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Mike Pence Has Sealed Off Records From His 12 Years In Congress

Remember, this was the guy that ruined his states economy when he signed the "don't serve the gays" bill. Remember last year, all the companies that pulled out? Yea, that was the guy.

Indiana's economy is sure not ruined asswipe. Seeing how you are from the bankrupt state of Illinois that is pot calling the kettle black...

Give me a list of all the companies that pulled out shit for brains...
So Pence 'pulled an Obama' by sealing his records. Why does that bother Liberals? Are they really THAT hypocritical?! (Forget it - it was rhetorical. OF COURSE they are!)
As a Republican member of Congress, Pence strongly opposed the Affordable Care Act and worked to decrease tax hikes. He worked to strongly limit reproductive rights, advocated for conservatism in traditional marriage, voted no on government bailouts and stimulus packages, and voted no for additional federal funding for education, amongst many other things.

his time in Congress, Pence worked hard to push a far-right agenda and was known to frequently bring his religious agenda into his political positions. Regarding marriage, Pence is quoted as saying:

“The future of conservatism demands that we stand for the traditional definition of marriage. Marriage was ordained by God and instituted in law. It is the glue of the American family and the safest harbor to raise children. Conservatives must defend traditional marriage by passing the Federal Marriage Amendment.”

(Source: Speech at 2008 Conservative Political Action Conference , Feb 8, 2008)

Mike Pence: A very telling congressional record

Hence, Pence is a religious asshole and bigot. He is a Sky Daddy disciple.

So he opposed Obamacare which everyone hates. And don't want tax increases, enough for me!!!!! Go Pence!!!!!!

WASHINGTON ― As presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trumpcontinues his veepstakes tryouts, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) has emerged as a strong contender to get the nod. On Tuesday, the governor introduced the “Apprentice” star at a rally, offering his unwavering support. The next morning, Trump and his kids swung by Pence’s home for a chat ― presumably about sharing a presidential ticket.

Pence wouldn’t give Trump an important battleground state, and he doesn’t exactly electrify any segments of the electorate that Trump might need to expand his appeal. But he does have one big advantage over the other veep candidates being considered. Unlike with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a vast swath of Pence’s public records have been sealed off from reporters.

Papers from Pence’s time in Congress, spanning 2001 to 2012, are currently housed at Indiana University in Bloomington. According to the library’s website, the collection comprises “23 cartons and approximately 70 GB of electronic records.” But under the donor agreement, the public is forbidden from seeing these materials until either Dec. 5, 2022, or the death of the donor ― whichever is later.

And who is that donor? According to Dina Kellams, IU’s director of university archives, it’s Mike Pence.

More: Pence Has Sealed Off Records From His 12 Years In Congress

Gee, I wonder what Pence is hiding. I hear he has lots of baggage he'd like to keep hidden. Trump sure knows how to pick winners...

Why isn't Hillary or the administration having an open book of Mrs Clinton's emails while she was Secretary of State? Hillary claims no classified information was brought to her attention the whole time she handled foreign matters, so what are they hiding?

What's good for one candidate ought to be sufficient for the other if we are to play by the same rules

The State department is not going to release classified documents for public viewing, for obvious reasons--LOL That's why they haven't released the 22 emails.

I would like to see you get into Condi Rice, Colin Powell's and Madeliene Albrights (all former secretary's of state) email accounts and see what you can dig up--LOL
Too late to throw up smoke now. I caught two retards parroting a lie with gusto. Don't be that guy who tries to lay down cover for lying assholes.

As for bills Obama sponsored, I already provided a link. So you're looking like a tard now, too.

I hope it doesn't come as a shock to you that Obama's list of legislative accomplishments is MUCH longer than Trump's.

Your odds of finding any notable legislative achievement by Obama are as likely as finding anything he authored for the Harvard Law Review.
That makes no sense. Obama was a long term state senator, a U. S. Senator, etc., before he was elected to the presidency. Trump has a record of bankruptcies, yeah?

Pence would be a good pick for Trump, and no Pence did not seal off his voting record.

Trump has lived in the real world where he faced both reward and risk. Most highly successful people in the private sector have experienced failure.

Obama, on the other hand, has led a highly coddled existence. His integrity and courage are as hearty as a soft boiled egg. He escapes the consequences of his failures, which are imposed on the innocent people he was supposed to serve. Instead, he has been an extraordinarily self-serving politician (something those of us who recongized his narcissism expected).
Um, Trump was born into luxury and wealth, educated at the best schools from the beginning, and so forth and so on. Obama was born into poverty and lived many years without the coddling of a Trump. Don't be silly.
OMG, Obama was soooo poor, wait his grandparents (who raised him) were rich you dumbfuck.....OMG Jake when will you post with facts and not utter bullshit.

and who the fuck cares if Trump was born rich, he increased his wealth in the private sector, Obama and most democrats do it in the government sector......middle class to multi-millionaires, hmmmmmmmm I wonder how?????

OMG Jake when will you post with facts and not utter bullshit.

dupes such as jake post with utter bullshit

not fact

that is one the factors that

make jake a truly special dupe


WASHINGTON ― As presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trumpcontinues his veepstakes tryouts, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) has emerged as a strong contender to get the nod. On Tuesday, the governor introduced the “Apprentice” star at a rally, offering his unwavering support. The next morning, Trump and his kids swung by Pence’s home for a chat ― presumably about sharing a presidential ticket.

Pence wouldn’t give Trump an important battleground state, and he doesn’t exactly electrify any segments of the electorate that Trump might need to expand his appeal. But he does have one big advantage over the other veep candidates being considered. Unlike with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a vast swath of Pence’s public records have been sealed off from reporters.

Papers from Pence’s time in Congress, spanning 2001 to 2012, are currently housed at Indiana University in Bloomington. According to the library’s website, the collection comprises “23 cartons and approximately 70 GB of electronic records.” But under the donor agreement, the public is forbidden from seeing these materials until either Dec. 5, 2022, or the death of the donor ― whichever is later.

And who is that donor? According to Dina Kellams, IU’s director of university archives, it’s Mike Pence.

More: Pence Has Sealed Off Records From His 12 Years In Congress

Gee, I wonder what Pence is hiding. I hear he has lots of baggage he'd like to keep hidden. Trump sure knows how to pick winners...

Why isn't Hillary or the administration having an open book of Mrs Clinton's emails while she was Secretary of State? Hillary claims no classified information was brought to her attention the whole time she handled foreign matters, so what are they hiding?

What's good for one candidate ought to be sufficient for the other if we are to play by the same rules

The State department is not going to release classified documents for public viewing, for obvious reasons--LOL That's why they haven't released the 22 emails.

I would like to see you get into Condi Rice, Colin Powell's and Madeliene Albrights (all former secretary's of state) email accounts and see what you can dig up--LOL
But none of her emails were classified.
"OMG, Obama was soooo poor, wait his grandparents (who raised him) were rich" When, where, how much? Need a link

"and who the fuck cares if Trump was born rich" whoever posted that Obama was raised in luxury care; the quote clearly is one of tremendous hypocrisy
Politicians. Gotta love 'em.

I think they know that there are things they can get away with, that only political junkies will care about. Ask most people on the street about which politician "sealed" which documents and they'll give you a blank stare and get right back to playing Pokeman Go™.

They probably have a manual on it. "How to Insult the Intelligence of your Constituents for Power & Profit", something like that.

Hey, at least they're bi-partisan about it, give 'em that.
So, he obama'ed them.....huh....

That he did. Shittingbull has no problem with Barry and his sealed college info but does have a problem with Pence.

Of course Pence is a Republican. If he were a Dem Shittingbull wouldn't have posted this thread because he/she/it wouldn't care.

Just shows what biased fucking hack Shittingbull is.
The perfect companion for Trump :0) They can both hide skeletons in the same closet.

This judgement coming from the side that just celebrated getting off on keeping a silo email server storing State confidential files and meeting no Federal information security standards.
Trump and Pence have built a wall around their pasts.

Pence's voting record is available for everyone to see in the Congressional Record.

I wonder what Hillary said in all those speeches to the Wall Street barons? You do remember the $200,000 hour lomg speeches don't you?

No all that nonsense only exists in the con bubble. Out here in the real world people don't know your list of 'who cares' crap. Just as no one outside the bubble knows who Saul Alinsky is. No one. But cons, because they've been conditioned over a number of years to salivate when they hear certain names or certain words, think that what they hold as common knowledge inside their bubble is common knowledge for everyone, can't understand how normals outside the bubble have never heard of the nonsense they talk about.

It is a shame that the 'normals' you refer too prefer to remain stupid and uninformed
We could always do what Republicans would do to a Democrat in this position and create a scandal and start start several fake congressional hearings on him and have his entire Congressional records and emails for the 12 years subpoenaed, and drag the investigations out for 4 years, with phony leaks to the media on how criminal he is, to try to ruin his reputation....and run for President in 2020. :D

I think he destroyed his private server in the basement so we couldn't find out that he endangered national security by sending Top Secret memos to his aides.
So? Obama has sealed his college records, and only ever voted present as Senator.
Two lies in one red herring! Well done!

College records are sealed by the college, retard. EVERY college. You obviously never went to one.

Here is Obama's voting record. Good luck finding even ONE time he voted "Present" you lying fuck.

Now stop guzzling piss and regurgitating it like a fucking retarded parrot.

Bbbuut the New York Times!!!!!

In 1999, Barack Obama was faced with a difficult vote in the Illinois legislature — to support a bill that would let some juveniles be tried as adults, a position that risked drawing fire from African-Americans, or to oppose it, possibly undermining his image as a tough-on-crime moderate.

In the end, Mr. Obama chose neither to vote for nor against the bill. He voted “present,” effectively sidestepping the issue, an option he invoked nearly 130 times as a state senator.

And this is evidence he "only ever voted present as Senator"? Are you actually trying to keep this bullshit lie ALIVE?

Holy shit!!!

Please tell me you aren't this retarded.

Wait. Too late. That horse left the barn the day you first logged onto this forum.

Obama’s Legislative Record

Q: How many times did Obama vote 'present' as a state senator?

A: He did so 129 times, which represents a little more than 3 percent of his total votes.

Jesus, you retards actually are too stupid to know you've been thoroughly trounced! You just get right back in line for a refill of your piss cups even after being shown you've been lied to by your propaganda outlets.

Retards like you DESERVE to be lied to.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You are the only retard on this thread if you don't believe that Obama voted 'present' 129 times when he was a state Senator.
Trump will not win the election. Lincoln has a greater chance of raising from the grave.

However, . . . if Trump were to win the election, Newt would probably be the best bet to try to keep in line with the congressional Republicans. They will impeach Trump is he acts up and the Dems will happily join in.

Jake <3 Hillary
What You Need to Know About Mike Pence, Donald Trump's Potential Running Mate

Last year, he was the face of Indiana's so-called Religious Freedom bill, which critics said allowed for discrimination against LGBTQ communities.

Pence signed the bill into law, but was later forced to revise it to address unintended financial ramifications for the state.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association, which is based in Indianapolis, said they consideredmoving events away from the state in the future.

Other businesses — such as Salesforce.com — threatened to cancel job-creating expansions in the state.

The controversy over the Religious Freedom bill caused Pence's support in the state to plummet.

More: What You Need to Know About Mike Pence, Donald Trump's Potential Running Mate

Mike Pence is a world class asshole and bigot - much like Trump.

How many trips did Pence make to Epsteins Lolita Island to fuck 16 year old girls
Squaw Pussy, how does one go about SEALING ones Congressional records when in fact those records have been in the PUBLIC DOMAIN since he was a Congressman, and you can go back, look at legislation passed and failed and see who voted for what in the Congressional archives!
If the Huffington Post says so its scripture to a Liberal. .

WASHINGTON ― As presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trumpcontinues his veepstakes tryouts, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) has emerged as a strong contender to get the nod. On Tuesday, the governor introduced the “Apprentice” star at a rally, offering his unwavering support. The next morning, Trump and his kids swung by Pence’s home for a chat ― presumably about sharing a presidential ticket.

Pence wouldn’t give Trump an important battleground state, and he doesn’t exactly electrify any segments of the electorate that Trump might need to expand his appeal. But he does have one big advantage over the other veep candidates being considered. Unlike with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a vast swath of Pence’s public records have been sealed off from reporters.

Papers from Pence’s time in Congress, spanning 2001 to 2012, are currently housed at Indiana University in Bloomington. According to the library’s website, the collection comprises “23 cartons and approximately 70 GB of electronic records.” But under the donor agreement, the public is forbidden from seeing these materials until either Dec. 5, 2022, or the death of the donor ― whichever is later.

And who is that donor? According to Dina Kellams, IU’s director of university archives, it’s Mike Pence.

More: Pence Has Sealed Off Records From His 12 Years In Congress

Gee, I wonder what Pence is hiding. I hear he has lots of baggage he'd like to keep hidden. Trump sure knows how to pick winners...

Why isn't Hillary or the administration having an open book of Mrs Clinton's emails while she was Secretary of State? Hillary claims no classified information was brought to her attention the whole time she handled foreign matters, so what are they hiding?

What's good for one candidate ought to be sufficient for the other if we are to play by the same rules

The State department is not going to release classified documents for public viewing, for obvious reasons--LOL That's why they haven't released the 22 emails.

I would like to see you get into Condi Rice, Colin Powell's and Madeliene Albrights (all former secretary's of state) email accounts and see what you can dig up--LOL

Here you go.

"The State Department's internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.

The same claims were made in an early February memo when the State Department's inspector general first announced it was conducting a records review related to the email accounts of five secretaries of state -- Madeline Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry -- and their immediate staff.

After closely examining a number of potentially sensitive emails with help from State Department and Intelligence Community officials, the State Department's inspector general concluded that 12 emails contain "national security information classified at the Secret or Confidential levels." Additionally, it was determined none of the emails contained intelligence information, meaning it was classified for other reasons.

The emails in question, as the inspector general has previously stated, came from Secretary Powell's personal email account and personal email accounts of Secretary Rice's immediate staff."

State Dept. Concludes Past Secretaries Of State "Definitively" Handled Classified Information On Private Email
Only the rubes in the Republican party could believe a billionaire is 'one of them' and has their best interests in mind.

The disconnect from reality is epic.
DEmocrats do it all the time, Tom Steyer, George Soros, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and not to mention countless millionaires like the Obamas, Clintons, you know people that worked hard and stole from the public treasury.
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