Mike Johnson extends FISA in secret with the democrats

Is this really a thread defending Johnson for extending FISA?

It needs to end. He shows he is just another run of the mill tool of big government.
You people whine if a GOP official does something you don't like, and whine when they do something you do like... 😂
I've condemned this since it started. I condemned Obama endlessly for abusing it.
Yeah ok, but different administrations might use it properly and others probably not. After the misuse of it during the Obama administration, hell EVERYONE that's thinking about trying that again, uhhhh probably won't be so fast and loose with it. That's the way it's supposed to work, otherwise if something is abused you fix it, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's useless if used correctly.
Yeah ok, but different administrations might use it properly and others probably not. After the misuse of it during the Obama administration, hell EVERYONE that's thinking about trying that again, uhhhh probably won't be so fast and loose with it. That's the way it's supposed to work, otherwise if something is abused you fix it, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's useless if used correctly.

It never stopped. It's funny how Trump supporters constantly condemn the "deep state" but now support Johnson's support of it.

Goes to show the words mean nothing.
It never stopped. It's funny how Trump supporters constantly condemn the "deep state" but now support Johnson's support of it.

Goes to show the words mean nothing.
Ignoring the content of my words is a leftist tactic... Do better.
Mike Johnson, the man democrats would have us believe is the devil, the man who will implement a theocracy and force us all to give up porn has met with democrats in secret to extend FISA.

Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) faced backlash for including a FISA extension in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), frustrating conservatives who were not consulted.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene criticized the move, blaming Johnson for negotiating a deal that included funding for abortion, trans surgeries, and a clean FISA extension.

This decision was seen as a sell-out of conservative principles and a win for Democrats.

“It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war.,” Greene said.

“No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees.”

“Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill.”

The joke is once again on American conservatives who may buy into the circus known as the Swamp, that suggests they have actual representatives who are fighting for them, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is.
What do Republican voters want? Hint: since Trump is out in front by a huge whopping majority, maybe Republican voters want Trump's policies.
What do Republican voters want? Hint: since Trump is out in front by a huge whopping majority, maybe Republican voters want Trump's policies.
Don't hit them with policies, they want Trump to be the Hollywood star Democrat he once was, just so they can use what they know they are wrong for doing on him as if he is still one of them... 😂
Mike Johnson, the man democrats would have us believe is the devil, the man who will implement a theocracy and force us all to give up porn has met with democrats in secret to extend FISA.

Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) faced backlash for including a FISA extension in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), frustrating conservatives who were not consulted.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene criticized the move, blaming Johnson for negotiating a deal that included funding for abortion, trans surgeries, and a clean FISA extension.

This decision was seen as a sell-out of conservative principles and a win for Democrats.

“It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war.,” Greene said.

“No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees.”

“Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill.”

The joke is once again on American conservatives who may buy into the circus known as the Swamp, that suggests they have actual representatives who are fighting for them, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is.
I cant imagine that the FBI will be abusing FISA anytime soon. Wray knows how close conservatives are to gutting the entire FBI, let alone FISA.
Mike Johnson, the man democrats would have us believe is the devil, the man who will implement a theocracy and force us all to give up porn has met with democrats in secret to extend FISA.

Speaker Mike Johson (R-LA) faced backlash for including a FISA extension in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), frustrating conservatives who were not consulted.

Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene criticized the move, blaming Johnson for negotiating a deal that included funding for abortion, trans surgeries, and a clean FISA extension.

This decision was seen as a sell-out of conservative principles and a win for Democrats.

“It also would pass a CLEAN FISA extension. Not to mention, more of your taxpayer dollars sent to Ukraine to fund the proxy war.,” Greene said.

“No member of the NDAA conference had any influence on this process. It was done in secret meetings with no input from conferees.”

“Now, we’re supposed to just grin and take it with no say in the final bill.”

The joke is once again on American conservatives who may buy into the circus known as the Swamp, that suggests they have actual representatives who are fighting for them, when that is the farthest thing from the truth there is.
The extension is to April 19, 2024. It is really not that big of a deal.
You people whine if a GOP official does something you don't like, and whine when they do something you do like... 😂
That is not true. The Patriot Act and Homeland Security are not good. I believe this legislation is House bill 6611 that passed the House and is an expansion of Surveillance of Americans. From what I read, and understanding is not total FISA Section 702 is the smoking gun.
You have seen people destroyed over stupid statements most people make and you type that. Perhaps if you get to taste some of it it will change your mind. We are seeing Progs attack Progs now over the middle east situation.
I've seen the multiple court cases that have ruled what they do as Unconstitutional and it never stops.
Have you compared the outlier abuses to the successes that the program has had in saving lives and arresting bad guys?
Have you compared the outlier abuses to the successes that the program has had in saving lives and arresting bad guys?


You are the very person Ben Franklin was talking about.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

You are the very person Ben Franklin was talking about.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
What Liberty do you think I’m giving up?

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