Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

So much anger, so much hate, tolerance begats tolerance, compassion breeds compassion, the above will net you the above

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?
“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
Do you agree with the above quote? I would be willing to wager folks like pence do...if you would like to be judged and treated in a way that honors the great MLK jr.'s beliefs on this subject, then I would suggest you abandon todays liberalism as it in no way agrees with the claim attributed to King above.
It's a perfect example of the "good old boy" club. Of course it's disrespectful. If you are unable to treat women and men in the same way you have no business being in the government.

So Bill Clinton is a perfect example ot treating men and women the same way doofus?

Clinton was/is a sleazeball. He hasn't nothing to do with Pence though.

Pence's decision to avoid even the appearance of impropriety is smart and well informed. The Federal government is a hornet's nest of misogyny and sexual predation and women have paid a dear price for that over the several hundred years of its operation. Pence should be commned for taking the lead in showing Washington DC exactly how business should be conducted.

1.) He's avoiding any set ups.....and please don't tell me they don't happen
2.) He's avoiding even the possibility of making a woman feel as though he is using his office to flirt with her.
3.) He is building on and maintaining an exemplary marriage relationship the kind that so rare these days....today's marriage culture doesn't even feature monogamy anymore.
4.) He is keeping his own desires and weakness at bay by staying away from any situation that might give him nefarious notions....

Pence is a very smart guy IMO

The real problem with you lefties is that you despise anyone who doesn't give you garbage to pick through.


A man can make the same claim.

He could, but Pence's wife knows he's not a homosexual, so she would know instantly it was a false charge. Knowing men like Pence, that would be half the battle for him right there. No one but the hardcore haters would believe for a moment that Pence made a homosexual pass at a man. You don't get to be his age in this day and time without even whispers if you are actually a homosexual.

Shouldn't his wife know he isn't going to hit on some woman also? Many his age have been outed also. Mark Foley was 51.......
And Pence is removing that possibility by insisting that there are always witnesses around when he's with another woman. He and his wife don't have to worry about someone accusing him of improper behavior.

Why would they worry about it to start with? They don't trust each other?

Anyway, let's just say you don't live with a person for decades and only suddenly realize that they are prone to hit on someone of the opposite sex. Do you for one second, for example, believe that Hillary was actually surprised when accusations against Bubba surfaced? Had he taken the Pence approach he would never have become the second president ever to be impeached, as he would never have lied about it under oath.

Hillary has known about Bill for decades.
It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Yeah, male doctors who insist on having a nurse in the room when they examine a female patient are such bigots. And cops, don't even get me started on how discriminatory they are when they have a female cop frisk a female suspect.

If Pence has a reason to be in the same room with a nude female, then maybe he would have an excuse.
Since when does a man need an excuse to make sure there are witnesses around when he's in a potentially compromising position? You do realize, don't you, that by saying that you are expressing that you think there is something that requires an excuse about being careful to avoid problems.

IOW, Pence needs no excuse because he's being smart. Would you say a woman needs an excuse to avoid a third drink at dinner on a first date when she knows that two are her limit? Would you say a child needs an excuse to stay far away from a stranger in a park? Would you say someone needs an excuse to refuse to ride in a car if it doesn't have functioning seat belts?
Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Yeah, male doctors who insist on having a nurse in the room when they examine a female patient are such bigots. And cops, don't even get me started on how discriminatory they are when they have a female cop frisk a female suspect.

If Pence has a reason to be in the same room with a nude female, then maybe he would have an excuse.
Since when does a man need an excuse to make sure there are witnesses around when he's in a potentially compromising position?

It's sad that you think having a meeting with a woman is a potentially compromising position.
Why would they worry about it to start with? They don't trust each other?
It's bogus accusations that must be worried about especially since "they have a right to be heard", and instead pretending it is each other as opposed to liberalism that is not to be trusted is a transparent lie by anyone foolish enough to go there.

Why must they worry about that?
So Bill Clinton is a perfect example ot treating men and women the same way doofus?

Clinton was/is a sleazeball. He hasn't nothing to do with Pence though.

Pence's decision to avoid even the appearance of impropriety is smart and well informed. The Federal government is a hornet's nest of misogyny and sexual predation and women have paid a dear price for that over the several hundred years of its operation. Pence should be commned for taking the lead in showing Washington DC exactly how business should be conducted.

1.) He's avoiding any set ups.....and please don't tell me they don't happen
2.) He's avoiding even the possibility of making a woman feel as though he is using his office to flirt with her.
3.) He is building on and maintaining an exemplary marriage relationship the kind that so rare these days....today's marriage culture doesn't even feature monogamy anymore.
4.) He is keeping his own desires and weakness at bay by staying away from any situation that might give him nefarious notions....

Pence is a very smart guy IMO

The real problem with you lefties is that you despise anyone who doesn't give you garbage to pick through.


A man can make the same claim.

He could, but Pence's wife knows he's not a homosexual, so she would know instantly it was a false charge. Knowing men like Pence, that would be half the battle for him right there. No one but the hardcore haters would believe for a moment that Pence made a homosexual pass at a man. You don't get to be his age in this day and time without even whispers if you are actually a homosexual.

Shouldn't his wife know he isn't going to hit on some woman also? Many his age have been outed also. Mark Foley was 51.......
And Pence is removing that possibility by insisting that there are always witnesses around when he's with another woman. He and his wife don't have to worry about someone accusing him of improper behavior.

Why would they worry about it to start with? They don't trust each other?

It's not a matter of trust between spouses in professional politics to avoid situations in which you can be falsely accused. He is taking steps to ensure that she can always trust him and never have cause to even worry about whether such an accusation is true.

Anyway, let's just say you don't live with a person for decades and only suddenly realize that they are prone to hit on someone of the opposite sex. Do you for one second, for example, believe that Hillary was actually surprised when accusations against Bubba surfaced? Had he taken the Pence approach he would never have become the second president ever to be impeached, as he would never have lied about it under oath.

Hillary has known about Bill for decades.
Bingo. You just proved my point. Pence's wife knows him as well and knows he doesn't hit on women. And she knows that because he takes these steps to make sure she knows it. How many wives can honestly say their husbands never hit on other women, as opposed to those who know and put up with it?
I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Yeah, male doctors who insist on having a nurse in the room when they examine a female patient are such bigots. And cops, don't even get me started on how discriminatory they are when they have a female cop frisk a female suspect.

If Pence has a reason to be in the same room with a nude female, then maybe he would have an excuse.
Since when does a man need an excuse to make sure there are witnesses around when he's in a potentially compromising position?

It's sad that you think having a meeting with a woman is a potentially compromising position.
How many men have been ruined by things that started with just that?
Clinton was/is a sleazeball. He hasn't nothing to do with Pence though.

A man can make the same claim.

He could, but Pence's wife knows he's not a homosexual, so she would know instantly it was a false charge. Knowing men like Pence, that would be half the battle for him right there. No one but the hardcore haters would believe for a moment that Pence made a homosexual pass at a man. You don't get to be his age in this day and time without even whispers if you are actually a homosexual.

Shouldn't his wife know he isn't going to hit on some woman also? Many his age have been outed also. Mark Foley was 51.......
And Pence is removing that possibility by insisting that there are always witnesses around when he's with another woman. He and his wife don't have to worry about someone accusing him of improper behavior.

Why would they worry about it to start with? They don't trust each other?

It's not a matter of trust between spouses in professional politics to avoid situations in which you can be falsely accused. He is taking steps to ensure that she can always trust him and never have cause to even worry about whether such an accusation is true.

It's sad that she doesn't simply trust him.

Anyway, let's just say you don't live with a person for decades and only suddenly realize that they are prone to hit on someone of the opposite sex. Do you for one second, for example, believe that Hillary was actually surprised when accusations against Bubba surfaced? Had he taken the Pence approach he would never have become the second president ever to be impeached, as he would never have lied about it under oath.

Hillary has known about Bill for decades.
Bingo. You just proved my point. Pence's wife knows him as well and knows he doesn't hit on women. And she knows that because he takes these steps to make sure she knows it. How many wives can honestly say their husbands never hit on other women, as opposed to those who know and put up with it?[/QUOTE]

Most of them.
So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Yeah, male doctors who insist on having a nurse in the room when they examine a female patient are such bigots. And cops, don't even get me started on how discriminatory they are when they have a female cop frisk a female suspect.

If Pence has a reason to be in the same room with a nude female, then maybe he would have an excuse.
Since when does a man need an excuse to make sure there are witnesses around when he's in a potentially compromising position?

It's sad that you think having a meeting with a woman is a potentially compromising position.
How many men have been ruined by things that started with just that?

Not many. How many people have been hit by a car crossing the street? Does that cause you to not cross a street?
He could, but Pence's wife knows he's not a homosexual, so she would know instantly it was a false charge. Knowing men like Pence, that would be half the battle for him right there. No one but the hardcore haters would believe for a moment that Pence made a homosexual pass at a man. You don't get to be his age in this day and time without even whispers if you are actually a homosexual.

Shouldn't his wife know he isn't going to hit on some woman also? Many his age have been outed also. Mark Foley was 51.......
And Pence is removing that possibility by insisting that there are always witnesses around when he's with another woman. He and his wife don't have to worry about someone accusing him of improper behavior.

Why would they worry about it to start with? They don't trust each other?

It's not a matter of trust between spouses in professional politics to avoid situations in which you can be falsely accused. He is taking steps to ensure that she can always trust him and never have cause to even worry about whether such an accusation is true.

It's sad that she doesn't simply trust him.

She does trust him BECAUSE he's proven himself trustworthy. He never has to explain away a woman claiming he came on to her, he never has to defend himself from questions about what he did at a party she didn't go to, he never has to explain what he was doing with that woman, and it's because he's taken these steps that she can absolutely trust him.

Anyway, let's just say you don't live with a person for decades and only suddenly realize that they are prone to hit on someone of the opposite sex. Do you for one second, for example, believe that Hillary was actually surprised when accusations against Bubba surfaced? Had he taken the Pence approach he would never have become the second president ever to be impeached, as he would never have lied about it under oath.

Hillary has known about Bill for decades.
Bingo. You just proved my point. Pence's wife knows him as well and knows he doesn't hit on women. And she knows that because he takes these steps to make sure she knows it. How many wives can honestly say their husbands never hit on other women, as opposed to those who know and put up with it?

Most of them.
Knowing the proclivities of men, that's not likely.
Not many. How many people have been hit by a car crossing the street? Does that cause you to not cross a street?
In order for that analogy to "ALMOST" work you would have to be making the case that taking precautions for crossing the street [LIKE LOOKING FIRST] are unnecessary, and even then you/it run aground because you are admitting that because people are getting hit by cars folks are also being falsely accused.
Why must they worry about that?
Because they are not liberals.

If you trust each other there is nothing to worry about.
And how do you establish that trust? By proving yourself trustworthy, and Pence is taking strong measures to prove himself trustworthy. It's simply amazing that some find that troublesome and criticize it.

I criticize it because it's discriminatory.
Not many. How many people have been hit by a car crossing the street? Does that cause you to not cross a street?
In order for that analogy to "ALMOST" work you would have to be making the case that taking precautions for crossing the street [LIKE LOOKING FIRST] are unnecessary, and even then you/it run aground because you are admitting that because people are getting hit by cars folks are also being falsely accused.

Fine.......despite taking all precautions people still get in car accidents. Does that stop many?
Yeah, male doctors who insist on having a nurse in the room when they examine a female patient are such bigots. And cops, don't even get me started on how discriminatory they are when they have a female cop frisk a female suspect.

If Pence has a reason to be in the same room with a nude female, then maybe he would have an excuse.
Since when does a man need an excuse to make sure there are witnesses around when he's in a potentially compromising position?

It's sad that you think having a meeting with a woman is a potentially compromising position.
How many men have been ruined by things that started with just that?

Not many. How many people have been hit by a car crossing the street? Does that cause you to not cross a street?
"Not many". Oh, brother. You are making my point, BTW, because crossing the street can be dangerous, people take precautionary measures to make sure they don't wind up as another fatality statistic. Pence likewise is taking precautionary measures to ensure he doesn't wind up as another politician brought down by sex scandal. Maybe that's what bother some about him, he refuses to play by their rules, so they feel they have to destroy him somehow.

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