Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage

One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.

It's tough for you to picture him banging anyone's ass but yours isn't it LL?
Republicans need to be as far away as they can from this issue by 2016

In two years, Gay marriage will be the law of the land. Continued fighting by Republicans will stamp them as an archaic party fighting to preserve past hatreds

This is going to be interesting. Strategically, you're absolutely right. Republicans need to stop polishing this turd as it only serves to highight the distinction between what the majority of the electorate believes and what republicans believe.


...this is a pet issue of the religious right. And as Huckabee demonstrates with his threats, its entirely possible for this issue to cause some serious discord among the GOP. I mean, more discord, given the clefting the party has already endured between mainstream and tea party republicans. So....more internal bickering among the GOP. And more damage to the brand outside it as support for gay marriage bans continues.

Its a lose-lose-lose scenario for republicans.
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.

It's tough for you to picture him banging anyone's ass but yours isn't it LL?

Most of us among the unretarded already know what the essential Huckabee picture is:


Enjoy yourself.
Good. Let Huckabee get the Bible Bangers out of the Republican party. Once the Rs go back to being Goldwater Republicans and only worry about smaller government and money, they might start making headway with the American people. Abortion and gay marriage and evolution are done deals and constantly trying to decide what goes on in one's bedroom and classrooms just turns voters away. The sooner the GOP realizes that, the better off they will be.

Getting in bed with the Religious Right was the worse mistake the GOP ever made.

Goldwater did NOT like the religious right and didn't consider them conducive to effective government. He recognized that governance is about compromise and accommodation. Where religious ideologues are about standing on their principles regardless of the consequences. You see the worst of the Tea Party and religous Right distilled into what's known as 'Dominion Christianity'. The belief among some Christian sects in the US that CHristians are ordained by God to rule over this nation and impose Christian values upon it. Essentially doubling down on intolerance of other views, and discarding any semblance of compromise.

Rafael Cruz raised his son Ted in exactly this kind of Dominion Christianity. You can almost hear Goldwater rolling over in his grave.
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.

It's tough for you to picture him banging anyone's ass but yours isn't it LL?

Most of us among the unretarded already know what the essential Huckabee picture is:


Enjoy yourself.

You guys making a case about Huckabee is as stupid as thinking Maddow is important.
They both have shows on Cable News Channels that nobody watches.
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.

It's tough for you to picture him banging anyone's ass but yours isn't it LL?

Most of us among the unretarded already know what the essential Huckabee picture is:


Enjoy yourself.
Its rare to see a dude with a FUPA.
so? it's his choice
he follows his religious beliefs. too bad some of you have no beliefs at all
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.

It's tough for you to picture him banging anyone's ass but yours isn't it LL?

Most of us among the unretarded already know what the essential Huckabee picture is:


Enjoy yourself.
Its rare to see a dude with a FUPA.

You don't like his muffin top?
One, tell Mike he can't win a 3rd party campaign and would only aid the Dems

Two, tell him he does not have to marry anyone of his own sex.

Three, there is now civil war yet.

Please, no more references to Mike Huckabee's sexuality. No matter which direction you take that, the mental images are horrifying.

It's tough for you to picture him banging anyone's ass but yours isn't it LL?

Most of us among the unretarded already know what the essential Huckabee picture is:


Enjoy yourself.
is it just me or does the guy standing in the middle of the pic look like john candy?
so? it's his choice
he follows his religious beliefs. too bad some of you have no beliefs at all

No one is saying that Huckabee can't leave the GOP. We're simply commenting on this kind of sentiment among the religious right and its possible effects on the GOP.

Abiding your convictions regardless of the cost or consequences is very much the religious right.

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