Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

You don't discriminate against half the population because you are afraid someone may accuse you of something.

Stand up for yourself.

Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.
You don't discriminate against half the population because you are afraid someone may accuse you of something.

Stand up for yourself.

Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.

They just want the opportunity to send in a "nasty woman" leftist activist" alone with Trump or Pence. They are itching for an opportunity to pull a Christine Blasey Ford on this administration
Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

What's "discriminatory" about being faithful to one's Old Lady?

There are numerous people out there who are trying to take down Pence, destroy his reputation. He can't let some jezebel succeed in destroying his life, like the libs almost did with Kavanaugh.
Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?
Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.

They just want the opportunity to send in a "nasty woman" leftist activist" alone with Trump or Pence. They are itching for an opportunity to pull a Christine Blasey Ford on this administration

Damn Straight.....no pun intended!

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

What's "discriminatory" about being faithful to one's Old Lady?

There are numerous people out there who are trying to take down Pence, destroy his reputation. He can't let some jezebel succeed in destroying his life, like the libs almost did with Kavanaugh.

They are getting ahead of themselves....in the event that the impossible scenario of removal takes place....They want to jump over Pence and go to Pelosi....LOLOLOLOL....so the faithful hordes are doing their duty early by trying to infer that Pence is not fit to take Trump's place.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

What's "discriminatory" about being faithful to one's Old Lady?

There are numerous people out there who are trying to take down Pence, destroy his reputation. He can't let some jezebel succeed in destroying his life, like the libs almost did with Kavanaugh.

They are getting ahead of themselves....in the event that the impossible scenario of removal takes place....They want to jump over Pence and go to Pelosi....LOLOLOLOL....so the faithful hordes are doing their duty early by trying to infer that Pence is not fit to take Trump's place.

President Pelosi? Now there's a NASTY woman!
It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

What's "discriminatory" about being faithful to one's Old Lady?

There are numerous people out there who are trying to take down Pence, destroy his reputation. He can't let some jezebel succeed in destroying his life, like the libs almost did with Kavanaugh.

They are getting ahead of themselves....in the event that the impossible scenario of removal takes place....They want to jump over Pence and go to Pelosi....LOLOLOLOL....so the faithful hordes are doing their duty early by trying to infer that Pence is not fit to take Trump's place.

President Pelosi? Now there's a NASTY woman!

Thanks fo making me puke this morning.
They are constantly complaining about Trump's personal life and the fact that he is a philanderer. Now they are complaining about Pence and his personal life and the fact that he is absolutely 100% faithful to his marriage mate to the point where he even refuses to meet alone with a member of the opposite sex to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Both cases are showing a glaring disrespect for women.

That is the dumbest of all claims yet.

"I won't meet alone with a woman who is not family, out of respect for my wife"

Left-tardian stupidity "That's disrespect!".

Typical left-wing idiocy. But is this not just what we in Christianity have always said? Left-wingers are like the pharisees of of Jesus day....

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' -Matt 11:18-19​

The Democrats of the Jesus day said that John who didn't eat or drink, had a demon. Then they turned right around and complained that Jesus who both ate and drink, was a glutton and drunk.

The Pharisees like the Democrats, will complain and whine, no matter what others do. Trump messes around, and they say he disrespects women. Pence avoids all appearance of messing around, and they say he disrespects women.

Yet I see little to suggest the people on the left respect women at all.

It's a perfect example of the "good old boy" club. Of course it's disrespectful. If you are unable to treat women and men in the same way you have no business being in the government.

So Bill Clinton is a perfect example ot treating men and women the same way doofus?

Clinton was/is a sleazeball. He hasn't nothing to do with Pence though.

Pence's decision to avoid even the appearance of impropriety is smart and well informed. The Federal government is a hornet's nest of misogyny and sexual predation and women have paid a dear price for that over the several hundred years of its operation. Pence should be commned for taking the lead in showing Washington DC exactly how business should be conducted.

1.) He's avoiding any set ups.....and please don't tell me they don't happen
2.) He's avoiding even the possibility of making a woman feel as though he is using his office to flirt with her.
3.) He is building on and maintaining an exemplary marriage relationship the kind that so rare these days....today's marriage culture doesn't even feature monogamy anymore.
4.) He is keeping his own desires and weakness at bay by staying away from any situation that might give him nefarious notions....

Pence is a very smart guy IMO

The real problem with you lefties is that you despise anyone who doesn't give you garbage to pick through.


A man can make the same claim.

He could, but Pence's wife knows he's not a homosexual, so she would know instantly it was a false charge. Knowing men like Pence, that would be half the battle for him right there. No one but the hardcore haters would believe for a moment that Pence made a homosexual pass at a man. You don't get to be his age in this day and time without even whispers if you are actually a homosexual.
It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

What's "discriminatory" about being faithful to one's Old Lady?

There are numerous people out there who are trying to take down Pence, destroy his reputation. He can't let some jezebel succeed in destroying his life, like the libs almost did with Kavanaugh.

They are getting ahead of themselves....in the event that the impossible scenario of removal takes place....They want to jump over Pence and go to Pelosi....LOLOLOLOL....so the faithful hordes are doing their duty early by trying to infer that Pence is not fit to take Trump's place.

President Pelosi? Now there's a NASTY woman!

Yeah...this is why your seeing all the Antipathy all of a sudden against Pence....they're trying to raise the issue that he cannot take Trump's place and they're starting on social media and places like this. Most of these guys are operatives.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Yeah, male doctors who insist on having a nurse in the room when they examine a female patient are such bigots. And cops, don't even get me started on how discriminatory they are when they have a female cop frisk a female suspect.
There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

What's "discriminatory" about being faithful to one's Old Lady?

You can attempt to divert the facts based upon a fallacious argument but it's incredible weak.

There are numerous people out there who are trying to take down Pence, destroy his reputation. He can't let some jezebel succeed in destroying his life, like the libs almost did with Kavanaugh.

A man can make the same accusations. It's not unknown.
There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.

And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Not as long as you do that with every single person. That is not his argument.
Both cases are showing a glaring disrespect for women.

That is the dumbest of all claims yet.

"I won't meet alone with a woman who is not family, out of respect for my wife"

Left-tardian stupidity "That's disrespect!".

Typical left-wing idiocy. But is this not just what we in Christianity have always said? Left-wingers are like the pharisees of of Jesus day....

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' -Matt 11:18-19​

The Democrats of the Jesus day said that John who didn't eat or drink, had a demon. Then they turned right around and complained that Jesus who both ate and drink, was a glutton and drunk.

The Pharisees like the Democrats, will complain and whine, no matter what others do. Trump messes around, and they say he disrespects women. Pence avoids all appearance of messing around, and they say he disrespects women.

Yet I see little to suggest the people on the left respect women at all.

It's a perfect example of the "good old boy" club. Of course it's disrespectful. If you are unable to treat women and men in the same way you have no business being in the government.

So Bill Clinton is a perfect example ot treating men and women the same way doofus?

Clinton was/is a sleazeball. He hasn't nothing to do with Pence though.

Pence's decision to avoid even the appearance of impropriety is smart and well informed. The Federal government is a hornet's nest of misogyny and sexual predation and women have paid a dear price for that over the several hundred years of its operation. Pence should be commned for taking the lead in showing Washington DC exactly how business should be conducted.

1.) He's avoiding any set ups.....and please don't tell me they don't happen
2.) He's avoiding even the possibility of making a woman feel as though he is using his office to flirt with her.
3.) He is building on and maintaining an exemplary marriage relationship the kind that so rare these days....today's marriage culture doesn't even feature monogamy anymore.
4.) He is keeping his own desires and weakness at bay by staying away from any situation that might give him nefarious notions....

Pence is a very smart guy IMO

The real problem with you lefties is that you despise anyone who doesn't give you garbage to pick through.


A man can make the same claim.

He could, but Pence's wife knows he's not a homosexual, so she would know instantly it was a false charge. Knowing men like Pence, that would be half the battle for him right there. No one but the hardcore haters would believe for a moment that Pence made a homosexual pass at a man. You don't get to be his age in this day and time without even whispers if you are actually a homosexual.

Shouldn't his wife know he isn't going to hit on some woman also? Many his age have been outed also. Mark Foley was 51.......
Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

What's "discriminatory" about being faithful to one's Old Lady?

There are numerous people out there who are trying to take down Pence, destroy his reputation. He can't let some jezebel succeed in destroying his life, like the libs almost did with Kavanaugh.

They are getting ahead of themselves....in the event that the impossible scenario of removal takes place....They want to jump over Pence and go to Pelosi....LOLOLOLOL....so the faithful hordes are doing their duty early by trying to infer that Pence is not fit to take Trump's place.

President Pelosi? Now there's a NASTY woman!

Yeah...this is why your seeing all the Antipathy all of a sudden against Pence....they're trying to raise the issue that he cannot take Trump's place and they're starting on social media and places like this. Most of these guys are operatives.


I prefer Trump over Pence.
And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Yeah, male doctors who insist on having a nurse in the room when they examine a female patient are such bigots. And cops, don't even get me started on how discriminatory they are when they have a female cop frisk a female suspect.

If Pence has a reason to be in the same room with a nude female, then maybe he would have an excuse.
And that is NOT discrimination. Making your statement false. Requesting a third party be present at a SCHEDULED meeting is not discrimination.

It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Not as long as you do that with every single person. That is not his argument.

Pence's response is completely reasonable.

Taking him to task, for simply dealing with a potential threat is not rational.
It most certainly is. Meetings at some times only requires two people. He doesn't do this if he is going to meet with a man. In reality a man could make the same claims as a woman. It happens.

Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Not as long as you do that with every single person. That is not his argument.

Pence's response is completely reasonable.

Taking him to task, for simply dealing with a potential threat is not rational.

A man could make the same charge.
Bullshit.....show me one example of where it has happened to Pence...
Haven't you guys learned anything at all from the me too movment? It took down five times as many lefties as it has Conservatives.....I mean whaddya suckers for more or something? Pence has a damn good idea here...
learn from it.


I don't care who it takes down. I never said where anything happened to Pence. I said his actions are discriminatory.

So having more than two people in a room is discriminatory?

Not as long as you do that with every single person. That is not his argument.

Pence's response is completely reasonable.

Taking him to task, for simply dealing with a potential threat is not rational.

A man could make the same charge.

Nah....not gonna happen......much more likely with a me too type woman operative....


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