Mike Johnson warned the US was going down a 'dark and depraved' path

Stick me in the Way-Back Machine, take me to 1972, and just leave me.

Mainly because the greatest generation was in charge and drunk driving was encouraged LOL...
2 women testifying of similar events, would not be allowed to testify at a criminal trail, You know why, just because an Axe murderer killed this person, does not mean they killed this other person. Completely inadmissible.
It is funny how you jump from one position to the next.

First, you come up with a novel and bullshit standard for admissibility in criminal proceedings. There are countless examples of witnesses being called by the government, testifying to past similar behavior in order to establish guilt for something.

Then you come up with some bullshit moral obligation for someone who's told about sexual abuse. Let me tell you. I've been personally put it that position by someone I love, with the express request to not tell the police. She understandingly didn't want to go through the excruciatingly painful experience in court. My obligation is to that victims wishes. Nor does the fact that she didn't want to go to the police in any way made me doubt the veracity of her claim.

Then you again switch to casting doubt on the testimony by what is called an expert witness. Again admissable and common in these kinds of cases.

In a criminal procedure you don't look at all the different lines of evidence in a vacuum. You look at them together. People have been convicted of sexual assault by a lot less than what was presented here. And the only reason you doubt it is in this case the guy who did it is named Trump.

Take his name out of it. Joe is caught on tape he grabs women by the pussy. Joe is accused by a woman that he grabbed her by the pussy. Two other people stepped forward she told them she was grabbed by the pussy, and another two state they too were grabbed like that by Joe. A psychiatrist tells the court she shows signs of being assaulted. And finally Joe gets deposed and gets caught lying about knowing her and admits he doesn't know it's good or bad that powerful get away with rape because of their status.

Are you honestly going to claim you can't decide Joe did exactly what he's accused of, beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal trial with that evidence?
It's immoral to be a Christian nation???

Your words counter what you claim to want.

When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19 33-34

Don't use the Bible to justify your bad behavior.
It is funny how you jump from one position to the next.

First, you come up with a novel and bullshit standard for admissibility in criminal proceedings. There are countless examples of witnesses being called by the government, testifying to past similar behavior in order to establish guilt for something.
Irrelevant and hearsay, legally speaking, I know from personal experience.
Then you come up with some bullshit moral obligation for someone who's told about sexual abuse. Let me tell you. I've been personally put it that position by someone I love, with the express request to not tell the police. She understandingly didn't want to go through the excruciatingly painful experience in court. My obligation is to that victims wishes. Nor does the fact that she didn't want to go to the police in any way made me doubt the veracity of her claim.
Sad, if a crime is committed, it is time to step up and report the crime.

There is a reason there are statue of limitations, which got thrown out specifically to prosecute Trump. Our Justice system must be fair. Accusing people of crimes 30 years after the fact results in innocent people going to jail.
Take his name out of it. Joe is caught on tape he grabs women by the pussy. Joe is accused by a woman that he grabbed her by the pussy. Two other people stepped forward she told them she was grabbed by the pussy, and another two state they too were grabbed like that by Joe. A psychiatrist tells the court she shows signs of being assaulted. And finally Joe gets deposed and gets caught lying about knowing her and admits he doesn't know it's good or bad that powerful get away with rape because of their status.

Are you honestly going to claim you can't decide Joe did exactly what he's accused of, beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal trial with that evidence?
30 years after the fact, it is bullshit.

Psychiatrist? Big deal, anybody can get a Psychiatrist that says the opposite.

This woman was so traumatized? She was telling strangers at a party. So traumatized she calls two friends but not the police.

You think what other people say shows Trump is guilty. Well, let us look at Trump's behavior and apply the same standard. Trump only dates young super models, not old women. By your standard that carries as much weight and should be admissible as evidence. Case closed, you won the case for Trump.
Sad, if a crime is committed, it is time to step up and report the crime.

There is a reason there are statue of limitations, which got thrown out specifically to prosecute Trump. Our Justice system must be fair. Accusing people of crimes 30 years after the fact results in innocent people going to jail.

Did I miss the threads where you were out there defending Bill Cosby in this manner.
Sad, if a crime is committed, it is time to step up and report the crime.

There is a reason there are statue of limitations, which got thrown out specifically to prosecute Trump. Our Justice system must be fair. Accusing people of crimes 30 years after the fact results in innocent people going to jail.
Really? This coming from somebody who's calling somebody a liar despite all the evidence to the contrary presented in a court of law.

Rape most of the time goes unreported. Not only is it confronting and humiliating to relate to a bunch of strangers. You subject yourself to lawyers who's job it is to make you out to be a liar. Something you are doing now too by the way
Who are you to sit in judgement of those not willing to put themselves through that?
Irrelevant and hearsay, legally speaking, I know from personal experience.
I wish you would stop using legal terms you apparently don't understand. Hearsay is relating something that somebody else was told. It is once removed from the actual person making the claim.

Relating what a victim of a crime told you happened is not hearsay. Otherwise no cop for instance could testify to a confession.

Nor is testifying about a previous rape irrelevant to trying to prove another rape occurred. If nothing else it establishes a pattern of behavior.
Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

Johnson is 100% correct and he's leading the Republicans in that charge.

Johnson wants a Christian theocracy with a dictator in power. It doesn't get darker or more depraved than that.
30 years after the fact, it is bullshit.

Psychiatrist? Big deal, anybody can get a Psychiatrist that says the opposite.

This woman was so traumatized? She was telling strangers at a party. So traumatized she calls two friends but not the police.

You think what other people say shows Trump is guilty. Well, let us look at Trump's behavior and apply the same standard. Trump only dates young super models, not old women. By your standard that carries as much weight and should be admissible as evidence. Case closed, you won the case for Trump.
Psychiatrist? Big deal, anybody can get a Psychiatrist that says the opposite.
Apparently not. Trump had the chance to do so if that's the case. As I said the only witness he called in for his defense ended up calling in sick.
Trump only dates young super models, not old women.
According to Trump in a deposition under oath he couldn't distinguish between the woman he raped and his then wife.

Marriage usually implies a certain amount of physical attraction does it not.
I wish you would stop using legal terms you apparently don't understand. Hearsay is relating something that somebody else was told. It is once removed from the actual person making the claim.

Relating what a victim of a crime told you happened is not hearsay. Otherwise no cop for instance could testify to a confession.

Nor is testifying about a previous rape irrelevant to trying to prove another rape occurred. If nothing else it establishes a pattern of behavior.
police can not testify to what happened based on what a witness states, that is hearsay

had they been able to charge Trump for a crime, they would of, sad fact is that you can do just about anything in a civil trail

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