Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage

So what do the USMB Republicans think about Huckabee's latest threat?

RWW News Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage - YouTube

Big loss or good riddance?

I am gonna go out on a limb and say that if this issue threatens the GOP as much as Mike Huckabee says, then I can see the formation of a "Christian Party" completely separate of the Republican Party. I really could see such a movement forming. And you know, this great Union of ours is a truly free country, if individuals like former Gov. Huckabee want to do this, they should.

The "Moral Majority" (Fallwell) piggybacked itself onto the GOP in 1980 and helped to propel Ronald Reagan to his first landslide win, and from that moment on, the mixture of religion and politics in the Republican Party changed. I am not saying that is good, bad or different. I am saying that a change happened, and we are seeing the results of that now in the 21st century.

The funny thing about Mike Huckabee (who ran an impressive primary campaign on a shoestring budget and did far better on Super Tuesday 2008 than most people thought he would) is that the Right criticized him, even called him a socialist for his Christian stance on immigration.

I'm not saying that one man's snit is going to tear a big national party apart, but we are seeing more and more signs of division within the GOP.

Sure, there are also division within the Democratic Party, but what Righties have not realized is that those division, once we learned from the mistakes of 1972 and 1984, often hold us together more than people realize. Not so with Conservatives/Republicans.

One more thing: Huckabee really reminds me that there really, truly are people out there who believe that anything "gay" is so evil, so despicable, that they would abandon a political movement if even the slightest amount of compromise were to happen. Those are people who only see black/white in a world full of greyish tones.
1 correction: a "Right-Wing Christian Party"
I find it hysterical that he believes the GOP won't another election if they surrender this issue. I am sure it has nothing to do with changing demographics and the fact that your policies are not resonating with the electorate. Nope, it is because of gay marriage.
Good. Let Huckabee get the Bible Bangers out of the Republican party. Once the Rs go back to being Goldwater Republicans and only worry about smaller government and money, they might start making headway with the American people. Abortion and gay marriage and evolution are done deals and constantly trying to decide what goes on in one's bedroom and classrooms just turns voters away. The sooner the GOP realizes that, the better off they will be.

Getting in bed with the Religious Right was the worse mistake the GOP ever made.
OMG...truer words were never spoken, and I quote the late Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater.

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater
So what do the USMB Republicans think about Huckabee's latest threat?

RWW News Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage - YouTube

Big loss or good riddance?
I'm sick of these righties not keeping their threats.

Rush Limbaugh never moved to Costa Rica like he promised.

Ted Nugent is neither dead, nor in jail.

I bet Huck won't keep his promise either

I'm sure you're correct. He's not going anywhere - except maybe to declare he's running for prez.

And as I asked above, where would he go?
Good. Let Huckabee get the Bible Bangers out of the Republican party. Once the Rs go back to being Goldwater Republicans and only worry about smaller government and money, they might start making headway with the American people. Abortion and gay marriage and evolution are done deals and constantly trying to decide what goes on in one's bedroom and classrooms just turns voters away. The sooner the GOP realizes that, the better off they will be.

Getting in bed with the Religious Right was the worse mistake the GOP ever made.
OMG...truer words were never spoken, and I quote the late Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater.

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Barry M. Goldwater

Part of the upside of being a Libertarian.
So what do the USMB Republicans think about Huckabee's latest threat?

RWW News Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage - YouTube

Big loss or good riddance?
I'm sick of these righties not keeping their threats.

Rush Limbaugh never moved to Costa Rica like he promised.

Ted Nugent is neither dead, nor in jail.

I bet Huck won't keep his promise either
LOL 3 people out of millions got your panties wadded up LOL
So what do the USMB Republicans think about Huckabee's latest threat?

RWW News Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage - YouTube

Big loss or good riddance?
I'm sick of these righties not keeping their threats.

Rush Limbaugh never moved to Costa Rica like he promised.

Ted Nugent is neither dead, nor in jail.

I bet Huck won't keep his promise either
LOL 3 people out of millions got your panties wadded up LOL
3 people! didn't know mike huckabee had three fans!
Where would Huckabee go?
In his mind, he would form a third party of similarly minded malcontents and whiners.

Isn't that the tea party?

Or maybe he and his bud, Ted Nugent will start a new religion. Duck Dynasty would be the first to sign up.
No its not the tea party people are way more diverse than people like yourself are willing to except,hence this post. Not every fiscal small gov people,come from the right,many are Dems and indi's. real change and the consequences of a bloated Gov come with some pain,there is no way around that.
Where would Huckabee go?
In his mind, he would form a third party of similarly minded malcontents and whiners.

Isn't that the tea party?

Or maybe he and his bud, Ted Nugent will start a new religion. Duck Dynasty would be the first to sign up.
No its not the tea party people are way more diverse than people like yourself are willing to except,hence this post. Not every fiscal small gov people,come from the right,many are Dems and indi's. real change and the consequences of a bloated Gov come with some pain,there is no way around that.

Could someone translate this post?
I keep saying the sooner we get all the Evangelicals, Gun and Bible Patriots, and the moral, ethical, and principled people out of the Republican party, and relegate the rest of them to being the POND SCUM of the subversives, won't be soon enough. Social issues are the very base of what was known as Republicanism, you know the people that stood up for traditional values, and our FATHERS culture! Take away ANY CHANCE the GOP has of winning by taking away the GOOD PEOPLE of their supposed base, and the GOP disappears, or becomes completely IRRELEVENT,at best! Good riddance to TRASH, only slightly better than the scum bag subversives. I can live with Hillary completely putting this country in the garbage can of life, as it will take that kind of retribution to fix what the left has done to corrupt this country since WW II!
Huck is leaving the GOP to marry a gay ...

hard to blame him.

I love that this is causing a civil war in the GOP. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

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