? :dunno:

And nobody proudly claimed they were teabaggers but your side. I find that Ironic, and hilarious.

Hating on the gays. Ironic and hilarious.
You pond scum are LOSERS and we won't let you forget it, so live with that thought, child!

What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.
What ever you say teabagger.

I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.

So you do admit it!!!?

If Obama's policies were successful, they would've won. It's great seeing liberals going out of their minds. Lol

Its hilarious I have been laughing it up since Tuesday. :laugh:

so have I. and threads started like this one is just icing on the cake

I'm not bothered oh no no no I'm not, really:lmao:

The libs are discombobulated they don't take rejection well and that's two epic beat downs in just 4 years. Remember how smug they were in 2008, remember the predictions of how the country has moved left LMAO that's really the punch line. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I acknowledge your surrender, subversive!

Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.

So you do admit it!!!?


You had to stretch for that didn't you. A teabagger is anyone who engages in the activity, but your party is the only ones to proudly claim the name. It's expected for you to try to deflect your shame, but not very effective.
So the op doesn't care eh? Had the dems had the same results the gop did it would be wetting its pants in anticipation of the "major victory & mandate"

Stealth crying thread lol
Claim victory and run and hope nobody noticed that your claim of Mexican shoot on sight policy just isn't true. Typical teabagger.
You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.

So you do admit it!!!?


You had to stretch for that didn't you. A teabagger is anyone who engages in the activity, but your party is the only ones to proudly claim the name. It's expected for you to try to deflect your shame, but not very effective.

Shame? lmao. You really lack perception and understanding. The Tea Party is a maturing political grouping. Tea bagging is what BJ Clinton did while cheating on his wife. That the term is now used to poke fun at Dems is a sign that language is fluid. Is your butthurt getting worse?? I hope so!

You keep saying we are teabaggers, we how did it feel to get teabagged last Tuesday? I'm sure you enjoyed it, you surely talk about it enough.

yep, teabagged the hell out them RIGHT out of Power and they ain't liking it much...
way to go ALL YOU, TEABAGGERS:happy-1:

So you do embrace the term.

So you do admit it!!!?


You had to stretch for that didn't you. A teabagger is anyone who engages in the activity, but your party is the only ones to proudly claim the name. It's expected for you to try to deflect your shame, but not very effective.

Shame? lmao. You really lack perception and understanding. The Tea Party is a maturing political grouping. Tea bagging is what BJ Clinton did while cheating on his wife. That the term is now used to poke fun at Dems is a sign that language is fluid. Is your butthurt getting worse?? I hope so!


I guess fading into senility and dementia are some aspects of maturing, but that's the only signs of maturity they display.

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