Mike Huckabee Calls Planned Parenthood Shooting 'Domestic Terrorism'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) addressed the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, in which two civilians and a police officer were killed when a gunman opened fire at the women's health clinic on Friday.

"The Colorado Springs tragedy is domestic terrorism, especially for those us in the pro-life movement," Huckabee wrote on Twitter.

The Republican presidential hopeful, an evangelical Christian known for his firm stance against abortion, became just one of few GOP presidential contenders to address the shooting over the weekend. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) also offered their condolences to the victims. Many of the other candidates vying for the Republican presidential nomination, however, were noticeably silent about the matter.

More: Mike Huckabee Calls Planned Parenthood Shooting 'Domestic Terrorism'

Those who incite or inspire such violence can't act surprised and then express fake remorse when it happens.

I assume that Huckabee would also consider the following as acts of domestic terrorism:

Anti-abortion violence is violence committed against individuals and organizations that provide abortion. Incidents of violence have included destruction of property, in the form of vandalism; crimes against people, including kidnapping, stalking, assault, attempted murder, and murder; and crimes affecting both people and property, including arson and bombings.

Anti-abortion extremists are considered a current domestic terrorist threat by the US Department of Justice. Most documented incidents have occurred in the United States, though it has also occurred in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. G. Davidson Smith of Canadian Security Intelligence Service defined anti-abortion violence as "single issue terrorism". A study of 1982–87 violence considered the incidents "limited political" or "subrevolutionary" terrorism.
Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Huckabee Compared Abortion To The Holocaust And Slavery

Huckabee Defended "Legitimate Rape" Politician

6 Mike Huckabee Quotes On Women's Rights That'll Make You Cringe

Huckabee is not just an innocent bystander.
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“Well, we don't know fully what the facts are," he said. "They're still being determined. We don't even know some of the victims' names yet. But regardless of why he did it, what he did is domestic terrorism, and what he is did is absolutely abominable, especially to those of us in the pro-life movement, because there's nothing about any of us that would condone or in any way look the other way at something like this."

And the same would be true if an act of terror is committed by someone who happens to be Muslim, because there's nothing about any Muslim that would condone or in any way look the other way concerning an act of terror.

Conservatives can't have it both ways – if Dear is not representative of all those hostile to privacy rights and Planned Parenthood, then acts of terror committed by ISIS and the like are not representative of all Muslims and Islam.
Just another fat old redneck hypocrite from the sticks, the jesus freaks and Country fried Trailer trash can keep him..

Hasn't his old ass dropped out yet?? he should because he looks like he's a Big mac away from a heart attack..
Fuck you, Tonto. Christians are not running around committing murder every day, throwing fags off rooftops, and cutting people's heads off. This is not the same as Islamic terrorism.
When did Huckabee promote violence to stop Planned Parenthood?


Huckabee Compared Abortion To The Holocaust And Slavery

Huckabee Defended "Legitimate Rape" Politician

6 Mike Huckabee Quotes On Women's Rights That'll Make You Cringe

Huckabee is not just an innocent bystander.

He'll try to reinvent himself and point the finger at Carly. She drops out, he moves up a point or two.

Speaking of that lying piece of shit Carly Fiorina...

Fiorina: 'Typical Left-Wing Tactics' To Link Planned Parenthood Videos With Attack
Well, at least Huckabee is calling it DOMESTIC TERRORISM. He should be calling it what it really is:

Crazy. Evil. Christian. Terrorism.


Huckabee Compared Abortion To The Holocaust And Slavery

Huckabee Defended "Legitimate Rape" Politician

6 Mike Huckabee Quotes On Women's Rights That'll Make You Cringe

Huckabee is not just an innocent bystander.

He'll try to reinvent himself and point the finger at Carly. She drops out, he moves up a point or two.

Speaking of that lying piece of shit Carly Fiorina...

Fiorina: 'Typical Left-Wing Tactics' To Link Planned Parenthood Videos With Attack

Typical. "It's somebody else's fault!"


Huckabee Compared Abortion To The Holocaust And Slavery

Huckabee Defended "Legitimate Rape" Politician

6 Mike Huckabee Quotes On Women's Rights That'll Make You Cringe

Huckabee is not just an innocent bystander.

He'll try to reinvent himself and point the finger at Carly. She drops out, he moves up a point or two.

Speaking of that lying piece of shit Carly Fiorina...

Fiorina: 'Typical Left-Wing Tactics' To Link Planned Parenthood Videos With Attack

Typical. "It's somebody else's fault!"

Anti-abortion terrorism is clearly "somebody else's fault"...

Crazy. Evil. Christian. Terrorists.

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