Migrant caravan swells to 5,000 resumes advanced toward US

If we can't stop this caravan the next one will bring this nation to it's knees or to war in the streets.
Only if this one doesn't.

The American people need to call their Representatives and demand action to stop this " Invasion" being waged by Socialist activists. Send a very clear message in 15 days to any Politician who supports open borders. Then Close it down and let Mexico Feed them. After we cut all Federal aid south of the Rio Grande
Mexico and the US should just clear the way and dump them all in Canada.


Yeah...….. they're fleeing Socialist Country's because of garbage healthcare and No jobs and poverty caused by Socialism Canada is not Offering free everything to these turds. Put 50,000 troops on the border with Rubber Bullets and call it a Military Exercise >>>>>>>>>> Fire at will!!!!!!!

Growing Invasion Force Overwhelms Mexican Authorities – Approximately 10,000 Now Traveling through M
The Conservative Treehouse ^ | October 21, 2018

Despite media claims to the contrary, election Mexican officials previously promised to allow the invasion of Central American migrants. There is a history here.
Heavily financed horde of Central American migrants has overwhelmed token resistance from Mexican military and advanced north toward Southern U.S. border. As described by Associated Press today: “growing army of migrants resumes march toward US.” This is a well financed, well organized, left-wing political operation strategically timed to reach the U.S. border and coincide with the 2018 mid-term election.

Estimates as to the number of economic migrants varies between 7,000 to 10,000 and the numbers are growing fast as they are now facilitated by, and joined by, ideological comrades within Mexico. The ‘invasion force’ is now more than two-miles long. The group claims to be fleeing violence in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, yet the group has deployed violence against Mexican officials who are vastly outnumbered.

President Trump has requested that Mexican officials stop the advancement of the massive group and praised any efforts therein. However, it appears there is a disconnect between what actions U.S. officials think is happening – and the actual advancement on the ground. Those marching toward the U.S. are no longer finding any resistance.

As explained in a USA Today review: “Sunday the crowd was large and the mood mostly ecstatic. Olivin Castellanos, 58, a truck driver and mason from Villanueva, Honduras, said he took a raft into Mexico. He hopes to work in construction in the United States.” “No one will stop us, only God,” he said. “We knocked down the door and we continue walking.”

Initially the group was between 3,000 and 5,000. However, in the past 36 hours the numbers have grown considerably; seeming to double in size overnight.

Read more at theconservativetreehouse.com ...
Migrant caravan swells to 5,000, resumes advance toward US

CIUDAD HIDALGO, Mexico (AP) — A growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border in southern Mexico on Sunday, overwhelming Mexican government attempts to stop them at the border.

It is going to be way, way more than this. The media is lying as to how many are really come over into the US.
There have already been hundreds of thousands who crossed over during Obama...... Imagine that.

Once again fear and hate mongering makes the active topic billboard. I have no idea what the author of this tread seeks, his posts and threads are all about, "ain't it awful".

Most of us find his rhetoric sophomoric and nauseating, and most of us understand the great threat to the United States is not a mother with her child at our boarder, but Trumpism. I suppose he takes much solace from those who support Trump, and cheer his childish theme.

Maybe the author believes he can convince rational and educated people to piss their pants. We don't, and we find you intolerable. People like you are always pushing an agenda of the same sort, i.e. cliched diction.
Illegal aliens are not the friend of anybody in America... They cost us billions every year.
They have no right to be here and they certainly have no right to a living here because obviously someone would have to pay for their shit...
Migrant caravan swells to 5,000, resumes advance toward US

CIUDAD HIDALGO, Mexico (AP) — A growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border in southern Mexico on Sunday, overwhelming Mexican government attempts to stop them at the border.

It is going to be way, way more than this. The media is lying as to how many are really come over into the US.
There have already been hundreds of thousands who crossed over during Obama...... Imagine that.

Once again fear and hate mongering makes the active topic billboard. I have no idea what the author of this tread seeks, his posts and threads are all about, "ain't it awful".

Most of us find his rhetoric sophomoric and nauseating, and most of us understand the great threat to the United States is not a mother with her child at our boarder, but Trumpism. I suppose he takes much solace from those who support Trump, and cheer his childish theme.

Maybe the author believes he can convince rational and educated people to piss their pants. We don't, and we find you intolerable. People like you are always pushing an agenda of the same sort, i.e. cliched diction.
Illegal aliens are not the friend of anybody in America... They cost us billions every year.
They have no right to be here and they certainly have no right to a living here because obviously someone would have to pay for their shit...

True story. "Friends" usually ask for permission to come into your home and have a beer. They don't knock down the door and raid the fridge then tell you you're a piece of shit for being upset about that. (See also Democrat "friendship" with America)
......I would not shed a tear if they shot these jackasses if they tried to force their way into the US

You would if you shot a five year old, when you got what you deserved, the needle.

This is an outright attack by a foreign nation actually an Act of War. I imagine their are armed entities within this Caravan that will use Armed violence to Promote there goal …. Send the Army Air force and Marines. I left out the Navy can't get a Destroyer up The Rio Grande
......I would not shed a tear if they shot these jackasses if they tried to force their way into the US

You would if you shot a five year old, when you got what you deserved, the needle.

This is an outright attack by a foreign nation actually an Act of War. I imagine their are armed entities within this Caravan that will use Armed violence to Promote there goal …. Send the Army Air force and Marines. I left out the Navy can't get a Destroyer up The Rio Grande

I imagine fear mongering is a partisan tool which impacts those with paranoid delusions and/or racists.

The only thing with have to fear, Donald Trump.
......I would not shed a tear if they shot these jackasses if they tried to force their way into the US

You would if you shot a five year old, when you got what you deserved, the needle.

This is an outright attack by a foreign nation actually an Act of War. I imagine their are armed entities within this Caravan that will use Armed violence to Promote there goal …. Send the Army Air force and Marines. I left out the Navy can't get a Destroyer up The Rio Grande

I imagine fear mongering is a partisan tool which impacts those with paranoid delusions and/or racists.

The only thing with have to fear, Donald Trump.
Self-Defense Overview - FindLaw
......I would not shed a tear if they shot these jackasses if they tried to force their way into the US

You would if you shot a five year old, when you got what you deserved, the needle.
self defense is legal--

Yeah, a five year old is clearly a threat. I guess coward best describes trump and his ass kissing supporters.
they are a threat to America
it would be just like shooting Japanese 1941
Migrant caravan swells to 5,000, resumes advance toward US

CIUDAD HIDALGO, Mexico (AP) — A growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border in southern Mexico on Sunday, overwhelming Mexican government attempts to stop them at the border.

It is going to be way, way more than this. The media is lying as to how many are really come over into the US.
There have already been hundreds of thousands who crossed over during Obama...... Imagine that.

Once again fear and hate mongering makes the active topic billboard. I have no idea what the author of this tread seeks, his posts and threads are all about, "ain't it awful".

Most of us find his rhetoric sophomoric and nauseating, and most of us understand the great threat to the United States is not a mother with her child at our boarder, but Trumpism. I suppose he takes much solace from those who support Trump, and cheer his childish theme.

Maybe the author believes he can convince rational and educated people to piss their pants. We don't, and we find you intolerable. People like you are always pushing an agenda of the same sort, i.e. cliched diction.

Who's "most of us"? You got 2 mice in your pocket?





Eddie Garcia

Photo Credit: BBC, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-45925186

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Honduras

From the LINK:

"Violent crime is rampant in Honduras. Despite a downward trend in recent years, the murder rate remains among the highest in the world. Journalists, environmental activists, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals are among those most vulnerable to violence. Efforts to reform the institutions responsible for providing public security have made little progress. Marred by corruption and abuse, the judiciary and police remain largely ineffective. Impunity for crime and human rights abuses is the norm."

Seems as if the conservative movement in the USA has some things in common with the powers that be in Honduras, and in Guatamala:

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Guatemala

"Guatemala continued to make progress in prosecuting human rights and corruption cases, due in significant part to the collaboration of the Attorney General’s Office with the United Nations-backed International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), established in 2007 to investigate organized crime and reinforce local efforts to strengthen the rule of law. At time of writing, CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office were prosecuting more than a dozen current and former Congress members, as well as former President Otto Pérez Molina and former Vice-President Roxana Baldetti—who were arrested on corruption charges in 2015."

The work of CICIG produced a strong backlash from public officials in 2017. In August, President Jimmy Morales ordered the expulsion of CICIG Commissioner Iván Velásquez from the country—two days after CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office sought to lift the president’s immunity to investigate his alleged role in illicit campaign financing.

Maybe it's time for the United States to reevaluate its current government's policies, which included eroding democracy by suppressing the vote before we too become a banana republic? [who wouldn't attempt to escape the violence, and the instability of governance the vast majority of migrants experience?]
Last edited:





Eddie Garcia

Photo Credit: BBC, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-45925186

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Honduras

From the LINK:

"Violent crime is rampant in Honduras. Despite a downward trend in recent years, the murder rate remains among the highest in the world. Journalists, environmental activists, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals are among those most vulnerable to violence. Efforts to reform the institutions responsible for providing public security have made little progress. Marred by corruption and abuse, the judiciary and police remain largely ineffective. Impunity for crime and human rights abuses is the norm."

Seems as if the conservative movement in the USA has some things in common with the powers that be in Honduras, and in Guatamala:

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Guatemala

"Guatemala continued to make progress in prosecuting human rights and corruption cases, due in significant part to the collaboration of the Attorney General’s Office with the United Nations-backed International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), established in 2007 to investigate organized crime and reinforce local efforts to strengthen the rule of law. At time of writing, CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office were prosecuting more than a dozen current and former Congress members, as well as former President Otto Pérez Molina and former Vice-President Roxana Baldetti—who were arrested on corruption charges in 2015."

The work of CICIG produced a strong backlash from public officials in 2017. In August, President Jimmy Morales ordered the expulsion of CICIG Commissioner Iván Velásquez from the country—two days after CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office sought to lift the president’s immunity to investigate his alleged role in illicit campaign financing.

Maybe it's time for the United States to reevaluate its current government's policies, which included eroding democracy by suppressing the vote before we too become a banana republic.

The UN is a fucking joke. We need to kick them out of New York, let them move their headquarters to Mogadishu or Ghana. Go eat your cucumber finger sandwiches there, UN useless fuckers.
I say set up the unmanned Vulcans and establish a perimeter until a wall can be put up. Some rabbits and coyotes might die, too.

Somebody was talking "5-year olds" Well, what I see is fighting age men.





Eddie Garcia

Photo Credit: BBC, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-45925186

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Honduras

From the LINK:

"Violent crime is rampant in Honduras. Despite a downward trend in recent years, the murder rate remains among the highest in the world. Journalists, environmental activists, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals are among those most vulnerable to violence. Efforts to reform the institutions responsible for providing public security have made little progress. Marred by corruption and abuse, the judiciary and police remain largely ineffective. Impunity for crime and human rights abuses is the norm."

Seems as if the conservative movement in the USA has some things in common with the powers that be in Honduras, and in Guatamala:

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Guatemala

"Guatemala continued to make progress in prosecuting human rights and corruption cases, due in significant part to the collaboration of the Attorney General’s Office with the United Nations-backed International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), established in 2007 to investigate organized crime and reinforce local efforts to strengthen the rule of law. At time of writing, CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office were prosecuting more than a dozen current and former Congress members, as well as former President Otto Pérez Molina and former Vice-President Roxana Baldetti—who were arrested on corruption charges in 2015."

The work of CICIG produced a strong backlash from public officials in 2017. In August, President Jimmy Morales ordered the expulsion of CICIG Commissioner Iván Velásquez from the country—two days after CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office sought to lift the president’s immunity to investigate his alleged role in illicit campaign financing.

Maybe it's time for the United States to reevaluate its current government's policies, which included eroding democracy by suppressing the vote before we too become a banana republic? [who wouldn't attempt to escape the violence, and the instability of governance the vast majority of migrants experience?]
we DON'T GIVE A FK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about Honduras--or any other shithole
it's NOT our responsibility
....this shit goes on all over the world and will keep going on until the people THERE change it--not the US

..stop living in your flower bubble and learn something





Eddie Garcia

Photo Credit: BBC, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-45925186

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Honduras

From the LINK:

"Violent crime is rampant in Honduras. Despite a downward trend in recent years, the murder rate remains among the highest in the world. Journalists, environmental activists, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals are among those most vulnerable to violence. Efforts to reform the institutions responsible for providing public security have made little progress. Marred by corruption and abuse, the judiciary and police remain largely ineffective. Impunity for crime and human rights abuses is the norm."

Seems as if the conservative movement in the USA has some things in common with the powers that be in Honduras, and in Guatamala:

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Guatemala

"Guatemala continued to make progress in prosecuting human rights and corruption cases, due in significant part to the collaboration of the Attorney General’s Office with the United Nations-backed International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), established in 2007 to investigate organized crime and reinforce local efforts to strengthen the rule of law. At time of writing, CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office were prosecuting more than a dozen current and former Congress members, as well as former President Otto Pérez Molina and former Vice-President Roxana Baldetti—who were arrested on corruption charges in 2015."

The work of CICIG produced a strong backlash from public officials in 2017. In August, President Jimmy Morales ordered the expulsion of CICIG Commissioner Iván Velásquez from the country—two days after CICIG and the Attorney General’s Office sought to lift the president’s immunity to investigate his alleged role in illicit campaign financing.

Maybe it's time for the United States to reevaluate its current government's policies, which included eroding democracy by suppressing the vote before we too become a banana republic.

The UN is a fucking joke. We need to kick them out of New York, let them move their headquarters to Mogadishu or Ghana. Go eat your cucumber finger sandwiches there, UN dorks.

Thanks for sharing your hate and fear; it must suck to be so cowardly and hateful all the time.

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