Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.

Balsamo, Michael. “Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud.” Associated Press. 1 Dec 2020.

Adams, Tony, et al. “Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence.” 16 Nov 2020.

It’s Official: The Election Was Secure.” Brennan Center for Justice. 11 Dec 2020.

Fichera, Angelo and Saranac Hale Spencer. “Bogus Theory Claims Supercomputer Switched Votes in Election.” FactCheck.org. 13 Nov 2020.

Egan, Paul. “Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue.” Detroit Free Press. 6 Nov 2020.

Fichera, Angelo. “Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory.” FactCheck.org. 18 Dec 2020.

Hand audit of all Presidential Election votes in Antrim County confirms previously certified results, voting machines were accurate.” Michigan Department of State. 17 Dec 2020.

Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. Michigan Department of State. 18 Dec 2020.

Litke, Eric. “Fact check: Alleged ‘backdated’ ballots wouldn’t have been counted even if USPS claim true.” USA Today. 5 Dec 2020.

Raffensperger, Brad. Letter to Congress. 6 Jan 2021.

Joint Statement From Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 12 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “Same as yesterday, Hammer and Scorecard is still a hoax. Thats it. That’s the tweet.” Twitter. 8 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “To be crystal clear on Downwards arrow, I’m specifically referring to the Hammer and Scorecard nonsense. It’s just that – nonsense. This is not a real thing, don’t fall for it and think 2x before you share. #Protect2020” Twitter. 7 Nov 2020.

Rumor Control.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Accessed 5 Feb 2021.
19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.

Balsamo, Michael. “Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud.” Associated Press. 1 Dec 2020.

Adams, Tony, et al. “Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence.” 16 Nov 2020.

It’s Official: The Election Was Secure.” Brennan Center for Justice. 11 Dec 2020.

Fichera, Angelo and Saranac Hale Spencer. “Bogus Theory Claims Supercomputer Switched Votes in Election.” FactCheck.org. 13 Nov 2020.

Egan, Paul. “Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue.” Detroit Free Press. 6 Nov 2020.

Fichera, Angelo. “Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory.” FactCheck.org. 18 Dec 2020.

Hand audit of all Presidential Election votes in Antrim County confirms previously certified results, voting machines were accurate.” Michigan Department of State. 17 Dec 2020.

Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. Michigan Department of State. 18 Dec 2020.

Litke, Eric. “Fact check: Alleged ‘backdated’ ballots wouldn’t have been counted even if USPS claim true.” USA Today. 5 Dec 2020.

Raffensperger, Brad. Letter to Congress. 6 Jan 2021.

Joint Statement From Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 12 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “Same as yesterday, Hammer and Scorecard is still a hoax. Thats it. That’s the tweet.” Twitter. 8 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “To be crystal clear on Downwards arrow, I’m specifically referring to the Hammer and Scorecard nonsense. It’s just that – nonsense. This is not a real thing, don’t fall for it and think 2x before you share. #Protect2020” Twitter. 7 Nov 2020.

Rumor Control.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Accessed 5 Feb 2021.
All lies believed by stupid people. We were told Trump was a Russian asset for 3 years. Was that true?
19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.

Balsamo, Michael. “Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud.” Associated Press. 1 Dec 2020.

Adams, Tony, et al. “Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence.” 16 Nov 2020.

It’s Official: The Election Was Secure.” Brennan Center for Justice. 11 Dec 2020.

Fichera, Angelo and Saranac Hale Spencer. “Bogus Theory Claims Supercomputer Switched Votes in Election.” FactCheck.org. 13 Nov 2020.

Egan, Paul. “Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue.” Detroit Free Press. 6 Nov 2020.

Fichera, Angelo. “Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory.” FactCheck.org. 18 Dec 2020.

Hand audit of all Presidential Election votes in Antrim County confirms previously certified results, voting machines were accurate.” Michigan Department of State. 17 Dec 2020.

Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. Michigan Department of State. 18 Dec 2020.

Litke, Eric. “Fact check: Alleged ‘backdated’ ballots wouldn’t have been counted even if USPS claim true.” USA Today. 5 Dec 2020.

Raffensperger, Brad. Letter to Congress. 6 Jan 2021.

Joint Statement From Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 12 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “Same as yesterday, Hammer and Scorecard is still a hoax. Thats it. That’s the tweet.” Twitter. 8 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “To be crystal clear on Downwards arrow, I’m specifically referring to the Hammer and Scorecard nonsense. It’s just that – nonsense. This is not a real thing, don’t fall for it and think 2x before you share. #Protect2020” Twitter. 7 Nov 2020.

Rumor Control.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Accessed 5 Feb 2021.
All lies believed by stupid people. We were told Trump was a Russian asset for 3 years. Was that true?

  • One former senior Justice Department official who worked closely with the former special counsel Robert Mueller when he was FBI director, told Insider Trump's behavior was "directly out of the Putin playbook. We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office."
  • A former CIA operative told Insider the evidence is "overwhelming" that Trump is a Russian agent, but another CIA and NSA veteran said it was more likely Trump was currying favor with Putin for future business deals.
  • Meanwhile, another recently retired FBI special agent told Insider that Trump's freewheeling and often unfounded statements make it more likely that he's a "useful idiot" for the Russians. But "it would not surprise me in the least if the Russians had at least one asset in Trump's inner circle."
In House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, veteran journalist and author Craig Unger names 59 Russians as business associates of Trump (who has claimed he has none) and follows the purported financial links between them and the Trump Organization going back decades.
19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.

Balsamo, Michael. “Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud.” Associated Press. 1 Dec 2020.

Adams, Tony, et al. “Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence.” 16 Nov 2020.

It’s Official: The Election Was Secure.” Brennan Center for Justice. 11 Dec 2020.

Fichera, Angelo and Saranac Hale Spencer. “Bogus Theory Claims Supercomputer Switched Votes in Election.” FactCheck.org. 13 Nov 2020.

Egan, Paul. “Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue.” Detroit Free Press. 6 Nov 2020.

Fichera, Angelo. “Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory.” FactCheck.org. 18 Dec 2020.

Hand audit of all Presidential Election votes in Antrim County confirms previously certified results, voting machines were accurate.” Michigan Department of State. 17 Dec 2020.

Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. Michigan Department of State. 18 Dec 2020.

Litke, Eric. “Fact check: Alleged ‘backdated’ ballots wouldn’t have been counted even if USPS claim true.” USA Today. 5 Dec 2020.

Raffensperger, Brad. Letter to Congress. 6 Jan 2021.

Joint Statement From Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 12 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “Same as yesterday, Hammer and Scorecard is still a hoax. Thats it. That’s the tweet.” Twitter. 8 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “To be crystal clear on Downwards arrow, I’m specifically referring to the Hammer and Scorecard nonsense. It’s just that – nonsense. This is not a real thing, don’t fall for it and think 2x before you share. #Protect2020” Twitter. 7 Nov 2020.

Rumor Control.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Accessed 5 Feb 2021.
All lies believed by stupid people. We were told Trump was a Russian asset for 3 years. Was that true?

  • One former senior Justice Department official who worked closely with the former special counsel Robert Mueller when he was FBI director, told Insider Trump's behavior was "directly out of the Putin playbook. We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office."
  • A former CIA operative told Insider the evidence is "overwhelming" that Trump is a Russian agent, but another CIA and NSA veteran said it was more likely Trump was currying favor with Putin for future business deals.
  • Meanwhile, another recently retired FBI special agent told Insider that Trump's freewheeling and often unfounded statements make it more likely that he's a "useful idiot" for the Russians. But "it would not surprise me in the least if the Russians had at least one asset in Trump's inner circle."
In House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, veteran journalist and author Craig Unger names 59 Russians as business associates of Trump (who has claimed he has none) and follows the purported financial links between them and the Trump Organization going back decades.
You are stupid. That is propaganda from haters and corrupt people.
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
You get an "A" for effort, but you know it won't work.

At this point, Trump himself could admit to the Big Lie, and they won't believe it.
There was massive fraud. The big lies come from Democrats and the MSM. Including the Covid lies.
There's another one.

Instead of Trump just being beaten, it was all a massive fraud that had to include
  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. The Justice Department
  4. The Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
You got it, it was a massive conspiracy driven by money, intimidation, hate and propaganda. These criminals are running your miserable, soon to be more miserable. life.
I am glad I am not you.
That makes two of us.
You are glad you are not you? I hate to tell you but you are you.
Think about what you said before you embarrass yourself further.
It is impossible to be embarrassed when you are interacting with Trump minions. When you interact with such bozos, it gives one a feeling of superiority.
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
You get an "A" for effort, but you know it won't work.

At this point, Trump himself could admit to the Big Lie, and they won't believe it.
There was massive fraud. The big lies come from Democrats and the MSM. Including the Covid lies.
There's another one.

Instead of Trump just being beaten, it was all a massive fraud that had to include
  1. The FBI
  2. The CIA
  3. The Justice Department
  4. The Attorney General
  5. The United States Supreme Court
  6. Trump-Appointed Judges
  7. MSNBC
  8. CNN
  9. Fox News
  10. The Chinese
  11. The Russians
  12. The Jews
  13. Pedophiles
  14. Vice President Mike Pence
  15. Local Television News
  16. State Republican election officials
  17. State election workers
  18. State Supreme Courts
  19. Republican Governors
  20. Republican Congresspeople
  21. Joe Biden
  22. Newsmax
  23. George Soros
  24. SmartMatic
  25. Dominion Software
  26. Hugo Chavez
  27. Venezuela
  28. DHS Cybersecurity Office
You got it, it was a massive conspiracy driven by money, intimidation, hate and propaganda. These criminals are running your miserable, soon to be more miserable. life.
I am glad I am not you.
That makes two of us.
You are glad you are not you? I hate to tell you but you are you.
Think about what you said before you embarrass yourself further.
It is impossible to be embarrassed when you are interacting with Trump minions. When you interact with such bozos, it gives one a feeling of superiority.
We know all about you arrogant assholes. Was that just a confirmation?
19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.
It's your burden, not anyone else's, not just to prove all that, but also to prove that it could ever affect any results and was more prevalent than normal. Which you will never do, because neither of those are true. So you can sit there and be frustrated and pull your taffy all alone. That's nobody's problem but yours. Your fat slob cult leader has moved on. So you are volunteer cannon fodder, at this point. Ya rube.
It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.

Balsamo, Michael. “Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud.” Associated Press. 1 Dec 2020.

Adams, Tony, et al. “Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence.” 16 Nov 2020.

It’s Official: The Election Was Secure.” Brennan Center for Justice. 11 Dec 2020.

Fichera, Angelo and Saranac Hale Spencer. “Bogus Theory Claims Supercomputer Switched Votes in Election.” FactCheck.org. 13 Nov 2020.

Egan, Paul. “Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue.” Detroit Free Press. 6 Nov 2020.

Fichera, Angelo. “Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory.” FactCheck.org. 18 Dec 2020.

Hand audit of all Presidential Election votes in Antrim County confirms previously certified results, voting machines were accurate.” Michigan Department of State. 17 Dec 2020.

Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. Michigan Department of State. 18 Dec 2020.

Litke, Eric. “Fact check: Alleged ‘backdated’ ballots wouldn’t have been counted even if USPS claim true.” USA Today. 5 Dec 2020.

Raffensperger, Brad. Letter to Congress. 6 Jan 2021.

Joint Statement From Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 12 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “Same as yesterday, Hammer and Scorecard is still a hoax. Thats it. That’s the tweet.” Twitter. 8 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “To be crystal clear on Downwards arrow, I’m specifically referring to the Hammer and Scorecard nonsense. It’s just that – nonsense. This is not a real thing, don’t fall for it and think 2x before you share. #Protect2020” Twitter. 7 Nov 2020.

Rumor Control.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Accessed 5 Feb 2021.
Above is all the evidence a sane person would need to know the election was not a fraud.
But the goof balls on this site, take the lies of a pillow salesman over the experts you provided. Where do these people come from?
It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
Why would that be important? We already know smart people wont pay any attention to this crackhead's regurgitated bloggery. So you are being redundant.
19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.
It's your burden, not anyone else's, not just to prove all that, but also to prove that it could ever affect any results and was more prevalent than normal. Which you will never do, because neither of those are true. So you can sit there and be frustrated and pull your taffy all alone. That's nobody's problem but yours. Your fat slob cult leader has moved on. So you are volunteer cannon fodder, at this point. Ya rube.
The Democrats are only showing election integrity means nothing to them. They are hiding obvious and massive fraud.
19 pages in...no bombshells from Lindell's video.
So, explain the State by State breakdown of irregular votes, such as dead people, underaged people, non residents and non-existant addresses, and repeat voters.
Debunk that.

Balsamo, Michael. “Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud.” Associated Press. 1 Dec 2020.

Adams, Tony, et al. “Scientists say no credible evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election outcome, but policymakers must work with experts to improve confidence.” 16 Nov 2020.

It’s Official: The Election Was Secure.” Brennan Center for Justice. 11 Dec 2020.

Fichera, Angelo and Saranac Hale Spencer. “Bogus Theory Claims Supercomputer Switched Votes in Election.” FactCheck.org. 13 Nov 2020.

Egan, Paul. “Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue.” Detroit Free Press. 6 Nov 2020.

Fichera, Angelo. “Audit in Michigan County Refutes Dominion Conspiracy Theory.” FactCheck.org. 18 Dec 2020.

Hand audit of all Presidential Election votes in Antrim County confirms previously certified results, voting machines were accurate.” Michigan Department of State. 17 Dec 2020.

Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County. Michigan Department of State. 18 Dec 2020.

Litke, Eric. “Fact check: Alleged ‘backdated’ ballots wouldn’t have been counted even if USPS claim true.” USA Today. 5 Dec 2020.

Raffensperger, Brad. Letter to Congress. 6 Jan 2021.

Joint Statement From Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & The Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. 12 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “Same as yesterday, Hammer and Scorecard is still a hoax. Thats it. That’s the tweet.” Twitter. 8 Nov 2020.

Krebs, Chris (@CISAKrebs). “To be crystal clear on Downwards arrow, I’m specifically referring to the Hammer and Scorecard nonsense. It’s just that – nonsense. This is not a real thing, don’t fall for it and think 2x before you share. #Protect2020” Twitter. 7 Nov 2020.

Rumor Control.” U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Accessed 5 Feb 2021.
Above is all the evidence a sane person would need to know the election was not a fraud.
But the goof balls on this site, take the lies of a pillow salesman over the experts you provided. Where do these people come from?
The FBI and other intelligence agencies.
It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
Read below. You are wrong. One liberals comment referenced below.
"Absolutely bonkers vanity project that made me laugh so hard I almost choked."
The real world laughs at Lindell and people like you.
It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
Why would that be important? We already know smart people wont pay any attention to this crackhead's regurgitated bloggery. So you are being redundant.
Pelosi said it better when she said that you have to pass a bill in order to know what's in it.

Lefties have been exposed on this thread for commenting on a movie they didn't even watch. This is pretty stupid, but not as stupid as not understanding why it is stupid.
It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
Read below. You are wrong. One liberals comment referenced below.
"Absolutely bonkers vanity project that made me laugh so hard I almost choked."
The real world laughs at Lindell and people like you.
Which lefty watched the entire movie?

Still no lefties who have watched the entire movie are disputing anything in it.
It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
Read below. You are wrong. One liberals comment referenced below.
"Absolutely bonkers vanity project that made me laugh so hard I almost choked."
The real world laughs at Lindell and people like you.
My favorite part is where he says "Trump got so many votes that it broke the algorithm"


It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
Read below. You are wrong. One liberals comment referenced below.
"Absolutely bonkers vanity project that made me laugh so hard I almost choked."
The real world laughs at Lindell and people like you.
My favorite part is where he says "Trump got so many votes that it broke the algorithm"


Are you claiming now that you watched the movie, or is CNN providing you with what they want you to know about it?
It is important to note that we don't see any lefties who have watched the entire movie disputing it.
Read below. You are wrong. One liberals comment referenced below.
"Absolutely bonkers vanity project that made me laugh so hard I almost choked."
The real world laughs at Lindell and people like you.
My favorite part is where he says "Trump got so many votes that it broke the algorithm"


Are you claiming now that you watched the movie, or is CNN providing you with what they want you to know about it?
I skipped through it. That's why I asked, are both sides being presented? Because I sure as hell didn't see it.

But people like you are afraid to see both sides. That's your problem, not mine. You lose.

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