Mike Johnson warned the US was going down a 'dark and depraved' path

So what were you arrested for Mr. “jailhouse lawyer”? Obviously you weren’t a very good jailhouse, lawyer, or you wouldn’t have been in jail.
inflicting a corporal injury on a cohabitant
interfering with a witnesses testimony to a police officer

the lawyers that represented Randy Kraft's roommate represented me
Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

"There's no sense in making a case against Nazism. Nazism is morality itself."
(Nick Land, Making It with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology)

Messiah Johnson personifies the well-known "return of religion." Johnson is the latest installation of anachronism into American politics by the christian protection-racket mafia
So, retard...what's the latest on China? Are they sending troops over to Israel to do US bidding? :auiqs.jpg:
Chinese communist are too busy making things for Americans to buy. They can't afford soldiers right now. Anyway, when they can afford to buy the U.S., they won't need soldiers.
Your words counter what you claim to want.

When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19 33-34

Don't use the Bible to justify your bad behavior.
I'm using the Bible to say we should return to the days when we were a moral country.
hahahahaha, you are full of yourself

I said nothing about the ruling, I stated that it was not a criminal court hence trump was not found guilty of a criminal crime

Semantics? sorry, hearsay is hearsay, period.

If the burden of proof is no greater than telling someone over the phone I was raped, and that must stand as fact, than everyone can be convicted of rape just by accusing somebody to a person who is not a witness.

I understand the law perfectly, I am a Jailhouse lawyer.
It is funny how in one post you misrepresented your own position. You've dismissed the ruling of the court as bullshit more then once in this thread.

You've misrepresented my position. I didn't claim that because one person said she was raped it can be stated with any degree of certainty that she was raped. In fact I called you on that particular strawman once before.

And you've misrepresented the courts position who in a civil or criminal would find any such claim standing by itself sufficient.

That wasn't what was provided and I told you what was provided.

That's why I call you out for acting in bad faith. Not because "I'm full of myself" but because you simply are acting dishonestly.

As for your perfect understanding of the law. As I said that does not include the hearsay rule
It is funny how in one post you misrepresented your own position. You've dismissed the ruling of the court as bullshit more then once in this thread.

You've misrepresented my position. I didn't claim that because one person said she was raped it can be stated with any degree of certainty that she was raped. In fact I called you on that particular strawman once before.

And you've misrepresented the courts position who in a civil or criminal would find any such claim standing by itself sufficient.

That wasn't what was provided and I told you what was provided.

That's why I call you out for acting in bad faith. Not because "I'm full of myself" but because you simply are acting dishonestly.

As for your perfect understanding of the law. As I said that does not include the hearsay rule
get over it, no matter how you try to bullshit the boards, it was a libel case in civil court, not a criminal case proving Trump committed a crime

Libel in civil court, crooked New York courts
get over it, no matter how you try to bullshit the boards, it was a libel case in civil court, not a criminal case proving Trump committed a crime

Libel in civil court, crooked New York courts

Trump bragged about doing what he was accused of doing.
if that is true, than carroll was a slut that allows men to do whatever they like, which is what trump stated

thank you for proving trump was right and the courts wrong

In opposite world maybe.
get over it, no matter how you try to bullshit the boards, it was a libel case in civil court, not a criminal case proving Trump committed a crime

Libel in civil court, crooked New York courts

Why is it that every Trump loss isn't valid or real? The election was stolen, the judges who rule against his ridiculous arguments are biased, the courts who refuse to believe his lies, are "corrupt", the left wing media lied.

His bankruptcies - everybody fails before they succeed. That's not true. Warren Buffet has never gone bankrupt. Bill Gates. Steve Jobs. Very few billionaires have failed on the way to the top. A few have failed after they got there - once. No one in US business history has had 7 major bankruptcies. No one is US history has lost as much money as Donald Trump.

If someone admits he rapes women, you cannot say he's not a rapist. Trump's defence isn't to say "I'm not a rapist" or "I have never raped anyone" in response to any of these allegations. He says that these women "let him" - even as the women report they fought him off but he's a lot bigger and stronger than they were. His defence is always "She's not my type". So there is a "type" of woman he rapes, but she's not one of them.

Ms. Carroll's lawyer wasn't Trump's type either.

Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

Mike Johnson is going to drop to his knees and suck the cock of a thrice-married serial adulterer who steals from cancer kids and the elderly and who can't go a day without bearing false witness. A man who made his fortune from gambling houses, contests of the flesh, and a game show centered around greed. A man who fucked a pornographic actress while his third wife was home nursing their newborn.

I guess there isn't a better, more moral, more godly, more decent Republican for Johnson to suck off.

Isn't that interesting?

"It's time we embarced morality again." BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, man, that's priceless.

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