Migrants overwhelm Midtown Manhattan sidewalks: 'Absolutely out of control'

People study English as a second language when English is not their first language. Even an idiot like you could figure some of these out for yourself.
hahaha…..fuck your retarded semantics, no real American uses English as a second language.
You globalists, always trying to hide your dark people in with some micro-percentile of filth.

It's just a party in the sanctuary city of New York. Why the whining and moaning when they got the hordes of illegals they invited?

New York Mayor Eric Adams claims that illegal aliens could “decimate” his city, but refuses to blame himself or His Fraudulency Joe Biden—the only two who are to blame
It's just a party in the sanctuary city of New York. Why the whining and moaning when they got the hordes of illegals they invited?

New York Mayor Eric Adams claims that illegal aliens could “decimate” his city, but refuses to blame himself or His Fraudulency Joe Biden—the only two who are to blame
but but but…. Unkotare and the other globalist fools tell us “OUR DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH”.
Is too much diversity a weakness?
``Blood that has soaked into the sands of a beach is all of one color. America stands unique in the world: the only country not founded on race but on a way, an ideal. Not in spite of but because of our polyglot background, we have had all the strength in the world. That is the American way.''
A US citizen must be at least 21 years old to start the process to petition to sponsor family members. About a 24 year process IF those family members haven't been in the US illegally during that time. A 21 year old is not a baby, and an anchor that long is impractical.

There is no such thing as an anchor baby.

BS. The ciruzen baby doesn't live alone. The parents stay foever. Hence, anchored in.
Damn Biden and the Democrats to the deepest depths of hell for killing babies and opening borders when we have homeless Veterans who fought and died to make the country safe and Biden open the border to anyone.
Complete bullshit. There is no such thing as an anchor baby, and fertility rates are falling amongst Latina immigrants faster than any other demographic in the United States. Absolute nonsense, bullshit, stereo typical lies.
About 250000 babies were born to unauthorized immigrant parents in the United States in 2016, down from 390000 in 2007. About 295,000 babies were born to unauthorized-immigrant parents in 2013, making up 8% of the 3.9 million U.S. births that year And they are born into low-wage earners and qualify for all social services at the expense of taxpayers. ENOUGH. The 14th Amendment does not apply to anchor babies was decided years ago.
The 14th Amendment doesn’t say that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens. It says that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” are citizens. That second, critical, conditional phrase is conveniently ignored or misinterpreted by advocates of “birthright” citizenship.
A lot of those people don't look like they came from South of the Border in The Americas.

There's some serious fuckery going on here.
That's exactly what it says.
That is the current interpretation supported by the courts. I support a constitutional amendment to change that. IMO it's unreasonable for people to illegally enter the US to birth US citizens.
Get more sent to New York via bus, send hundreds of thousands. Keep piling them in, never relent.

The only way to teach kids is for them to experience the result of their actions. If they love immigrants, enjoy them and let the likes of Texas allow New York to experience the results of their stupidness.
Get more sent to New York via bus, send hundreds of thousands. Keep piling them in, never relent.

The only way to teach kids is for them to experience the result of their actions. If they love immigrants, enjoy them and let the likes of Texas allow New York to experience the results of their stupidness.
There's a queue waiting to illegally cross the border.

Massive illegal camp and massive piles of garbage and filth left behind.

Now the sanctuary cities are screaming for government (tax payer) dollars to provide healthcare, welfare, food and housing.

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