Mike Huckabee Calls Planned Parenthood Shooting 'Domestic Terrorism'

Is Huckabbe somehow surging in the polls that the leftist deadheads here now want to bash him? Or have they run short of Trump and Carson material?
no, imbecile... it's that we're so surprised huckabee actually told the truth.

unlike you, of course.
a Christian also wouldn't lie so we know the op isn't one. Just a troll looking to stir up some haten
The shooters ex stated he was not particularly religious and even though he said he had read the bible... It was never a topic of discussion.
He'll try to reinvent himself and point the finger at Carly. She drops out, he moves up a point or two.

Speaking of that lying piece of shit Carly Fiorina...

Fiorina: 'Typical Left-Wing Tactics' To Link Planned Parenthood Videos With Attack

Typical. "It's somebody else's fault!"

Anti-abortion terrorism is clearly "somebody else's fault"...

Crazy. Evil. Christian. Terrorists.

Your flaw is the shooter isn't a Christian

We don't know that for a fact. HOWEVER, we do know he was incited/inspired by rabid anti-abortion Christian terrorists. No More Baby Parts.

Considering this is the only act of terrorism against pp who are these Christian terrorists who Inspired him?
No we don't. You're all hysterical and I'm past laughing at you and getting pretty much disgusted with your BS. They have released no motive and just announced they won't be releasing it

Don't you ever get tired of stalking me?

It's a message board, dope. Don't flatter yourself, I think you're as stupid as a stump.

Well, I know some stumps - and you ain't smart enough to be one.

Bleh...just stop being hysterical and lying all the time...you won't attract so much negative attention

What have I lied about. Please provide "credible" proof so all can see.

You claimed he was inspired by Christian terrorists
It's a message board, dope. Don't flatter yourself, I think you're as stupid as a stump.

Well, I know some stumps - and you ain't smart enough to be one.

Bleh...just stop being hysterical and lying all the time...you won't attract so much negative attention

What have I lied about. Please provide "credible" proof so all can see.

This thread when you stated the shooter's motive, I proved you wrong by posting the statement from the authorities they won't release the motive. You may consider yourself schooled

You don't even know what a school looks like, except from the playground where you cracked locks and stole bicycles, indigent.

Is that an insult? I can't tell it was so stupid.
Huckabee is a major hypocrite! He incites and inspires - and then tries to distance himself when anti-abortion violence occurs.

Where has he encouraged anyone to violence on any topic?

Seriously can you lie any more?
no, imbecile... it's that we're so surprised huckabee actually told the truth.

unlike you, of course.

I've ever seen him lie. I'm sure he has said some things that were wrong that he genuinely believes but I've never seen him lie.
no, imbecile... it's that we're so surprised huckabee actually told the truth.

unlike you, of course.

I've ever seen him lie. I'm sure he has said some things that were wrong that he genuinely believes but I've never seen him lie.

that's funny given he was one of the losers who said the president was born in kenya

and that's only the tip of his winger iceberg.
Fuck you, Tonto. Christians are not running around committing murder every day, throwing fags off rooftops, and cutting people's heads off. This is not the same as Islamic terrorism.

"throwing fags off rooftops"....My oh my, I am touched by the compassion that Jesus Christ has instilled in you.
Hey, that is your beloved President's pals, ISIS, not me. I would never throw a fag off a roof top.
Fuck you, Tonto. Christians are not running around committing murder every day, throwing fags off rooftops, and cutting people's heads off. This is not the same as Islamic terrorism.
splitting hairs now eh? terrorism is terrorism
You turd. Not all terrorists are created equally. ISIS murders THOUSANDS of innocents each year. Christian oriented nuts attack a couple abortion clinics per year. Christian oriented terrorists do not have a state or a supporting army or anti-aircraft arsenals. More importantly, Christian oriented whack jobs are not trying to destroy America.

You better get your head on straight, asshole, because your impotent way of thinking is what enables the Islamic terrorists.
He'll try to reinvent himself and point the finger at Carly. She drops out, he moves up a point or two.

Speaking of that lying piece of shit Carly Fiorina...

Fiorina: 'Typical Left-Wing Tactics' To Link Planned Parenthood Videos With Attack

Typical. "It's somebody else's fault!"

Anti-abortion terrorism is clearly "somebody else's fault"...

Crazy. Evil. Christian. Terrorists.

Your flaw is the shooter isn't a Christian

How do you know he doesn't profess Christianity? Nothing is known about him yet but you phony fucking religious hypocrites are ready to disown him. Such a joke.

Whatever he turns out to be, the group with which he identifies will fall back on the No True Scotsman meme.

Whatever else he turns out to be, Crazed Gun-toting White Guy is a match.
Fuck you, Tonto. Christians are not running around committing murder every day, throwing fags off rooftops, and cutting people's heads off. This is not the same as Islamic terrorism.
splitting hairs now eh? terrorism is terrorism
You turd. Not all terrorists are created equally. ISIS murders THOUSANDS of innocents each year. Christian oriented nuts attack a couple abortion clinics per year. Christian oriented terrorists do not have a state or a supporting army or anti-aircraft arsenals. More importantly, Christian oriented whack jobs are not trying to destroy America.

You better get your head on straight, asshole, because your impotent way of thinking is what enables the Islamic terrorists.
you n00bs sure do think highly of your opinions. I used to pass people like you through my stool when I served back in the day.

fulAs to the OP, cross grovelers are prone to inciteful hetoric
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Fuck you, Tonto. Christians are not running around committing murder every day, throwing fags off rooftops, and cutting people's heads off. This is not the same as Islamic terrorism.
splitting hairs now eh? terrorism is terrorism
You turd. Not all terrorists are created equally. ISIS murders THOUSANDS of innocents each year. Christian oriented nuts attack a couple abortion clinics per year. Christian oriented terrorists do not have a state or a supporting army or anti-aircraft arsenals. More importantly, Christian oriented whack jobs are not trying to destroy America.

You better get your head on straight, asshole, because your impotent way of thinking is what enables the Islamic terrorists.
you n00bs sure do think highly of your opinions. I used to pass people like you through my stool when I served back in the day.

fulAs to the OP, cross grovelers are prone to inciteful hetoric

You made people go through your feces?!? What kind of sick fetish did you have?
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) addressed the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, in which two civilians and a police officer were killed when a gunman opened fire at the women's health clinic on Friday.

"The Colorado Springs tragedy is domestic terrorism, especially for those us in the pro-life movement," Huckabee wrote on Twitter.

The Republican presidential hopeful, an evangelical Christian known for his firm stance against abortion, became just one of few GOP presidential contenders to address the shooting over the weekend. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) also offered their condolences to the victims. Many of the other candidates vying for the Republican presidential nomination, however, were noticeably silent about the matter.

More: Mike Huckabee Calls Planned Parenthood Shooting 'Domestic Terrorism'

Those who incite or inspire such violence can't act surprised and then express fake remorse when it happens.

I assume that Huckabee would also consider the following as acts of domestic terrorism:

Anti-abortion violence is violence committed against individuals and organizations that provide abortion. Incidents of violence have included destruction of property, in the form of vandalism; crimes against people, including kidnapping, stalking, assault, attempted murder, and murder; and crimes affecting both people and property, including arson and bombings.

Anti-abortion extremists are considered a current domestic terrorist threat by the US Department of Justice. Most documented incidents have occurred in the United States, though it has also occurred in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. G. Davidson Smith of Canadian Security Intelligence Service defined anti-abortion violence as "single issue terrorism". A study of 1982–87 violence considered the incidents "limited political" or "subrevolutionary" terrorism.

Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some reason we here in Colorado get our nutcases. This guy lived out in South Park, a desolate area of the state, in a trailer, no electricity, no water with some woman. One neighbor stopped by to see who he was, and he was immediately handed anti-Obama brochures. So he did have some screws loose.

Notably all of the people that were killed at this Planned Parenthood building were parents with young children. So there's go the false pretense that all Planned Parenthood offices do is abortions. Watching my local news while this was going on, most of the patients that were being escorted out by police were middle aged women, beyond their child bearing years, that were probably in there for physical examinations.

It's the religious right that is killing the Republican Party. These social issues that are Supreme Court issues have no business being put on political platforms. Politicians can't do anything about Supreme Court decisions, and they continually cater to the far religious right as if they can, to get elected. A politicians opinion about abortion or gay marriage or any other Supreme Court decision are about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass. But their extreme stance on abortion are frequently used to kill elections, and it works every time.

Any candidate that doesn't give exceptions on abortion for the life of the mother, rape or incest doesn't get out of the gate in a National election. They are swimming upstream against 91% of the population that does.

Yet the Republican field is stuffed full of Knuckle dragging neanderthals that in no way could win the White House. They are: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, & (Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry & Scott Walker) who already dropped out. The longer the others stay in this race, could result in disaster (like it did in 2012) by a single sentence put out by one them. Women won't vote for them, and if you can't win Women, you don't win the White House.

Rand Paul’s Personhood Problem - The New Yorker
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
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