Migrants overwhelm Midtown Manhattan sidewalks: 'Absolutely out of control'


What Happens When New York’s Shelters Run Out of Room?​

As migrants sleep on sidewalks outside a Midtown hotel, the city is struggling to avoid a homelessness crisis that resembles those in Los Angeles or San Francisco.

And they are still coming.
The fact that there are virtually no Leftists in this thread tells us how terrible they know this issue is for them.

Really, really bad. Even NYT mayor says enough is enough.
Sloppy Joe and the Dems / Marxists invited the illegals to come for free everything; food, housing, welfare, healthcare, relaxing in the swimming pools, working under the table to steal jobs from americans....

Record Scratch Sound Affect....

...relaxing in the swimming pools, working under the table to steal jobs from americans....

A migrant from Venezuela told The New York Post that he was enjoying his stay at a "migrant hotel" at the McCarren Play Center in New York City just days after mayor Eric Adams called for a state of emergency over the migrant crisis.

"They treat us very well," 39-year-old Miguel Mujica told The Post. "There’s nothing they stop us from doing."

"I brought my wife and children to the pool on Sunday, and there was no problem," Mujica said. "We all swam between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m.," Mujica said, adding, "It’s a very nice pool."The Post reported that Mujica came to the US with his family by crossing "the southern border into Texas." New York City was ideal because "this is where the shelters are," Mujica explained.

The migrant told The Post that "he earns between $700 and 800 a week, or what would amount to a roughly $40,000 annual cash salary — untaxed" by "working under the table doing demolition and construction.
When you tell the third world you're a sanctuary city with swimming pools and lots of free stuff, the mobs will come with lots of expectations.

New York City’s surging migrant population is set to double by June 2024 – meaning the city will be on the hook for 100,000 homeless migrants – as costs are estimated to rise to a high of over $12 billion over the next three years
Wrong. There is no such thing as an anchor baby.
Tell that to the Chinese families that spend tens of thousands of dollars for pregnant family members to come here, be housed in special hostels, give birth to American citizens who then have an unlimited right of return to the USA and can sponsor their parents, grandparents and other direct family members. Chinese birth tourism is big business.
... give birth to American citizens who then have an unlimited right of return to the USA and can sponsor their parents, grandparents and other direct family members. ...

A US citizen must be at least 21 years old to start the process to petition to sponsor family members. About a 24 year process IF those family members haven't been in the US illegally during that time. A 21 year old is not a baby, and an anchor that long is impractical.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby.
A US citizen must be at least 21 years old to start the process to petition to sponsor family members. About a 24 year process IF those family members haven't been in the US illegally during that time. A 21 year old is not a baby, and an anchor that long is impractical.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby.
The Chinese have always planned long-term. When the Communist government collapses, a US citizen minor child could easily get his/her immediate family into the USA as political refugees. Allowances would be made since the child couldn't return without family members for support.
.....When the Communist government collapses, a US citizen minor child could easily get his/her immediate family into the USA as political refugees. Allowances would be made since the child couldn't return without family members for support.

Do you know what a "conditional" is in English grammar?
A US citizen must be at least 21 years old to start the process to petition to sponsor family members. About a 24 year process IF those family members haven't been in the US illegally during that time. A 21 year old is not a baby, and an anchor that long is impractical.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby.
A loony globalist says there is no such thing so there isn’t?


Why don’t you nip this in the bud and show us that dark immigrants are good for America…show us the unicorn once and for all?
...... Why do so many practice English as a second language?

People study English as a second language when English is not their first language. Even an idiot like you could figure some of these out for yourself.

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