Mika claims Trump is 'on the take'


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
That's right. Today Mika claimed that Trump being paid off by the manufacturer of the CV drug.
I think would be a great time for Trump to sue Mika's fat ass off.
Have her spend every penny she has to hire lawyers. By the time Trump's lawyers are finished with the DEM bitch she'll be living in a fucking box under a bridge.
Watch how fast Joe dumps her. Like he did with the now dead intern he was fucking. You know. The one who was found mysteriously dead under Joe's desk.
Relevant reading...

''We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people'' - Bill Gates

It appears that rather than let the population be exposed to the virus and most develop antibodies that give them natural, long-lasting immunity to COVID-19, Gates and his colleagues far prefer to create a vast, hugely expensive, new system of manufacturing and selling billions of test kits, and in parallel very quickly developing and selling billions of antivirals and vaccines.

And then, when the virus comes back again a few months later and most of the population is unexposed and therefore vulnerable, again selling billions of test kits and medical interventions.

Right after that, at 34:14, Gates talked about how he sees things rolling out from there.

''Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person.''

That's not what she said, but Newsbusters and Trumptards in general are terrific at making up fake headlines!

I agree with Mika that Dotardo probably has a financial interest - It's really then only explanation.

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