Migrants overwhelm Midtown Manhattan sidewalks: 'Absolutely out of control'

Immigrants today are assimilating to America just as those of previous generations did. Preventing illegal immigration is the responsibility of the federal government, and they are failing at that responsibility as they have for a very long time now.
Yep in last 3 years there have Been Anchor Babies born in America from almost every Country that has UN Membership ( Including Iran & North Korea )
Complete bullshit. There is no such thing as an anchor baby, and fertility rates are falling amongst Latina immigrants faster than any other demographic in the United States. Absolute nonsense, bullshit, stereo typical lies.
Are you ready to show us the data that you must be privy to?
The data that shows America needs the dark immigrants you cherish…that they improve and enhance America for Americans?
(please don’t give us the lettuce is 20% less bullshit)
Yep in last 3 years there have Been Anchor Babies born in America from almost every Country that has UN Membership ( Including Iran & North Korea )
Wrong. There is no such thing as an anchor baby.
Yep in last 3 years there have Been Anchor Babies born in America from almost every Country that has UN Membership ( Including Iran & North Korea )
WRONG. Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. This does NOT alter the immigration status of that citizen's parents. FACT.
Are you ready to show us the data that you must be privy to?
The data that shows America needs the dark immigrants .....
And here you provide MORE evidence that you are a fucking pussy terrified of skin color. Weakling.
And here you provide MORE evidence that you are a fucking pussy terrified of skin color. Weakling.
Does that mean you can’t show us how dark immigrants improve America for Americans?
Why do you believe Americans are obligated to foster and fund dark immigrants, why should core Americans embrace the idea of their culture being overrun by Mexico’s?
It means that immigrant families today are becoming Americans exactly as those who came before them did.
If that were true why are so many on the welfare tit, why are they so lawless, criminal in nature, dirty and barbaric in so many ways? Why do so many practice English as a second language?
How many generations should good Americans have to fund and foster before they turn legit?
Wrong. There is no such thing as an anchor baby.
Because you say so because the phrase hurts your feelings?
The Feds should not be funding the costs for 'sanctuary cities'; Biden's Party should be coughing up all the funds and every Democrat voter needs to be billed for their share of the costs of these criminals.

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