Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

You may want to check this Time magazine article...
An artice published by TIME magazine explains in great detail how the election was rigged against Trump by a secret cabal of wealthy & politically connected elites..
The Orwellian article entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” was published on Friday and admits to what it describes as a “conspiracy” between “left-wing activists and business titans” to create “an extraordinary shadow effort” to “protect” the 2020 presidential election.

You idiot.

From your own link:

The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Learn the other side of what you are talking about, and then we can have this conversation. In the meantime, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
Of course it doesn't present "both sides" because the "other side" is totally presented by the MSM that and if you refute the following chart, you are really stupid!
I'm well aware that there are many allegations, and some of them sound significant. Okay, I want to see both sides laid out clearly and completely, with the opportunity to rebut the other side. Then I can create a fully informed position.

You guys clearly don't want that. You'd rather just believe what your tribe wants you to believe.

I don't know how you guys can go through life so willingly ignorant. I don't get it. But I'm very glad I'm not like that.
You are the one who is rejecting what Lindell has to say, without even knowing what he has to say. You are self proclaiming self imposed ignorance. BTW, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing it.
“the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.”

Do you know of any lefties who have watched the entire 2 hour movie who dispute it?
Learn the other side of what you are talking about, and then we can have this conversation. In the meantime, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
Of course it doesn't present "both sides" because the "other side" is totally presented by the MSM that and if you refute the following chart, you are really stupid!
I'm well aware that there are many allegations, and some of them sound significant. Okay, I want to see both sides laid out clearly and completely, with the opportunity to rebut the other side. Then I can create a fully informed position.

You guys clearly don't want that. You'd rather just believe what your tribe wants you to believe.

I don't know how you guys can go through life so willingly ignorant. I don't get it. But I'm very glad I'm not like that.
You are the one who is rejecting what Lindell has to say, without even knowing what he has to say. You are self proclaiming self imposed ignorance. BTW, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing it.
I've pointed out some things he said which were debunked. I find it odd you want to whine only about "lefties" who didn't watch it in its entirety but you can't refute the portions that have been debunked.

Just kidding, I don't find it odd. I expect it.
Learn the other side of what you are talking about, and then we can have this conversation. In the meantime, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
Of course it doesn't present "both sides" because the "other side" is totally presented by the MSM that and if you refute the following chart, you are really stupid!
I'm well aware that there are many allegations, and some of them sound significant. Okay, I want to see both sides laid out clearly and completely, with the opportunity to rebut the other side. Then I can create a fully informed position.

You guys clearly don't want that. You'd rather just believe what your tribe wants you to believe.

I don't know how you guys can go through life so willingly ignorant. I don't get it. But I'm very glad I'm not like that.
You are the one who is rejecting what Lindell has to say, without even knowing what he has to say. You are self proclaiming self imposed ignorance. BTW, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing it.
I have, multiple times, said I want to see all of it.

I'm done here. You're afraid to have this "evidence" of yours challenged.
“the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.”

Do you know of any lefties who have watched the entire 2 hour movie who dispute it?
Name a "leftie" posting here who has watched all 2 hours....
“the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.”

Do you know of any lefties who have watched the entire 2 hour movie who dispute it?
Name a "leftie" posting here who has watched all 2 hours....
I'm planning on watching it tonight... School will be in session tomorrow... Bring it on suckas!!!
It is breath taking to see all the lefties commenting on a movie they didn't watch. They can't watch it, they just have to wait for the lefty media to spin it for them.
Why watch a piece of fiction about the election? It won't even be funny like the HBO movie about Palin.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.

Ignorance of the actual voting systems is required to believe it. No one has to watch it to know it’s the same bullshit in a different package.

No, all votes are counted in the U.S. by local election officials – not by Dominion. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked (meaning not connected to the Internet). It is technologically impossible to "see" votes being counted in real-time and/or to "flip" them.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has debunked claims about the existence of a secret CIA program for vote fraud called Hammer and Scorecard, and the U.S. Army has refuted claims of secret military "raids."
That lie was debunked MONTHS ago. So, naturally, the crackhead infomercial host and his willing rubes in this thread are still repeating it. Dumbasses.
How was it debunked? I'll wait.
Nobody reads Factcheck anymore.
You will have to learn to decode.

It's been debunked, moron. That's like the 4th debunking of it I've posted. Shit, not even rightwing OAN believes it's factual.

This disclaimer protects the drug addict from being sued. I figured he had something like this. Its presented as an opinion piece and not fact.
That's not his disclaimer. It's OAN's. You know a rightard is full of shit when even OAN disowns it. And Dominion is considering adding the pillow guy to their list of suits. They're questioning if Lindell is "begging" to be sued.
They will have to allow a full investigation of their machines to win any case.
If just ONE machine was switching votes they lose the case.
Not likely. There were false claims tying them with Venezuela and rigged elections for Hugo Chavez. Demonstrating those are false claims will not require them to open their systems. All they have to show is that they're not Smartmatic. And then in a courtroom where they can show the U.S. government and state governments all said the elections were not rigged, the burden will shift to the defendant to prove their claims.
It is breath taking to see all the lefties commenting on a movie they didn't watch. They can't watch it, they just have to wait for the lefty media to spin it for them.
Why watch a piece of fiction about the election? It won't even be funny like the HBO movie about Palin.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.

Ignorance of the actual voting systems is required to believe it. No one has to watch it to know it’s the same bullshit in a different package.

No, all votes are counted in the U.S. by local election officials – not by Dominion. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked (meaning not connected to the Internet). It is technologically impossible to "see" votes being counted in real-time and/or to "flip" them.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has debunked claims about the existence of a secret CIA program for vote fraud called Hammer and Scorecard, and the U.S. Army has refuted claims of secret military "raids."
That lie was debunked MONTHS ago. So, naturally, the crackhead infomercial host and his willing rubes in this thread are still repeating it. Dumbasses.
How was it debunked? I'll wait.
Nobody reads Factcheck anymore.
You will have to learn to decode.

It's been debunked, moron. That's like the 4th debunking of it I've posted. Shit, not even rightwing OAN believes it's factual.

This disclaimer protects the drug addict from being sued. I figured he had something like this. Its presented as an opinion piece and not fact.
That's not his disclaimer. It's OAN's. You know a rightard is full of shit when even OAN disowns it. And Dominion is considering adding the pillow guy to their list of suits. They're questioning if Lindell is "begging" to be sued.
They will have to allow a full investigation of their machines to win any case.
If just ONE machine was switching votes they lose the case.
Not likely. There were false claims tying them with Venezuela and rigged elections for Hugo Chavez. Demonstrating those are false claims will not require them to open their systems. And then in a courtroom where they can show the U.S. government and state governments all said the elections were not rigged, the burden will shift to the defendant to prove their claims.
How likely do you think that Chavez was re-elected when people were starving? You are as dumb as a rock. Assflap.
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever rightarded. :eusa_doh:

WTF does Chavez have to do with Dominion, ya flamin' moron?

You know nothing.

Holyfuckingshit! :ack-1:

Dumbfuck, did you not read your own link or did you not understand it??

Smartmatic Voting Technology Firm Linked to Alleged Fraud in Elections in Philippines, Venezuela
Smartmatic on March 16, 2018 announced it was ending operations in Venezuela after 15 years and 14 elections.
The reasons for the closure are widely known. In August of 2017, after the elections to the National Constituency Assembly, Smartmatic publicly stated that the National Elections Council had announced results that were different from those reflected by the voting system. This episode lead to an immediate rupture of the client-provider relationship.

Imbecile, that's Smartmatic, not Dominion. That's one of the reasons Dominion is suing Sydney Powell, for accusing Dominion of seedy practices which were actually done by Smartmatic, not Dominion. And here you are, projecting I'm the one who knows nothing when you make such an idiotic mistake like that. You're so fucking retarded, I actually feel embarrassed for you.

You'd swallow a fucking brick.

What a fucking cretin you are, huh??

YOU idiotically accuse Dominion of shit they didn't do ... because you're a retard who didn't know the difference between Dominion and Smartic and because you're too stupid to realize your own link was talking about Smartmatic's past problems. I point out you're an idiot for doing that and instead of manning up and owning your own mistakes, you just post more shit about me even though I just educated you.

Dayum, just embarrassing.

Nobody believes anything anymore.

Trust is broken.
You should have held that audit.
You're actually partially correct. But it's largely conservatives and Republicans who have lost trust. And why is that? Because you fell for a huckster who lies as easily as he breathes, who's spent the last four years convincing you that anything at all negative about him is "fake news," and convincing you a free & fair election was stolen from him.

And despite all 50 states saying they didn't see widespread fraud, and despite the CISA saying there was no widespread fraud, and despite the Department of Justice saying there was no widespread fraud, and despite no sufficient evidence of widespread fraud being presented to any court, and despite just about every claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked by the states by both Democrats and Republicans, and despite the states selecting 306 electors for Biden to 232 for Trump, the right still kept believing Trump and the rightwing echo-net and bashed out of hand, any and all news to the contrary.

So yes, much of the right doesn't believe anything anymore nor do they trust anyone or anything. But that's a beast of their own making.

And no audit would have made a difference. No count would have made a difference. No court would have made a difference. No investigation would have made a difference. There is nothing short of being told, yup, Trump was cheated, the right is going to believe.

Please then explain why these court cases are still active?
The below screenshot is just a portion of the 81 total cases 22 of which have been to be determined. So where are YOUR facts regarding "claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked'?
It is breath taking to see all the lefties commenting on a movie they didn't watch. They can't watch it, they just have to wait for the lefty media to spin it for them.
Why watch a piece of fiction about the election? It won't even be funny like the HBO movie about Palin.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.

Ignorance of the actual voting systems is required to believe it. No one has to watch it to know it’s the same bullshit in a different package.

No, all votes are counted in the U.S. by local election officials – not by Dominion. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked (meaning not connected to the Internet). It is technologically impossible to "see" votes being counted in real-time and/or to "flip" them.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has debunked claims about the existence of a secret CIA program for vote fraud called Hammer and Scorecard, and the U.S. Army has refuted claims of secret military "raids."
That lie was debunked MONTHS ago. So, naturally, the crackhead infomercial host and his willing rubes in this thread are still repeating it. Dumbasses.
How was it debunked? I'll wait.
Nobody reads Factcheck anymore.
You will have to learn to decode.

It's been debunked, moron. That's like the 4th debunking of it I've posted. Shit, not even rightwing OAN believes it's factual.

This disclaimer protects the drug addict from being sued. I figured he had something like this. Its presented as an opinion piece and not fact.
That's not his disclaimer. It's OAN's. You know a rightard is full of shit when even OAN disowns it. And Dominion is considering adding the pillow guy to their list of suits. They're questioning if Lindell is "begging" to be sued.
They will have to allow a full investigation of their machines to win any case.
If just ONE machine was switching votes they lose the case.
Not likely. There were false claims tying them with Venezuela and rigged elections for Hugo Chavez. Demonstrating those are false claims will not require them to open their systems. All they have to show is that they're not Smartmatic. And then in a courtroom where they can show the U.S. government and state governments all said the elections were not rigged, the burden will shift to the defendant to prove their claims.
It is breath taking to see all the lefties commenting on a movie they didn't watch. They can't watch it, they just have to wait for the lefty media to spin it for them.
Why watch a piece of fiction about the election? It won't even be funny like the HBO movie about Palin.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.

Ignorance of the actual voting systems is required to believe it. No one has to watch it to know it’s the same bullshit in a different package.

No, all votes are counted in the U.S. by local election officials – not by Dominion. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked (meaning not connected to the Internet). It is technologically impossible to "see" votes being counted in real-time and/or to "flip" them.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has debunked claims about the existence of a secret CIA program for vote fraud called Hammer and Scorecard, and the U.S. Army has refuted claims of secret military "raids."
That lie was debunked MONTHS ago. So, naturally, the crackhead infomercial host and his willing rubes in this thread are still repeating it. Dumbasses.
How was it debunked? I'll wait.
Nobody reads Factcheck anymore.
You will have to learn to decode.

It's been debunked, moron. That's like the 4th debunking of it I've posted. Shit, not even rightwing OAN believes it's factual.

This disclaimer protects the drug addict from being sued. I figured he had something like this. Its presented as an opinion piece and not fact.
That's not his disclaimer. It's OAN's. You know a rightard is full of shit when even OAN disowns it. And Dominion is considering adding the pillow guy to their list of suits. They're questioning if Lindell is "begging" to be sued.
They will have to allow a full investigation of their machines to win any case.
If just ONE machine was switching votes they lose the case.
Not likely. There were false claims tying them with Venezuela and rigged elections for Hugo Chavez. Demonstrating those are false claims will not require them to open their systems. And then in a courtroom where they can show the U.S. government and state governments all said the elections were not rigged, the burden will shift to the defendant to prove their claims.
How likely do you think that Chavez was re-elected when people were starving? You are as dumb as a rock. Assflap.
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever rightarded. :eusa_doh:

WTF does Chavez have to do with Dominion, ya flamin' moron?

You know nothing.

Holyfuckingshit! :ack-1:

Dumbfuck, did you not read your own link or did you not understand it??

Smartmatic Voting Technology Firm Linked to Alleged Fraud in Elections in Philippines, Venezuela
Smartmatic on March 16, 2018 announced it was ending operations in Venezuela after 15 years and 14 elections.
The reasons for the closure are widely known. In August of 2017, after the elections to the National Constituency Assembly, Smartmatic publicly stated that the National Elections Council had announced results that were different from those reflected by the voting system. This episode lead to an immediate rupture of the client-provider relationship.

Imbecile, that's Smartmatic, not Dominion. That's one of the reasons Dominion is suing Sydney Powell, for accusing Dominion of seedy practices which were actually done by Smartmatic, not Dominion. And here you are, projecting I'm the one who knows nothing when you make such an idiotic mistake like that. You're so fucking retarded, I actually feel embarrassed for you.

You'd swallow a fucking brick.

What a fucking cretin you are, huh??

YOU idiotically accuse Dominion of shit they didn't do ... because you're a retard who didn't know the difference between Dominion and Smartic and because you're too stupid to realize your own link was talking about Smartmatic's past problems. I point out you're an idiot for doing that and instead of manning up and owning your own mistakes, you just post more shit about me even though I just educated you.

Dayum, just embarrassing.

Nobody believes anything anymore.

Trust is broken.
You should have held that audit.
You're actually partially correct. But it's largely conservatives and Republicans who have lost trust. And why is that? Because you fell for a huckster who lies as easily as he breathes, who's spent the last four years convincing you that anything at all negative about him is "fake news," and convincing you a free & fair election was stolen from him.

And despite all 50 states saying they didn't see widespread fraud, and despite the CISA saying there was no widespread fraud, and despite the Department of Justice saying there was no widespread fraud, and despite no sufficient evidence of widespread fraud being presented to any court, and despite just about every claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked by the states by both Democrats and Republicans, and despite the states selecting 306 electors for Biden to 232 for Trump, the right still kept believing Trump and the rightwing echo-net and bashed out of hand, any and all news to the contrary.

So yes, much of the right doesn't believe anything anymore nor do they trust anyone or anything. But that's a beast of their own making.

And no audit would have made a difference. No count would have made a difference. No court would have made a difference. No investigation would have made a difference. There is nothing short of being told, yup, Trump was cheated, the right is going to believe.

Please then explain why these court cases are still active?
The below screenshot is just a portion of the 81 total cases 22 of which have been to be determined. So where are YOUR facts regarding "claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked'?
View attachment 454640
" Please then explain why these court cases are still active? "

They havent been laughed out of court yet.
“the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.”

Do you know of any lefties who have watched the entire 2 hour movie who dispute it?

No. After seeing the above disclaimer scroll across on the screen before the movie starts, I'm surprised anyone but firebrand nutjobs would waste that much time with this guys opinion.
It is breath taking to see all the lefties commenting on a movie they didn't watch. They can't watch it, they just have to wait for the lefty media to spin it for them.
Why watch a piece of fiction about the election? It won't even be funny like the HBO movie about Palin.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.

Ignorance of the actual voting systems is required to believe it. No one has to watch it to know it’s the same bullshit in a different package.

No, all votes are counted in the U.S. by local election officials – not by Dominion. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked (meaning not connected to the Internet). It is technologically impossible to "see" votes being counted in real-time and/or to "flip" them.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has debunked claims about the existence of a secret CIA program for vote fraud called Hammer and Scorecard, and the U.S. Army has refuted claims of secret military "raids."
That lie was debunked MONTHS ago. So, naturally, the crackhead infomercial host and his willing rubes in this thread are still repeating it. Dumbasses.
How was it debunked? I'll wait.
Nobody reads Factcheck anymore.
You will have to learn to decode.

It's been debunked, moron. That's like the 4th debunking of it I've posted. Shit, not even rightwing OAN believes it's factual.

This disclaimer protects the drug addict from being sued. I figured he had something like this. Its presented as an opinion piece and not fact.
That's not his disclaimer. It's OAN's. You know a rightard is full of shit when even OAN disowns it. And Dominion is considering adding the pillow guy to their list of suits. They're questioning if Lindell is "begging" to be sued.
They will have to allow a full investigation of their machines to win any case.
If just ONE machine was switching votes they lose the case.
Not likely. There were false claims tying them with Venezuela and rigged elections for Hugo Chavez. Demonstrating those are false claims will not require them to open their systems. All they have to show is that they're not Smartmatic. And then in a courtroom where they can show the U.S. government and state governments all said the elections were not rigged, the burden will shift to the defendant to prove their claims.
It is breath taking to see all the lefties commenting on a movie they didn't watch. They can't watch it, they just have to wait for the lefty media to spin it for them.
Why watch a piece of fiction about the election? It won't even be funny like the HBO movie about Palin.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.
You don't know what you are talking about, since you did not watch the movie. All you have to offer is your self proclaimed, self imposed ignorance.

Ignorance of the actual voting systems is required to believe it. No one has to watch it to know it’s the same bullshit in a different package.

No, all votes are counted in the U.S. by local election officials – not by Dominion. Voting systems are, by design, meant to be used as closed systems that are not networked (meaning not connected to the Internet). It is technologically impossible to "see" votes being counted in real-time and/or to "flip" them.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has debunked claims about the existence of a secret CIA program for vote fraud called Hammer and Scorecard, and the U.S. Army has refuted claims of secret military "raids."
That lie was debunked MONTHS ago. So, naturally, the crackhead infomercial host and his willing rubes in this thread are still repeating it. Dumbasses.
How was it debunked? I'll wait.
Nobody reads Factcheck anymore.
You will have to learn to decode.

It's been debunked, moron. That's like the 4th debunking of it I've posted. Shit, not even rightwing OAN believes it's factual.

This disclaimer protects the drug addict from being sued. I figured he had something like this. Its presented as an opinion piece and not fact.
That's not his disclaimer. It's OAN's. You know a rightard is full of shit when even OAN disowns it. And Dominion is considering adding the pillow guy to their list of suits. They're questioning if Lindell is "begging" to be sued.
They will have to allow a full investigation of their machines to win any case.
If just ONE machine was switching votes they lose the case.
Not likely. There were false claims tying them with Venezuela and rigged elections for Hugo Chavez. Demonstrating those are false claims will not require them to open their systems. And then in a courtroom where they can show the U.S. government and state governments all said the elections were not rigged, the burden will shift to the defendant to prove their claims.
How likely do you think that Chavez was re-elected when people were starving? You are as dumb as a rock. Assflap.
Holyfuckingshit, are you ever rightarded. :eusa_doh:

WTF does Chavez have to do with Dominion, ya flamin' moron?

You know nothing.

Holyfuckingshit! :ack-1:

Dumbfuck, did you not read your own link or did you not understand it??

Smartmatic Voting Technology Firm Linked to Alleged Fraud in Elections in Philippines, Venezuela
Smartmatic on March 16, 2018 announced it was ending operations in Venezuela after 15 years and 14 elections.
The reasons for the closure are widely known. In August of 2017, after the elections to the National Constituency Assembly, Smartmatic publicly stated that the National Elections Council had announced results that were different from those reflected by the voting system. This episode lead to an immediate rupture of the client-provider relationship.

Imbecile, that's Smartmatic, not Dominion. That's one of the reasons Dominion is suing Sydney Powell, for accusing Dominion of seedy practices which were actually done by Smartmatic, not Dominion. And here you are, projecting I'm the one who knows nothing when you make such an idiotic mistake like that. You're so fucking retarded, I actually feel embarrassed for you.

You'd swallow a fucking brick.

What a fucking cretin you are, huh??

YOU idiotically accuse Dominion of shit they didn't do ... because you're a retard who didn't know the difference between Dominion and Smartic and because you're too stupid to realize your own link was talking about Smartmatic's past problems. I point out you're an idiot for doing that and instead of manning up and owning your own mistakes, you just post more shit about me even though I just educated you.

Dayum, just embarrassing.

Nobody believes anything anymore.

Trust is broken.
You should have held that audit.
You're actually partially correct. But it's largely conservatives and Republicans who have lost trust. And why is that? Because you fell for a huckster who lies as easily as he breathes, who's spent the last four years convincing you that anything at all negative about him is "fake news," and convincing you a free & fair election was stolen from him.

And despite all 50 states saying they didn't see widespread fraud, and despite the CISA saying there was no widespread fraud, and despite the Department of Justice saying there was no widespread fraud, and despite no sufficient evidence of widespread fraud being presented to any court, and despite just about every claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked by the states by both Democrats and Republicans, and despite the states selecting 306 electors for Biden to 232 for Trump, the right still kept believing Trump and the rightwing echo-net and bashed out of hand, any and all news to the contrary.

So yes, much of the right doesn't believe anything anymore nor do they trust anyone or anything. But that's a beast of their own making.

And no audit would have made a difference. No count would have made a difference. No court would have made a difference. No investigation would have made a difference. There is nothing short of being told, yup, Trump was cheated, the right is going to believe.

Please then explain why these court cases are still active?
The below screenshot is just a portion of the 81 total cases 22 of which have been to be determined. So where are YOUR facts regarding "claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked'?
View attachment 454640
" Please then explain why these court cases are still active? "

They havent been laughed out of court yet.
based on YOUR "claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked'?
So you LIED and that makes you a LIAR when you state the above?
NOT all the court cases have been laughed out of court. And if you really looked at the 81 cases you will see the majority of them have evidence but the courts are really afraid of looking at the evidence.
based on YOUR "claim of fraud by Trump and Giuliani being debunked'?
So you LIED and that makes you a LIAR when you state the above?
NOT all the court cases have been laughed out of court. And if you really looked at the 81 cases you will see the majority of them have evidence but the courts are really afraid of looking at the evidence.

No I didnt lie. Dump and Giuliani have been thoroughly debunked. The only people that still believe there was election fraud are people that need to be tranquilized with a horse sedative for their own safety.
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
You get an "A" for effort, but you know it won't work.

At this point, Trump himself could admit to the Big Lie, and they won't believe it.
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
You have proved once again how ignorant of internet connectivity works!
Are you aware when you hit the "Post Reply" button that YOUR ip address goes along with your text?
Are you aware that every time you hit the "Post Reply" a log is created of when and what IP address hit the IP address for usmessageboard.com is and just like the log tells on your IP address it tells how many characters you sent and they received.
ALL of this is so fundamental with hackers and thus the list of 2,995 county IP addresses and where the the source of the inquiry. But you know that, right?


  • Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 3.47.43 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 3.47.43 PM.png
    99 KB · Views: 8
  • IPAddressintrudedTrumpvotes.png
    151.8 KB · Views: 46
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
You have proved once again how ignorant of internet connectivity works!
Are you aware when you hit the "Post Reply" button that YOUR ip address goes along with your text?
Are you aware that every time you hit the "Post Reply" a log is created of when and what IP address hit the IP address for usmessageboard.com is and just like the log tells on your IP address it tells how many characters you sent and they received.
ALL of this is so fundamental with hackers and thus the list of 2,995 county IP addresses and where the the source of the inquiry. But you know that, right?
The problem with nut cases like you, you do not see the whole picture. You take one fact and explode it into untrue claims. There is software that provides security to our voting systems. What happened in the states Trump won. By your claims, maybe Trumpsters rigged the election. Maybe the congressional seats the Republicans picked up were based on voter fraud. NO. There is minor fraud in all elections but as Trump's lap dog AG said, not enough to effect the election either way.

It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
You get an "A" for effort, but you know it won't work.

At this point, Trump himself could admit to the Big Lie, and they won't believe it.
Thanks, I know you are right. My goal is to save just one minion and bring them back to the real world. It is scary how many crazy people are out there.
These people, probably, think Santa Claus is real and the earth is flat.
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Hmm, how come some of those IP addresses don't match up to the counties they claim to be in?
So YOU went through all 2,995 lines of this and you still don't comprehend that the first IP address you see
Is the SOURCE, i.e. where did it come from... The the SECOND IP is the county's IP address target!
Also do you have every county's server IP address? These people did!
View attachment 454365
Give it up, asshole. You are creating a problem that does not exist except in your bat shit crazy head. It has been thoroughly examined by Republican vote security specialists. Ben Ginsburg being the top. Have your mother read you the article below. The only ones selling the lie, have never been involved in vote security. You are a traitor and a criminal. You are wasting your pathetic life broadcasting lies that hurt our country. Do something positive for yourself and our country.
You have proved once again how ignorant of internet connectivity works!
Are you aware when you hit the "Post Reply" button that YOUR ip address goes along with your text?
Are you aware that every time you hit the "Post Reply" a log is created of when and what IP address hit the IP address for usmessageboard.com is and just like the log tells on your IP address it tells how many characters you sent and they received.
ALL of this is so fundamental with hackers and thus the list of 2,995 county IP addresses and where the the source of the inquiry. But you know that, right?
Take your evidence to court. Until then, go sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the 9/11 twoofers. That's how it works, nutball.

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