Mike Johnson warned the US was going down a 'dark and depraved' path

police can not testify to what happened based on what a witness states, that is hearsay

had they been able to charge Trump for a crime, they would of, sad fact is that you can do just about anything in a civil trail
Bad faith or reading comprehension problems again I see. I didn't claim the police can testify to what a witness stated. That would be once removed from the claimant.

The police can and does testify what a victim or a suspect related to them.

One is hearsay the other isn't. Just like a person testifying to what a victim of rape told them happened isn't hearsay.
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Yes, you missed a lot in your life that was important.

Yet a search of this site does not find a single post of you doing so.

Seems even your view of the law is tied to your beloved party.
Sad, if a crime is committed, it is time to step up and report the crime.

There is a reason there are statue of limitations, which got thrown out specifically to prosecute Trump. Our Justice system must be fair. Accusing people of crimes 30 years after the fact results in innocent people going to jail.

The statute of limitations wasn't thrown out so Trump could be prosecuted. Trump wasn't "prosecuted" for rape. He was sued in civil court LIBEL. For slandering the woman he raped her. And he wasn't criminally prosecuted so there was no chance of him going to jail.

Rape is the most under reported and under prosecuted crime in America. Fewer than 1 rapist in a thousand is prosecuted or jailed. There is an epidemic of rape and sexual abuse in the USA.

Trump has admitted to sexually assaulting women, just not E. Jean Carroll, who is 'not his type", except he looked at her picture from that time, and thought she was his ex-wife.

In his deposition, he didn't deny raping women. He just said she wasn't attractive enough for him, but he has the right to take any woman he wants, because he's rich and famous.

By all means continue to defend this rapist. Proving what a gullible fool you are.
The statute of limitations wasn't thrown out so Trump could be prosecuted. Trump wasn't "prosecuted" for rape. He was sued in civil court LIBEL. For slandering the woman he raped her. And he wasn't criminally prosecuted so there was no chance of him going to jail.
There were two civil trails, not one. The second was libel.
Not a criminal judgement, huge difference.
A criminal judgement was no longer possible.

I told you what was presented. The only thing you have to counter that is an argument from incredulity. Bad faith semantics. A shitty understanding of the law, fealty to Trump. And an insistence that the burden of proof in civil court is lower and therefore not a valid ruling.

I'm sorry to be so blunt but that's all you have.
There were two civil trails, not one. The second was libel.

Both were for libel. Please note the headline from this 2019 story. "original defamation case". The second libel TRIAL happened because after losing his defamation case, Trump went on TV and defamed her AGAIN.

"E. Jean Carroll wins partial summary judgment in original 2019 defamation case against Trump"

Would you like to open your mouth and stick your other foot in there????
A criminal judgement was no longer possible.

I told you what was presented. The only thing you have to counter that is an argument from incredulity. Bad faith semantics. A shitty understanding of the law, fealty to Trump. And an insistence that the burden of proof in civil court is lower and therefore not a valid ruling.

I'm sorry to be so blunt but that's all you have.
hahahahaha, you are full of yourself

I said nothing about the ruling, I stated that it was not a criminal court hence trump was not found guilty of a criminal crime

Semantics? sorry, hearsay is hearsay, period.

If the burden of proof is no greater than telling someone over the phone I was raped, and that must stand as fact, than everyone can be convicted of rape just by accusing somebody to a person who is not a witness.

I understand the law perfectly, I am a Jailhouse lawyer.
it took you long enough to figure it out, at least, we can laugh together, right

what makes you think I just figured it out.

but yes, if we cannot laugh what is the point of being on a forum like this
hahahahaha, you are full of yourself

I said nothing about the ruling, I stated that it was not a criminal court hence trump was not found guilty of a criminal crime

Semantics? sorry, hearsay is hearsay, period.

If the burden of proof is no greater than telling someone over the phone I was raped, and that must stand as fact, than everyone can be convicted of rape just by accusing somebody to a person who is not a witness.

I understand the law perfectly, I am a Jailhouse lawyer.

So what were you arrested for Mr. “jailhouse lawyer”? Obviously you weren’t a very good jailhouse, lawyer, or you wouldn’t have been in jail.

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