Mike Lindell Absolute Proof

Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
You’re lying. I’ve shown you why.
You’ve not spoken to anything presented to you either.
Are you claiming to be a lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie?
Are you claiming to be a lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I don’t need to watch anything when their main claims are so easily dispelled. Address that.
You have revealed that you are yet another lefty who has not watched the movie that you are commenting on. Again not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
You have revealed that you are yet another lefty who has not watched the movie that you are commenting on. Again not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
The “Truth” alleges irregularities with Dominion machines that is simply not possible. The entire charade crumbles without it. The entire premise is fatally flawed and relies completely on a supporting lattice of conspiracy among many actors where evidence of such has never been presented. Only suggested.
Whatever you are trying to say here, no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Mike's absolute truth.
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
That's because us lefties were smart enough to debunk it by just watching minutes of it.
Lol, has CNN spun a few clips for you to view? Again no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it.
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
You’re lying. I’ve shown you why.
You’ve not spoken to anything presented to you either.
Are you claiming to be a lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie?
Are you claiming to be a lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I don’t need to watch anything when their main claims are so easily dispelled. Address that.
You have revealed that you are yet another lefty who has not watched the movie that you are commenting on. Again not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
You have revealed that you are yet another lefty who has not watched the movie that you are commenting on. Again not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
The “Truth” alleges irregularities with Dominion machines that is simply not possible. The entire charade crumbles without it. The entire premise is fatally flawed and relies completely on a supporting lattice of conspiracy among many actors where evidence of such has never been presented. Only suggested.
Whatever you are trying to say here, no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Mike's absolute truth.
Whatever you are trying to say here, no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Mike's absolute truth.
You know full well what I’m saying. Who are the conspirators and what roles did they play with your “evidence”.
It’s only ever been the nebulous “deep state” or the “Dems”.
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
You’re lying. I’ve shown you why.
You’ve not spoken to anything presented to you either.
Are you claiming to be a lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie?
Are you claiming to be a lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie?
I don’t need to watch anything when their main claims are so easily dispelled. Address that.
You have revealed that you are yet another lefty who has not watched the movie that you are commenting on. Again not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
You have revealed that you are yet another lefty who has not watched the movie that you are commenting on. Again not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
The “Truth” alleges irregularities with Dominion machines that is simply not possible. The entire charade crumbles without it. The entire premise is fatally flawed and relies completely on a supporting lattice of conspiracy among many actors where evidence of such has never been presented. Only suggested.
Whatever you are trying to say here, no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Mike's absolute truth.
Whatever you are trying to say here, no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Mike's absolute truth.
You know full well what I’m saying. Who are the conspirators and what roles did they play with your “evidence”.
It’s only ever been the nebulous “deep state” or the “Dems”.
Are you aware of any lefties who have watched the entire 2 hour movie and who are also disputing it?
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Does the video provide the other side of the story, accurately and completely?

Are challenges made of each point and allegation?

If not, it's nothing more than propaganda, and I don't know why anyone would believe it.
Feel free to watch the video and make your own video giving your critique.
I'm not going to do all that research. I know it's out there, though. I'd love to see a presentation of both sides with rebuttals.

Maybe you could start a thread that gives both sides of each allegation. I'm sure you know them.

Ha ha. Just kidding.
Just one question?
Where do you think this screenshot came from and are you informed enough to recognized a hack job when you see it?
View attachment 454361View attachment 454362
I see figures on my computer screen. I don't know where they came from.

I'd like to know the other side of the story, the WHOLE story. THEN I'll decide.

Obviously you don't need that. You'll believe it if it serves you. So, we're different.
You may want to check this Time magazine article...
An artice published by TIME magazine explains in great detail how the election was rigged against Trump by a secret cabal of wealthy & politically connected elites..
The Orwellian article entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” was published on Friday and admits to what it describes as a “conspiracy” between “left-wing activists and business titans” to create “an extraordinary shadow effort” to “protect” the 2020 presidential election.

No wonder judges didn’t wanna see this evidence

LOLOL.. This is hysterical. Lindell should take it to his sanity hearing.
Of course, but remember......as a liberal your brain has been destroyed with libber propaganda. And as Jack says, you cant handle the truth.
It is a presentation of every claim made the election was fraudulent but every claim has proven to be false. If you rely on on an ex-drug addicted pillow salesman for truth, you need help. I know you need help.
They're going to believe everything the Pillow Guy says because it feeds the narrative. They won't question a thing.

What we need is a full discussion on this from both sides so that we can see the big picture. Back and forth, both sides, in real time. Allegations, rebuttals, facts, real evidence. As far as I know, that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to see it.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They've been robbed of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had. They're happy to just swallow what the Pillow Guy tells them.
You didn't watch the video did you?
For example...
You have NO idea what this is do you?
It is IP addresses from and to that occurred for over 2,500 voting precincts in the USA identifying the precinct.
And the Dominion machines were not suppose to be connected to the Internet!
Watch the video!
Missing logs for adjudication. And you have no idea what adjudication means in the voting process..do You!
Watch the video!
Now this is one of several cybersecurity fraud experts.
Watch the video!
When were you satisfied with 68% errors in counting?
Watch the video!
View attachment 454352
View attachment 454349
View attachment 454348
View attachment 454346
Does the video provide the other side of the story, accurately and completely?

Are challenges made of each point and allegation?

If not, it's nothing more than propaganda, and I don't know why anyone would believe it.
Feel free to watch the video and make your own video giving your critique.
I'm not going to do all that research. I know it's out there, though. I'd love to see a presentation of both sides with rebuttals.

Maybe you could start a thread that gives both sides of each allegation. I'm sure you know them.

Ha ha. Just kidding.
Just one question?
Where do you think this screenshot came from and are you informed enough to recognized a hack job when you see it?
View attachment 454361View attachment 454362
I see figures on my computer screen. I don't know where they came from.

I'd like to know the other side of the story, the WHOLE story. THEN I'll decide.

Obviously you don't need that. You'll believe it if it serves you. So, we're different.
You may want to check this Time magazine article...
An artice published by TIME magazine explains in great detail how the election was rigged against Trump by a secret cabal of wealthy & politically connected elites..
The Orwellian article entitled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” was published on Friday and admits to what it describes as a “conspiracy” between “left-wing activists and business titans” to create “an extraordinary shadow effort” to “protect” the 2020 presidential election.
An artice published by TIME magazine explains in great detail how the election was rigged against Trump by a secret cabal of wealthy & politically connected elites..
Your own link says you’re a liar.

“The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.”
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
That's because us lefties were smart enough to debunk it by just watching minutes of it.
Lol, has CNN spun a few clips for you to view? Again no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it.
I don't watch CNN, so no. And again, no one need watch all of it to determine it's nonsense. I watched the beginning where he's suggesting election fraud occurred by posting all sorts of numbers. The easiest to debunk was Georgia since that state had already publicly debunked the nonsense he claims. His claims are not new. Nor are they real. One example is his debunked claim that over 66,000 kids were illegally registered and voted illegally. Georgia says that number is actually zero, no underage kids voted. And Georgia is run by Republicans. So now your twisted conspiracy nonsense includes Republicans, as well as Democrats. :cuckoo:

Then based on someone posting the 1:36:00 mark, I fast forwarded to there to watch him talk about purported hackings into Dominion machines. When in fact, the data listed could have been IP addresses to who knows what, but not Dominion machines which supposedly, were not connected to the Internet nor contained modems. But even easier to debunk were his unsubstantiated claims that those hacks into Dominion machines were to deduct votes from Trump. Here again I referenced Georgia since they did a hand recount. Now if what he was saying was true, Georgia's hand recount would have surfaced tens of thousands of votes for Trump that were not counted during their initial electronic count. But that didn't happen. Their hand recount was nearly identical to their electronic count. Even worse, that nonsense about IP intrusions was also not new. It was first spread by conspiracy nut Alex Jones and debunked then too.

And I was able to determine pillow guy is just another nut without having to waste 2 hours of my life.
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
No intelligent person is going to believe just one side of a critical and complicated story, which is being provided by a person with a clear partisan agenda.

You are free to.
Not one lefty who has watched the movie in full disputes Mike's absolute truth.
Because everyone here, including you, knows it's only one side of the story.

Most people need more than that. Why don't you?
One of the biggest reasons why no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it is because no lefty on this thread has watched it. Its ironic to hear you say that most people want more than one side of the story when not one lefty here has watched the other side.
Does the movie present both sides of the issue?

No. It just presents one.

Why don't you want to know both sides? What are you afraid of?
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
No intelligent person is going to believe just one side of a critical and complicated story, which is being provided by a person with a clear partisan agenda.

You are free to.
Not one lefty who has watched the movie in full disputes Mike's absolute truth.
Because everyone here, including you, knows it's only one side of the story.

Most people need more than that. Why don't you?
One of the biggest reasons why no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it is because no lefty on this thread has watched it. Its ironic to hear you say that most people want more than one side of the story when not one lefty here has watched the other side.
Does the movie present both sides of the issue?

No. It just presents one.

Why don't you want to know both sides? What are you afraid of?
Learn the other side of what you are talking about, and then we can have this conversation. In the meantime, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
No intelligent person is going to believe just one side of a critical and complicated story, which is being provided by a person with a clear partisan agenda.

You are free to.
Not one lefty who has watched the movie in full disputes Mike's absolute truth.
Because everyone here, including you, knows it's only one side of the story.

Most people need more than that. Why don't you?
One of the biggest reasons why no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it is because no lefty on this thread has watched it. Its ironic to hear you say that most people want more than one side of the story when not one lefty here has watched the other side.
Does the movie present both sides of the issue?

No. It just presents one.

Why don't you want to know both sides? What are you afraid of?
Of course it doesn't present "both sides" because the "other side" is totally presented by the MSM that and if you refute the following chart, you are really stupid!
Do you comprehend that the MSM gave Hillary 96% and she lost. They did everything every day
95% of negative Trump news so why did the MSM change it's story in 2020?
Again... almost all of the MSM is against the truth. And more and more Americans are realizing it!
Van Gordon Sauter, a former president of CBS News, was caustic in his opinion piece that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Monday: “The media seems uninterested in … issues of bias.… The news media seems very comfortable with its product and [its] ability to sell it.”

Long gone, says Sauter(former President CBS New), is any semblance of fairness or balance:
To many journalists, objectivity, balance and fairness — once the gold standard of reporting — are not mandatory in a divided political era and in a country they believe to be severely flawed.
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
That's because us lefties were smart enough to debunk it by just watching minutes of it.
Lol, has CNN spun a few clips for you to view? Again no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it.
I don't watch CNN, so no. And again, no one need watch all of it to determine it's nonsense. I watched the beginning where he's suggesting election fraud occurred by posting all sorts of numbers. The easiest to debunk was Georgia since that state had already publicly debunked the nonsense he claims. His claims are not new. Nor are they real. One example is his debunked claim that over 66,000 kids were illegally registered and voted illegally. Georgia says that number is actually zero, no underage kids voted. And Georgia is run by Republicans. So now your twisted conspiracy nonsense includes Republicans, as well as Democrats. :cuckoo:

Then based on someone posting the 1:36:00 mark, I fast forwarded to there to watch him talk about purported hackings into Dominion machines. When in fact, the data listed could have been IP addresses to who knows what, but not Dominion machines which supposedly, were not connected to the Internet nor contained modems. But even easier to debunk were his unsubstantiated claims that those hacks into Dominion machines were to deduct votes from Trump. Here again I referenced Georgia since they did a hand recount. Now if what he was saying was true, Georgia's hand recount would have surfaced tens of thousands of votes for Trump that were not counted during their initial electronic count. But that didn't happen. Their hand recount was nearly identical to their electronic count. Even worse, that nonsense about IP intrusions was also not new. It was first spread by conspiracy nut Alex Jones and debunked then too.

And I was able to determine pillow guy is just another nut without having to waste 2 hours of my life.
Absolutely no lefty who has watched the entire movie disputes it.
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
That's because us lefties were smart enough to debunk it by just watching minutes of it.
Lol, has CNN spun a few clips for you to view? Again no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it.
I don't watch CNN, so no. And again, no one need watch all of it to determine it's nonsense. I watched the beginning where he's suggesting election fraud occurred by posting all sorts of numbers. The easiest to debunk was Georgia since that state had already publicly debunked the nonsense he claims. His claims are not new. Nor are they real. One example is his debunked claim that over 66,000 kids were illegally registered and voted illegally. Georgia says that number is actually zero, no underage kids voted. And Georgia is run by Republicans. So now your twisted conspiracy nonsense includes Republicans, as well as Democrats. :cuckoo:

Then based on someone posting the 1:36:00 mark, I fast forwarded to there to watch him talk about purported hackings into Dominion machines. When in fact, the data listed could have been IP addresses to who knows what, but not Dominion machines which supposedly, were not connected to the Internet nor contained modems. But even easier to debunk were his unsubstantiated claims that those hacks into Dominion machines were to deduct votes from Trump. Here again I referenced Georgia since they did a hand recount. Now if what he was saying was true, Georgia's hand recount would have surfaced tens of thousands of votes for Trump that were not counted during their initial electronic count. But that didn't happen. Their hand recount was nearly identical to their electronic count. Even worse, that nonsense about IP intrusions was also not new. It was first spread by conspiracy nut Alex Jones and debunked then too.

And I was able to determine pillow guy is just another nut without having to waste 2 hours of my life.
Absolutely no lefty who has watched the entire movie disputes it.
Utter nonsense. I don't know that any "leftie" was even stupid enough to watch the entire thing. And again, it's not necessary to watch the entire thing to debunk much of what he claims. I can't help but notice you can't even refute the things I mentioned. Whassammatter? No talking points to address them?
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
That's because us lefties were smart enough to debunk it by just watching minutes of it.
Lol, has CNN spun a few clips for you to view? Again no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it.
I don't watch CNN, so no. And again, no one need watch all of it to determine it's nonsense. I watched the beginning where he's suggesting election fraud occurred by posting all sorts of numbers. The easiest to debunk was Georgia since that state had already publicly debunked the nonsense he claims. His claims are not new. Nor are they real. One example is his debunked claim that over 66,000 kids were illegally registered and voted illegally. Georgia says that number is actually zero, no underage kids voted. And Georgia is run by Republicans. So now your twisted conspiracy nonsense includes Republicans, as well as Democrats. :cuckoo:

Then based on someone posting the 1:36:00 mark, I fast forwarded to there to watch him talk about purported hackings into Dominion machines. When in fact, the data listed could have been IP addresses to who knows what, but not Dominion machines which supposedly, were not connected to the Internet nor contained modems. But even easier to debunk were his unsubstantiated claims that those hacks into Dominion machines were to deduct votes from Trump. Here again I referenced Georgia since they did a hand recount. Now if what he was saying was true, Georgia's hand recount would have surfaced tens of thousands of votes for Trump that were not counted during their initial electronic count. But that didn't happen. Their hand recount was nearly identical to their electronic count. Even worse, that nonsense about IP intrusions was also not new. It was first spread by conspiracy nut Alex Jones and debunked then too.

And I was able to determine pillow guy is just another nut without having to waste 2 hours of my life.
Absolutely no lefty who has watched the entire movie disputes it.
Utter nonsense. I don't know that any "leftie" was even stupid enough to watch the entire thing. And again, it's not necessary to watch the entire thing to debunk much of what he claims. I can't help but notice you can't even refute the things I mentioned. Whassammatter? No talking points to address them?
Do you know of any lefties who have watched the entire movie who dispute it?
I watched the whole video last night. I do hope that those making threats against those presenting evidence are arrested and anyone in the government who assisted or was complicit with these frauds upon the people. Our federal agencies need a good house cleaning.

I’m curious, if there is absolute proof then why didn’t AG Barr do anything? Why did he say he had not seen convincing evidence of systemic fraud?
Because he is part of the conspiracy to hide the fraud. All he has to do is lie. It is what they do in DC.
Haha. And why would Barr be part of that conspiracy given all had had to gain with Trump staying in power and after all the cover he gave trump through the years? Please explain that
Barr quietly worked behind the scene to get Trump removed from office by refusing to investigate anything concerning voter fraud. He was actually trying to protect the DOJ-FBI-CIA, who were criminally involved in the coup against Trump from the beginning.
That’s the dumbest theory I’ve heard today. Congrats!
Barr was a dirty, but very clever, swamp rat. It's obvious if you just look at his actions. Trump was incredibly naive to the depth of the swamp and ridiculously bad at recognizing swamp rats early on. I still have no idea why he didn't can Chris Wray. Trump learned a lot of hard lessons about the swamp. Second term would have been epic.
An example - Barr fast tracked all of Biden's EOs, and slow rolled Trump's - Astonishing! Peter Navarro: Bill Barr Was Fast Tracking Biden's EOs While Slow Walking Trumps! - YouTube
Not one lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing Lindell's absolute proof.
That's because us lefties were smart enough to debunk it by just watching minutes of it.
Lol, has CNN spun a few clips for you to view? Again no lefty who has watched the entire 2 hour movie is disputing it.
I don't watch CNN, so no. And again, no one need watch all of it to determine it's nonsense. I watched the beginning where he's suggesting election fraud occurred by posting all sorts of numbers. The easiest to debunk was Georgia since that state had already publicly debunked the nonsense he claims. His claims are not new. Nor are they real. One example is his debunked claim that over 66,000 kids were illegally registered and voted illegally. Georgia says that number is actually zero, no underage kids voted. And Georgia is run by Republicans. So now your twisted conspiracy nonsense includes Republicans, as well as Democrats. :cuckoo:

Then based on someone posting the 1:36:00 mark, I fast forwarded to there to watch him talk about purported hackings into Dominion machines. When in fact, the data listed could have been IP addresses to who knows what, but not Dominion machines which supposedly, were not connected to the Internet nor contained modems. But even easier to debunk were his unsubstantiated claims that those hacks into Dominion machines were to deduct votes from Trump. Here again I referenced Georgia since they did a hand recount. Now if what he was saying was true, Georgia's hand recount would have surfaced tens of thousands of votes for Trump that were not counted during their initial electronic count. But that didn't happen. Their hand recount was nearly identical to their electronic count. Even worse, that nonsense about IP intrusions was also not new. It was first spread by conspiracy nut Alex Jones and debunked then too.

And I was able to determine pillow guy is just another nut without having to waste 2 hours of my life.
Absolutely no lefty who has watched the entire movie disputes it.
Utter nonsense. I don't know that any "leftie" was even stupid enough to watch the entire thing. And again, it's not necessary to watch the entire thing to debunk much of what he claims. I can't help but notice you can't even refute the things I mentioned. Whassammatter? No talking points to address them?
Do you know of any lefties who have watched the entire movie who dispute it?
I don't know of any "lefties" who have watched it in it's entirety. What I do know is you're using that excuse to avoid trying to refute the parts which were debunked. The only reason to avoid that is because you can't refute it.
Learn the other side of what you are talking about, and then we can have this conversation. In the meantime, no lefty who has watched the entire movie is disputing Lindell's absolute truth.
Of course it doesn't present "both sides" because the "other side" is totally presented by the MSM that and if you refute the following chart, you are really stupid!
I'm well aware that there are many allegations, and some of them sound significant. Okay, I want to see both sides laid out clearly and completely, with the opportunity to rebut the other side. Then I can create a fully informed position.

You guys clearly don't want that. You'd rather just believe what your tribe wants you to believe.

I don't know how you guys can go through life so willingly ignorant. I don't get it. But I'm very glad I'm not like that.
“the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented at this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts.”


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