Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

Why must they worry about that?
Because they are not liberals.

If you trust each other there is nothing to worry about.
And how do you establish that trust? By proving yourself trustworthy, and Pence is taking strong measures to prove himself trustworthy. It's simply amazing that some find that troublesome and criticize it.

I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.
If you trust each other there is nothing to worry about.
Only with each other, by having witnesses you can prove the left is lying which is what pence had successfully done...witnesses prevent bogus sexual harassment claims/cases that's why liberals only want the accusers to be heard, not witnesses.
Many an executive has a video camera in his office, or leaves the door open so his secretary can observe what's going on, or has his secretary in his office when he meets with a female employee, precisely because of this. Cops carry body cameras to get a video record of their actions and the actions of suspects. Pence merely wanting witnesses around really seems to get the left in an uproar, doesn't it? Makes you wonder what they're really mad about. I think it's because he refuses to play their game by their rules.
If Pence has a reason to be in the same room with a nude female, then maybe he would have an excuse.
Since when does a man need an excuse to make sure there are witnesses around when he's in a potentially compromising position?

It's sad that you think having a meeting with a woman is a potentially compromising position.
How many men have been ruined by things that started with just that?

Not many. How many people have been hit by a car crossing the street? Does that cause you to not cross a street?
"Not many". Oh, brother. You are making my point, BTW, because crossing the street can be dangerous, people take precautionary measures to make sure they don't wind up as another fatality statistic. Pence likewise is taking precautionary measures to ensure he doesn't wind up as another politician brought down by sex scandal. Maybe that's what bother some about him, he refuses to play by their rules, so they feel they have to destroy him somehow.

How has condemning his discriminatory actions destroyed him?
Not many. How many people have been hit by a car crossing the street? Does that cause you to not cross a street?
In order for that analogy to "ALMOST" work you would have to be making the case that taking precautions for crossing the street [LIKE LOOKING FIRST] are unnecessary, and even then you/it run aground because you are admitting that because people are getting hit by cars folks are also being falsely accused.

Fine.......despite taking all precautions people still get in car accidents. Does that stop many?
Why do we bother to tell kids to look both ways before crossing a street? Yes, taking precautions like waiting for the light to change and the traffic to stop saves a lot of lives.
Why must they worry about that?
Because they are not liberals.

If you trust each other there is nothing to worry about.
And how do you establish that trust? By proving yourself trustworthy, and Pence is taking strong measures to prove himself trustworthy. It's simply amazing that some find that troublesome and criticize it.

I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Name one person who's been discriminated against by this.

I have no idea who he has turned down. I can still condemn his discriminatory position.
Many an executive has a video camera in his office, or leaves the door open so his secretary can observe what's going on, or has his secretary in his office when he meets with a female employee, precisely because of this. Cops carry body cameras to get a video record of their actions and the actions of suspects. Pence merely wanting witnesses around really seems to get the left in an uproar, doesn't it? Makes you wonder what they're really mad about. I think it's because he refuses to play their game by their rules.
He's lost in all of this and just looking for an escape hatch
If you trust each other there is nothing to worry about.
Only with each other, by having witnesses you can prove the left is lying which is what pence had successfully done...witnesses prevent bogus sexual harassment claims/cases that's why liberals only want the accusers to be heard, not witnesses.
Many an executive has a video camera in his office, or leaves the door open so his secretary can observe what's going on, or has his secretary in his office when he meets with a female employee, precisely because of this. Cops carry body cameras to get a video record of their actions and the actions of suspects. Pence merely wanting witnesses around really seems to get the left in an uproar, doesn't it? Makes you wonder what they're really mad about. I think it's because he refuses to play their game by their rules.

Well there you go. A solution that is no longer is discriminatory. Cops don't turn their body camera's on only when dealing with the opposite sex. I even noted that I would not consider it discriminatory if he refused to meet with anyone alone. A bit paranoid but not discriminatory.
So much anger, so much hate, tolerance begats tolerance, compassion breeds compassion, the above will net you the above
Tolerance does not beget tolerance when facing vicious bigotry. Blacks tolerant of Jim Crow for a while and what did it get them? It got them lynched. They did not gain ground until the gloves came off. I am intolerant of intolerance
So much anger, so much hate, tolerance begats tolerance, compassion breeds compassion, the above will net you the above
Tolerance does not beget tolerance when facing vicious bigotry. Blacks tolerant of Jim Crow for a while and what did it get them? It got them lynched. They did not gain ground until the gloves came off. I am intolerant of intolerance
Mike Pence IS an honorable and moral man, isn't he?
Do you agree with the above quote? I would be willing to wager folks like pence do...if you would like to be judged and treated in a way that honors the great MLK jr.'s beliefs on this subject, then I would suggest you abandon todays liberalism as it in no way agrees with the claim attributed to King above.
Do I agree with King's quote? Of course not. But he was showing compassion. He was caring. He did not attack and condemn gays and had he lived, there is a good chance that he would have evolved on the issue. Many have. Try it some time. How dare you tell me that I must choose between liberalism and respect for King!!?
So much anger, so much hate, tolerance begats tolerance, compassion breeds compassion, the above will net you the above
Tolerance does not beget tolerance when facing vicious bigotry. Blacks tolerant of Jim Crow for a while and what did it get them? It got them lynched. They did not gain ground until the gloves came off. I am intolerant of intolerance
Mike Pence IS an honorable and moral man, isn't he?
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: :bang3:
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
/—-/ Black folks don’t like perverts, as a general rule, And up until the very end, he was a Republican.
Do I agree with King's quote? Of course not. But he was showing compassion. He was caring. He did not attack and condemn gays and had he lived, there is a good chance that he would have evolved on the issue. Many have. Try it some time.
I not only tried it but used it in my response to your anger filled intolerant rant, your OP showed none of the traits that we both agree King showed but to this point you have no use for.

How dare you tell me that I must choose between liberalism and respect for King!!?
TRANSLATION: "I will have it both ways and then point fingers."...you're posts are verifiable proof that todays liberalism in no way represents MLK, he is just another minority shield for liberals.
So much anger, so much hate, tolerance begats tolerance, compassion breeds compassion, the above will net you the above
Tolerance does not beget tolerance when facing vicious bigotry. Blacks tolerant of Jim Crow for a while and what did it get them? It got them lynched. They did not gain ground until the gloves came off. I am intolerant of intolerance
Mike Pence IS an honorable and moral man, isn't he?
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: :bang3:
I'm SO glad that you agree that Mike Pence is a good man. Thank you!
Tolerance does not beget tolerance when facing vicious bigotry. Blacks tolerant of Jim Crow for a while and what did it get them? It got them lynched. They did not gain ground until the gloves came off. I am intolerant of intolerance
TRANSLATION: Blacks went into the streets and were jailed and died while white liberals rose to unprecedented power for the first time in America...
...and it was the left doing the lynching when the black population DID NOT GO ALONG with any laws, crow included...
...if you can determine what it is you can and cannot tolerate then so can those who disagree with you, to believe that your hatred is or should be acceptable to those you disagree with while demanding others tolerate you when they disagree is the very definition of todays liberalism...i.e. hypocritical elitism
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I not only tried it but used it in my response to your anger filled intolerant rant, your OP showed none of the traits that we both agree King showed but to this point you have no use for.
That's right . I am not a pacifist. MLK was, perhaps better than me in that respect. That does not change my position on the issue. And by the way, you might have noticed that King did not shame that boy, he did not tell him that he was possessed by Satin and that he will burn in hell, unlike the ass hat preachers today that support conservatives
Do I agree with King's quote? Of course not. But he was showing compassion. He was caring. He did not attack and condemn gays and had he lived, there is a good chance that he would have evolved on the issue. Many have. Try it some time.
I not only tried it but used it in my response to your anger filled intolerant rant, your OP showed none of the traits that we both agree King showed but to this point you have no use for.

How dare you tell me that I must choose between liberalism and respect for King!!?
TRANSLATION: "I will have it both ways and then point fingers."...you're posts are verifiable proof that todays liberalism in no way represents MLK, he is just another minority shield for liberals.
I had my say. Deal with it. Your problem is your ridged, unbending, all or nothing conservative mind set that cannot deal with nuances, ambiguity and see the value in a middle ground. It does not speak well for your level of intellect

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