Migrant Children Are Being Abused by the Biden Administration and the Media Doesn't Give a Crap


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Remember when the MSM and you lefties didn't care? Yeah, during Øbama's reign of error.

Then! They and you suddenly "cared" when Trump was POTUS even though things weren't as bad as they were under Øbama.

Now, neither the MSM nor you lefties don't care again.

So yeah, the BBC and CBS report on this, but what is really needed is daily follow-ups, which will probably not happen. And whither NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, the WaPO?

Hoist on your own hypocrisy.

After years of virtue signaling and fake outrage about the treatment of migrant children under the Trump administration, the press is now demonstrating that they never cared about them in the first place.
It turns out that at least one detention center in El Paso, TX is subjecting migrant children to conditions that are worse than being in prison. As of this writing, only two media outlets have bothered to give the issue any real attention.
BBC News reported that the children being kept at Fort Bliss are languishing in substandard living conditions. They are dealing with disease, unsafe food, and even sexual abuse. One of the children stated that they were being served undercooked meat. One of the staffers explained that one of the kids said, “sometimes the chicken had blood, the meat very red. We couldn’t stand our hunger and we ate it, but we got sick from it.”
The children are also being subjected to various diseases. COVID-19 has been rampant in the camp with many of the minors becoming sick due to living in tents and being in constant close proximity to other children. Lice are also an issue. One tent, which housed 800 girls, was shut down due to the infection and lack of resources to deal with the problem.
Even worse are the reports of sexual abuse being inflicted on the kids. A secret recording given to BBC News revealed an employee voicing her concerns about how the minors were being treated. She said: We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately.”
Another employee stated that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spoke with members of the staff about an incident involving rape. “DHS mentioned there was a rape – they are giving the girls pregnancy tests,” the employee explained. “And I heard the other night that another contractor was caught in a boys’ tent, you know, doing things with him.”
CBS News reported that “the level of distress among migrant boys and girls held by the U.S. government at a tent city in the Texas desert has become so alarming that they are constantly monitored for incidents of self-harm, panic attacks and escape attempts.”

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Remember when the MSM and you lefties didn't care? Yeah, during Øbama's reign of error.

Then! They and you suddenly "cared" when Trump was POTUS even though things weren't as bad as they were under Øbama.

Now, neither the MSM nor you lefties don't care again.

So yeah, the BBC and CBS report on this, but what is really needed is daily follow-ups, which will probably not happen. And whither NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, the WaPO?

Hoist on your own hypocrisy.

After years of virtue signaling and fake outrage about the treatment of migrant children under the Trump administration, the press is now demonstrating that they never cared about them in the first place.
It turns out that at least one detention center in El Paso, TX is subjecting migrant children to conditions that are worse than being in prison. As of this writing, only two media outlets have bothered to give the issue any real attention.
BBC News reported that the children being kept at Fort Bliss are languishing in substandard living conditions. They are dealing with disease, unsafe food, and even sexual abuse. One of the children stated that they were being served undercooked meat. One of the staffers explained that one of the kids said, “sometimes the chicken had blood, the meat very red. We couldn’t stand our hunger and we ate it, but we got sick from it.”
The children are also being subjected to various diseases. COVID-19 has been rampant in the camp with many of the minors becoming sick due to living in tents and being in constant close proximity to other children. Lice are also an issue. One tent, which housed 800 girls, was shut down due to the infection and lack of resources to deal with the problem.
Even worse are the reports of sexual abuse being inflicted on the kids. A secret recording given to BBC News revealed an employee voicing her concerns about how the minors were being treated. She said: We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately.”
Another employee stated that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spoke with members of the staff about an incident involving rape. “DHS mentioned there was a rape – they are giving the girls pregnancy tests,” the employee explained. “And I heard the other night that another contractor was caught in a boys’ tent, you know, doing things with him.”
CBS News reported that “the level of distress among migrant boys and girls held by the U.S. government at a tent city in the Texas desert has become so alarming that they are constantly monitored for incidents of self-harm, panic attacks and escape attempts.”

They were abused by the Trump administration and you right wingers thought it was great, now you are 'concerned' about them..?
They were abused by the Trump administration and you right wingers thought it was great, now you are 'concerned' about them..?

You are quite incorrect. And this thread is not about Trump but about Biden.
Remember when the MSM and you lefties didn't care? Yeah, during Øbama's reign of error.

Then! They and you suddenly "cared" when Trump was POTUS even though things weren't as bad as they were under Øbama.

Now, neither the MSM nor you lefties don't care again.

So yeah, the BBC and CBS report on this, but what is really needed is daily follow-ups, which will probably not happen. And whither NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, the WaPO?

Hoist on your own hypocrisy.

After years of virtue signaling and fake outrage about the treatment of migrant children under the Trump administration, the press is now demonstrating that they never cared about them in the first place.
It turns out that at least one detention center in El Paso, TX is subjecting migrant children to conditions that are worse than being in prison. As of this writing, only two media outlets have bothered to give the issue any real attention.
BBC News reported that the children being kept at Fort Bliss are languishing in substandard living conditions. They are dealing with disease, unsafe food, and even sexual abuse. One of the children stated that they were being served undercooked meat. One of the staffers explained that one of the kids said, “sometimes the chicken had blood, the meat very red. We couldn’t stand our hunger and we ate it, but we got sick from it.”
The children are also being subjected to various diseases. COVID-19 has been rampant in the camp with many of the minors becoming sick due to living in tents and being in constant close proximity to other children. Lice are also an issue. One tent, which housed 800 girls, was shut down due to the infection and lack of resources to deal with the problem.
Even worse are the reports of sexual abuse being inflicted on the kids. A secret recording given to BBC News revealed an employee voicing her concerns about how the minors were being treated. She said: We have already caught staff with minors inappropriately.”
Another employee stated that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spoke with members of the staff about an incident involving rape. “DHS mentioned there was a rape – they are giving the girls pregnancy tests,” the employee explained. “And I heard the other night that another contractor was caught in a boys’ tent, you know, doing things with him.”
CBS News reported that “the level of distress among migrant boys and girls held by the U.S. government at a tent city in the Texas desert has become so alarming that they are constantly monitored for incidents of self-harm, panic attacks and escape attempts.”

Trump could only dream about being this cruel ....Right?
Two takeaways:
1. Isn't this the area Kamala visited??
2. Why do we have to go to the BBC to get investigative news?

Ever notice a lot of non US posters here know way more than the libturds here.

BBC and the others let then know first........................I have been overly impressed of the non USAs and their knowledge. Of course they have their retards like Tammy Twinkletoes too
Shhhh! There is no disaster at the southern border. That was Trump that put kids in cages and separated families.
Nothing to see here.
There is no problem.
These are not the droids you are looking for...
And fake newz had to use Obama era pics too.....................What a total 5 yr deception TDS has caused

The brainwashing of this country is far more advanced than anyone knew
The leftists in this country and on this board know it. They just refuse in their minds to acknowledge it. In other words, they lie to themselves.
Two takeaways:
1. Isn't this the area Kamala visited??
2. Why do we have to go to the BBC to get investigative news?

The democrat party does not care about these children....they will fill those cages to the ceiling with illegal immigrant children, allow them to be sexually assaulted, catch diseases, freeze, and go hungry.......as long as one day, down the road, they eventually vote for the democrats.....

That is the truth.
What is not surprising is it ha been going on for decades and we know the crocodile tears of politicians and politically motivated companies and individuals really don't care about the conditions.
Shhhh! There is no disaster at the southern border. That was Trump that put kids in cages and separated families.
Nothing to see here.
There is no problem.
These are not the droids you are looking for...
Trump did.

Now it is on Biden.

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