Migrant Sex Assults Sweep Europe


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I was thinking about this and it actually makes sense. The invasion of Europe is not only being done without weapons it is being done with the blessing of some of their leaders. In Medievil times, where Islam seems to be stuck, the invading armies would rape the women in order to plant their seed, is this what we are seeing being done? Or is this just trumped up news?


Unprecedented harassment in Helsinki...

Attacks in Sweden...

Gang rapes in Germany...


Credit to the Drudge Report.
Planting seeds don't make much sense in the day of abortion on demand.

It's more of a cultural belief that the women are sub human creatures that deserve it.
Its amazing how quickly europe became deballed and flaky and now lets islam run through like the scourge.

That happened after Clinton decided to curry favor with the Arabs by backing the Muslims in the Yugoslavian civil war.
If Europe has a brain it will kick all the Muslims out of their countries.

If they stay Europe will have nothing but problems with them.
My God, the Left loons have destroyed Western Europe. Only a Right Wing Revolution can save them now. Western Europe's men better grow a pair and man-up. Their countries are almost gone.
My God, the Left loons have destroyed Western Europe. Only a Right Wing Revolution can save them now. Western Europe's men better grow a pair and man-up. Their countries are almost gone.

We need to wise up...tell the Democrats to go to Hell with their vote-whoring for immigrants...or we will be in the same shape in a few years.

Never Let another Muslim into this country.
Multicultural Justice: Muslim Migrant Rapist Gets Reduced Sentence
He confessed to the rape of a 10-year-old boy, saying it was a 'sexual emergency' because he had not had sex for 4 months.


Mark Tapson

The UK Daily Mail reports that the Muslim "migrant" who raped a ten-year-old boy in an Austrian swimming pool because he 'had not had sex for four months' will soon be released after having his sentence reduced.

The Senate of the Supreme Court of Austria has reduced the sentence of a 20-year-old known only as "Amir A" from seven to four years. The Senate president Thomas Philipp said, "Four years are appropriate here." Appropriate, why? We should cut him some slack because he is a Muslim migrant?

Amir A's lawyers had sought a retrial after successfully arguing that the original trial had not done enough to discover if the rapist was certain his victim was saying no -- even though as a ten-year-old, the boy known only as Goran legally could not have given consent anyway.


Multicultural Justice: Muslim Migrant Rapist Gets Reduced Sentence

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