Mike Johnson warned the US was going down a 'dark and depraved' path

E. Jean Carroll was in fact, 52 years old. You must lie about the age and you expect us to believe all the other lies that follow.

There you have it, USMB users/friends. The truth can not be told by democrats so in order for them to denigrate Trump.

A 52 year old hag is claiming she was raped 30 years ago, and it was so traumatic she could not tell the police, but not so traumatic to have democrat millionaires back her by paying for lawyers, so she can get rich in civil court, again, 30 years later.

30 years later! Finally the shame is not so unbearable as to tell the story for a $5 million dollar pay day.

forkup, you lied about the age. You are not believable.
Elektra. I don't lie. I'm not you. If I'm not completely certain I always hedge a little. Like this.
Unless of course this person is 52 in the picture

I do this because I've been debating a long time. And more specifically I've seen the tactics used by bad faith actors a million times. So, I know for instance that a bad faith actor (you) seizes on any little mistake inadvertent or otherwise, to discredit a person. By the way, this was inadvertent because to me that "old hag" didn't seem to me like either "old" or a "hag" in the picture. Neither did she too Trump of course, because in that picture he actually thought she was his ex-wife.

That's the difference between me. An intellectual honest person who can make a mistake, admit to it and remain credible. And you, who only has debating tactics to avoid exposing the utter lack of any sort of compelling argument.

The reason these bad faith actors (you) do this, is because on merit they lose.
Elektra. I don't lie. I'm not you. If I'm not completely certain I always hedge a little. Like this.
Hedge a little, you dont lie? Or you dont like getting caught and called out on it. You did not hedge a little, you simply lied.

I do not see you here saying you were wrong. And if you were simply wrong, why would your original statement be so far from the truth.
I do this because I've been debating a long time. And more specifically I've seen the tactics used by bad faith actors a million times. So, I know for instance that a bad faith actor (you) seizes on any little mistake inadvertent or otherwise, to discredit a person.
Yes, and I have been doing this even longer, putting democrats in their place on message boards. I have seen your tactics over and over. Change the scenario to make the issue reflect what you wish people to believe.

Simple mistake? Hell, you could of looked it up. You could of googled it. But you did not, you doubled down.

And how is it you, pure, innocent, not here trying to discredit anybody. Simply telling the truth?

You made many claims, the biggest is that Trump committed a crime, yet Trump has not lost a criminal case. You claim you know Trump is guilty of Rape, yet it is impossible for you to know or anyone else except for two people, Trump or Carroll.

You claim Trump is guilty of crime, that happened 30 years ago, and at that you claim there are 20 witnesses, when even Carroll admits that there are no witnesses.

Yes, sir. You have been doing this for a long time and have seen the tactics used to discredit blah blah blah blah blah!

30 years ago on during the christmas shopping season in downtown manhatten, in an upscale department store for the rich, with cameras and more employees than an average department store, Carroll is raped, inside the store, and nobody hears a peep. Nobody sees Carroll run out. Carroll says she runs out hence it must of been traumatic, yet Carroll does not call the police. She is too embarrassed, but not to embarrassed to start telling multiple freinds?

And then, after being raped, throughout the years,

and then, there is the dna controversy, at first Trump said no to providing a sample, then when he changed his mind, the courts and carroll said no?

but, either way, it is impossible to prove something 30 years later. Which is real puzzling, Carroll never said which day she was raped??? She does not even know which year it happened! And they still let the civil suit proceed.

tactics to discredit you, hahahahaha
Your words counter what you claim to want.

When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19 33-34

Don't use the Bible to justify your bad behavior.
Exactly what you're doing.
Why is it that every Trump loss isn't valid or real? The election was stolen, the judges who rule against his ridiculous arguments are biased, the courts who refuse to believe his lies, are "corrupt", the left wing media lied.

His bankruptcies - everybody fails before they succeed. That's not true. Warren Buffet has never gone bankrupt. Bill Gates. Steve Jobs. Very few billionaires have failed on the way to the top. A few have failed after they got there - once. No one in US business history has had 7 major bankruptcies. No one is US history has lost as much money as Donald Trump.

If someone admits he rapes women, you cannot say he's not a rapist. Trump's defence isn't to say "I'm not a rapist" or "I have never raped anyone" in response to any of these allegations. He says that these women "let him" - even as the women report they fought him off but he's a lot bigger and stronger than they were. His defence is always "She's not my type". So there is a "type" of woman he rapes, but she's not one of them.

Ms. Carroll's lawyer wasn't Trump's type either.

Ever read how gates got started. The times he rode the Lolita express. Why the missus divorced him. His plans for the peons futures? This is who should be facing trials.
I'll help.

Found liable for sexual assault. "In court" as you keep on repeating needs to be the norm.

Four women who were competing in the pageant that year — including one who was 15 at the time

All Trump's words. So beyond question.

Well yeah, but Trump was sent here by God to "save America" from Satan!

They're "at war" with "evil", dammit!

None of this other stuff matters!

Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

Just what we needs religious nut job as speaker of the house.
The Founding Fathers were Christians. We were founded as a Christian country.
They choose to make that impossible by instituting a democratic republic of the people , by the people and for the people , requiring no homage to any religious god ( s ). Only mentioning the natural god , not a religious one.

The Faith of the Founding Fathers​

In sum, both the Christian Right and the secular Left are largely wrong about the religious beliefs of America’s key Founders and, consequently, their prescriptions for America based on those assumptions are also wrong. America’s Founders were not all Christians and they did not intend to create a Christian nation. On the other hand, they were not rank secularists who intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state. They were religious men who wanted religion – but not necessarily Christianity – to have significant influence in the public square.

The Faith of the Founding Fathers​

In sum, both the Christian Right and the secular Left are largely wrong about the religious beliefs of America’s key Founders and, consequently, their prescriptions for America based on those assumptions are also wrong. America’s Founders were not all Christians and they did not intend to create a Christian nation. On the other hand, they were not rank secularists who intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state. They were religious men who wanted religion – but not necessarily Christianity – to have significant influence in the public square.
Most of them were religious fools as most people are today. But most of them were elite thinking men of the Enlightenment. Which would mean they could care less about anyone else's religious views and they held onto their own just in case. After all Reason ruled out it's possibility.

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