Mike Johnson warned the US was going down a 'dark and depraved' path

Most of them were religious fools as most people are today. But most of them were elite thinking men of the Enlightenment. Which would mean they could care less about anyone else's religious views and they held onto their own just in case. After all Reason ruled out it's possibility.
I don't think that all people of religion are fools and I don't think all people absent religion are intelligent or "elite thinkers."

Faith grounds one in ways you may not understand.

The Faith of the Founding Fathers​

In sum, both the Christian Right and the secular Left are largely wrong about the religious beliefs of America’s key Founders and, consequently, their prescriptions for America based on those assumptions are also wrong. America’s Founders were not all Christians and they did not intend to create a Christian nation. On the other hand, they were not rank secularists who intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state. They were religious men who wanted religion – but not necessarily Christianity – to have significant influence in the public square.
Disagree all you want...I do notice a lack of evidence and facts to support your position. Is that the norm for you?
I don't think that all people of religion are fools and I don't think all people absent religion are intelligent or "elite thinkers."

Faith grounds one in ways you may not understand.
I understand your limited point of view. I never said I didn't believe in GOD. I believe in the real GOD , the Creator Entity that gave us all lives to lead to a much greater end purpose than servitude to religious gods.
I understand your limited point of view. I never said I didn't believe in GOD. I believe in the real GOD , the Creator Entity that gave us all lives to lead to a much greater end purpose than servitude to religious gods.
Whatever that means? I believe in my God, the only one, the real one. :smoke:
Mike Johnson is right, it's time to get the old America back. It's time we embraced morality again. This is indeed a battle of good versus evil.

---The now-House speaker called US culture "dark and depraved" on a World Prayer Network call.---

Yes let's hear it for:

1. Racism.

2. Sexism.

3. Segreation.

4. Homophobia.

5. Ending Civil Rights.

6. Ending giving Minorities he right to vote.

7. Taking away voting from Women.

8. Back Alley Abortions.

9. Forced religious practice.

10. Seperate Water Fountains.

11. Seperate Waiting Rooms.

12. Seperate Bathrooms.

13. Ending mixed marriages (including the marriage of Clarence Thomas).

14. Ending same sex marriage.

15. No minorities (including women) holding public office.

16. Having only white police officers who can kill minorities anytime they want.

Mike Johnson is an idiot. He and his "son" monitor each others porn content.
Yes let's hear it for:

1. Racism.

2. Sexism.

3. Segreation.

4. Homophobia.

5. Ending Civil Rights.

6. Ending giving Minorities he right to vote.

7. Taking away voting from Women.

8. Back Alley Abortions.

9. Forced religious practice.

10. Seperate Water Fountains.

11. Seperate Waiting Rooms.

12. Seperate Bathrooms.

13. Ending mixed marriages (including the marriage of Clarence Thomas).

14. Ending same sex marriage.

15. No minorities (including women) holding public office.

16. Having only white police officers who can kill minorities anytime they want.

Mike Johnson is an idiot. He and his "son" monitor each others porn content.

Make Uncle Saul proud. Lie harder.

I understand your limited point of view. I never said I didn't believe in GOD. I believe in the real GOD , the Creator Entity that gave us all lives to lead to a much greater end purpose than servitude to religious gods.
It's your prejudice and ignorance that falsely allows you to believe that those who differ from you have a "limited View", you are no different from any other religious fanatic.
It's your prejudice and ignorance that falsely allows you to believe that those who differ from you have a "limited View", you are no different from any other religious fanatic.
I am spiritual , not religious in any way. My Creator never needed or wanted my servitude.

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