Mika Brzezinski~ A traitor to America!

I just LOVE this cartoon...summarizes all the ABNORMALS in here to a "T"!!!!

Russian agent.....The TDS is so strong in these Low 2 digit IQ Anti-American scum!


You really do have to laugh at the ABNORMAL communists!!!

A distinction w/o a difference.
So you would like to believe because it benefits your political prejudices. The fact is only in a Trump presidency could
a crazed talking head like Mika Brzezinski get away with advising other nations to strike at America now.

You can prove me wrong by finding an example of the same when Obama was in office.
How is what Mika said even the least bit worse than every Republican, to-a-man, saying that "Obama [Our President] is weak and feckless" every instant they get a chance on TV for 8 years straight?
No one ever advised other nations that now is the time to strike at America, for one thing when King Obama was in office.
Republicans consistently said they preferred Putin to be their president over Obama...but its ok to pretend memory doesn't exist, I know how trumptards hate people's ability to remember things.
Just about the ENTIRE MEDIA are traitors to America as they've been hijacked by the LEFT, and push the leftist, anti American agenda 24/7. Mika I just one of them. By purposely spreading lies, and a one party agenda is very irresponsible at the least.

The media has no watchdog, and as long as people are lazy, and just go along with what they say they will never be held accountable.
A distinction w/o a difference.
So you would like to believe because it benefits your political prejudices. The fact is only in a Trump presidency could
a crazed talking head like Mika Brzezinski get away with advising other nations to strike at America now.

You can prove me wrong by finding an example of the same when Obama was in office.
Just look at footage of every Republican on camera during the last Administration. You're sure to find at least two or three utterances of "Obama is weak and feckless." Broadcasting it to all our enemies every. single. day.

GTFO w/that BS you GD hack!!!!

She's right. It should happen. Russia should come here and liberate us from the Democrat communists.
Do you see the stupidity of your comment. You are asking a former KGB agent, a man hell bent on resurrecting the old Soviet Union to invade this country to install a puppet regime so you could rid yourself of opponents you call communist when in fact you are the one supporting a vile communist. You are really true to your name. A dumbass Tipsey dunce.

Lighten up, Francis.

Good grief leftists always have their panties in a twist
Just look at footage of every Republican on camera during the last Administration. You're sure to find at least two or three utterances of "Obama is weak and feckless." Broadcasting it to all our enemies every. single. day.
You exaggerate greatly but presidents have been called weak and feckless before.Jimmy Carter was one. No one ever said during his time in office that now would be a good time to invade America.
Grow up. Only under Trump has that suggestion been made.
Calling someone weak is one thing....advising our enemies now is the time to strike is another.
Joe Scarborough and her husband Mika Brzezinski are your typical progressives... Spineless progressive bootlickers
She's right. It should happen. Russia should come here and liberate us from the Democrat communists.
Do you see the stupidity of your comment. You are asking a former KGB agent, a man hell bent on resurrecting the old Soviet Union to invade this country to install a puppet regime so you could rid yourself of opponents you call communist when in fact you are the one supporting a vile communist. You are really true to your name. A dumbass Tipsey dunce.
You’re right. Russia would fight with the democrats against us.
How is what Mika said even the least bit worse than every Republican, to-a-man, saying that "Obama [Our President] is weak and feckless" every instant they get a chance on TV for 8 years straight?
Cheney even announced to all our enemies around the world that we were now vulnerable to attack under Obama. Turns out it was just wishful thinking on his part.

CHENEY: And, in effect, what we’ve seen happen with respect to the Obama administration as they came to power is they have moved to take down a lot of those policies we put in place that kept the nation safe for nearly eight years from a follow-on terrorist attack like 9/11.

SCHIEFFER: Well, do you -- I mean, should we take that literally? You say that the administration has made this country more vulnerable to attacks here in the homeland.

CHENEY: That’s my belief
Actually Cheney did as I showed in an earlier post.
Read your own post then. Cheney said our nation was vulnerable to attack which other people have said about other administrations.
What he did not say, which Mika Brzezinski did, was that now was the time for nations with the will to hurt the US to attack this nation which is an incredible things to say.

Cheney called for more military preparedness. Brezezinski called for an invasion. Get the difference?
She's right. It should happen. Russia should come here and liberate us from the Democrat communists.
Do you see the stupidity of your comment. You are asking a former KGB agent, a man hell bent on resurrecting the old Soviet Union to invade this country to install a puppet regime so you could rid yourself of opponents you call communist when in fact you are the one supporting a vile communist. You are really true to your name. A dumbass Tipsey dunce.
That poster is just a troll....comes into threads, says something outrageous, and then leaves again.
Actually Cheney did as I showed in an earlier post.
Read your own post then. Cheney said our nation was vulnerable to attack which other people have said about other administrations.
What he did not say, which Mika Brzezinski did, was that now was the time for nations with the will to hurt the US to attack this nation which is an incredible things to say.

Cheney called for more military preparedness. Brezezinski called for an invasion. Get the difference?
No he said that since we were no longer torturing prisoners we were vulnerable to attack, he even encouraged our enemies to make it a nuclear or biological attack this time, and he even told them to do it in the middle of an American city since Obama stopped torture.
Cheney said “the ultimate threat to the country” is “a 9/11-type event where the terrorists are armed with something much more dangerous than an airline ticket and a box cutter – a nuclear weapon or a biological agent of some kind” that is deployed in the middle of an American city. And Cheney couched it in the same "worry" Mika did.

“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said.

“I think there’s a high probability of such an attempt. Whether or not they can pull it off depends whether or not we keep in place policies [TORTURE] that have allowed us to defeat all further attempts, since 9/11, to launch mass-casualty attacks against the United States.”
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Mika Brzezinski framed it as a "worry," but her statement can also be seen as giving advice [unintentionally, one would hope] to America's enemies, encouraging them to seize the current moment to act against us.

On today's Morning Joe, Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic imagined America's adversaries being confused by Trump's unpredictable behavior.


MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I would take it a step further and worry we look weak, and that this is the moment that anybody with ill will has to act, or to get further than they have been able to get in the past, as it pertains to us on the national stage.

Get the rest of the story and view the video here.

Read more at newsbusters.org ...

Mika to US Enemies: Now's the 'Moment to Act!'

Looks like Mika finally decided whose side she's on......and it sure aint the US of A....He'll they investigated Trump over his Russia-Hildebeast joke...This bitch isn't joking!
We are weaker......Russia is stronger
Mika Brzezinski framed it as a "worry," but her statement can also be seen as giving advice [unintentionally, one would hope] to America's enemies, encouraging them to seize the current moment to act against us.

On today's Morning Joe, Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic imagined America's adversaries being confused by Trump's unpredictable behavior.


MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I would take it a step further and worry we look weak, and that this is the moment that anybody with ill will has to act, or to get further than they have been able to get in the past, as it pertains to us on the national stage.

Get the rest of the story and view the video here.

Read more at newsbusters.org ...

Mika to US Enemies: Now's the 'Moment to Act!'

Looks like Mika finally decided whose side she's on......and it sure aint the US of A....He'll they investigated Trump over his Russia-Hildebeast joke...This bitch isn't joking!
We are weaker......Russia is stronger
And your proof....ROTFLMFAO!
Mika Brzezinski framed it as a "worry," but her statement can also be seen as giving advice [unintentionally, one would hope] to America's enemies, encouraging them to seize the current moment to act against us.

On today's Morning Joe, Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic imagined America's adversaries being confused by Trump's unpredictable behavior.


MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I would take it a step further and worry we look weak, and that this is the moment that anybody with ill will has to act, or to get further than they have been able to get in the past, as it pertains to us on the national stage.

Get the rest of the story and view the video here.

Read more at newsbusters.org ...

Mika to US Enemies: Now's the 'Moment to Act!'

Looks like Mika finally decided whose side she's on......and it sure aint the US of A....He'll they investigated Trump over his Russia-Hildebeast joke...This bitch isn't joking!
We are weaker......Russia is stronger
Every country divided by civil war is weak.

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